The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 510 News of being alive!

Chapter 510 News of being alive!
"I don't care what you do, you take them to die, or whatever!"

"However, I only have one request, and that is to wait for Silver Dragon King Gu Yue and the others to act. If you expose something, then don't blame me."

"At the same time, it is okay to cooperate with others. If the technology is leaked, where do you think you can go in the entire Sun-Moon Federation?" The current communication equipment of the entire Sun-Moon Federation, Tiehu, they can basically go. After that, Tiehu also has a way to get it back, and even steal other information about human beings.

It is simply an invincible hacker!Humans, on their part, have no idea they have this information.

"Don't worry, cooperating with the Shadow Ghost Shark King will only give him the technology currently possessed by humans, and the evil soul master will only give the finished product..." Grimace's ape breath is a bit weak, although he is a 10-year-old soul beast, but he The little cat has everything, and will not be afraid of anything about himself.

That's why he came to ask Mao Xiaoyao what he was thinking.

After all, he only chose to do that after the little cat had an accident. Now that the little cat is back, he has to come and see what the little cat means.

Do you have any opinions or thoughts about your own behavior?

However, after hearing what Mao Xiaoyao said, he was relieved a lot, and finally he could justify his name. .

Donghai is the pain he can't forget!After Huo Yuhao left this world, from that time on, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda began to develop, and then changed its taste.

It was also at that time that the Spirit Pagoda secretly hunted and killed soul beasts to obtain souls for experiments. When everyone else failed, Donghai succeeded.

However, I dare not disclose the success, nor dare to tell the main tower, because fusion will kill people...

And he was already in the East China Sea at that time, and he was saved only because the experiment of fusing the soul of the soul beast stopped. However, for thousands of years, he has been abused by those East China Sea Spirit Pagodas, and used to do various things. experiment.

So, he hates.

"That's all right! After the Silver Dragon King Gu Yue and the others start to act, you can deal with the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, and I can even tell where Tost is." Mao Xiaoyao said that Tost must be dealt with by someone. He felt something was wrong.

At the same time, the equipment in Donghai must belong to them, and no one is allowed to touch it.

Grimace Ape wanted to say something, but Mao Xiaoyao hung up the phone directly...

"What the hell, you actually have the face to talk to me, this damn guy, one day, I will beat him to death." It is estimated that Grimacing Ape's attitude will definitely not be that weak.

After all, they are also cooperating with the Shadow Ghost Shark King, why should they be afraid?

There is no need to be afraid of anything!
It's completely possible to talk to the cat demon, but Grimacing Ape still has a bit of conscience. He still remembers who saved him back then and who gave him a chance to be reborn.

Tie Hu also said: "My lord, don't we need to do something? Or, I will take pictures of the mechanical spirits to monitor them?" Tie Hu thinks that something must be done, what does this grimacing ape think? How arrogant.

Not to mention taking the clansman out, he actually colluded with the evil soul masters and those guys.

Think really angry!
"No, you can just send someone to destroy the connection between the evil soul master and Grimace Ape. My things are not for those evil soul masters." Since the last time the mother and daughter did not expose themselves, the cat demon has been In my opinion, let killing become more purposeful, rather than killing blindly.

For that night!Their family really did nothing wrong, yet they were killed by the evil soul master.

This is something that Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want to see.

Tie Hu nodded, then frowned, and said: "My lord, it's Gu Yue, the Silver Dragon King, and it's her communication..." Another communication came, and this was a very big, very big man.

The little cat nods to accept it!Anyway, everyone knows it.

"Xiaoyao, where are you? Why haven't you heard anything for so long..." Gu Yue's worried voice came from over there. She hadn't contacted Mao Xiaoyao for a long time, but she couldn't get through.

"Gu Yue... your voice has changed, but it's great to hear your voice, but, what should I call you now?" Gu Yuena?Mao Xiaoyao knew that Gu Yue and Na'er must have been fused, and after merging, they would become a real Silver Dragon King.

But this is something that Mao Xiaoyao has always opposed, but it is of no use.
"I'm fine, everything is fine, how about you?" Mao Xiaoyao asked, Gu Yue and Tang Wulin couldn't be prevented from falling in love, so what else can he prevent?
What does the future look like?
Alas, Mao Xiaoyao didn't understand the ending, because he was dragged into this world by the damn Tiger King before he finished reading it.

"I like it when you call me Gu Yue." Gu Yuena said with a smile.

"Well, Gu Yue." The cat demon smiled.

At the same time, Gu Yue said: "Little demon, I'm really sorry about the matter of Xingdou Village. Sometimes I can't stop some things. Soul beasts' hatred of humans has reached the limit. They will not give up easily, and neither will I." Will..." The matter of the Spirit Pagoda went very smoothly, and no one was her opponent.

The technique Mao Xiaoyao gave her before was simply a crushing way to win the spirit transfer competition.

Fight!She is the Silver Dragon King, what is she afraid of?Any weak human being can't beat it at all, so why should she be afraid of anything?

It's just that sometimes she's lonely.

Now pretending to have amnesia, some things cannot be shared, and finally, she found the little cat...

This man she can trust.

The man who has been helping her.

He is back.

"I'm not strong enough, so I have nothing to say, but one day, I will defeat that Ditian and Mr. Xiong, and at the same time, I will also defeat Tang Wulin and make him stay away from you." Mao Xiaoyao was angry because of the black cat Being wronged, Mr. Xiong will definitely pay the price, the price comes from blood.

Gu Yuena also felt very sorry for Mao Xiaoyao, but when she heard what happened next, she wanted to laugh but couldn't, "You are still you, nothing has changed."

"And I'm not me anymore."

"Xiao Yao, are we still friends? If that day comes, will you be by my side?" Gu Yuena asked, she was very lonely, she needed someone, someone who could share her loneliness.

Mao Xiaoyao nodded and said with a smile: "So what if the whole world is an enemy, I believe that you can create a future for soul beasts."

"I'll be that witness!"

Mao Xiaoyao will fight for the black cat, for Mu Xi, and for everyone.

What about Gu Yue?
What is she for?
Is it really just revenge on humans?
Mao Xiaoyao is also very confused sometimes, a bunch of why keeps echoing in his mind.

Sometimes, it will make him lose some judgment!
Very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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