The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 511 I am most afraid of Tang Wulin's sudden concern!

Chapter 511 I am most afraid of Tang Wulin's sudden concern!


Chatted with Gu Yue for a long time.

Knowing her recent situation, she didn't seem so optimistic, because after pretending to lose her memory, she faced Tang Wulin who didn't know anything.

Sometimes, she actually didn't know how to face Tang Wulin, and she didn't dare to tell her what she was going to do.

Don't dare to say, or can't say?
She doesn't know this either.

Very messy.

After the fusion, she has been in torment.

Even the little cat is the same, for Mu Xi, he doesn't know what to say.

However, just as Gu Yue hung up the communication, an annoying guy also sent a communication. The cat demon was very depressed. Damn, why did his communication let so many people know?

"..." Mao Xiaoyao was very speechless =_=, when he didn't know what to do, suddenly, he saw a guy sneaking in, "You leaked my communication?" Casting a glance, Mao Xiaoyao sighed. .

Gu Yue knew about the communication, probably from the black cat, but Tang Wulin knew?Then it must be this sneaky guy with a guilty conscience.

Otherwise, Tang Wulin would have no idea.

"Hee hee." Mu Xi smiled, but said nothing, the little cat is 100% sure that she is her.

Brother Huanxi, please contact me more.

Mao Xiaoyao shook his head, took a long breath, got connected, and cursed: "Tang Wulin, talk quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have something to say, I'm very busy right now, so much money for a game, do you understand?"

Regarding the setting of Star Dou Battle Network, some fools want to challenge Mao Xiaoyao to become famous in one fell swoop, but Mao Xiaoyao asks people to give money to challenge.

Paid challenge.

Otherwise, no matter how much you scold me, you won't hit me.

Mao Xiaoyao had never had a good feeling for Tang Wulin, wanted to beat him, wanted to scold him, and even wanted to kill him at first.

Sometimes, I also think of him.

Now, the cat demon is angry.

After getting to know some things with Gu Yue just now, Mao Xiaoyao wanted to go up and beat Tang Wulin violently.

Gu Yue has merged...

"I really like hearing you scold me."

"..." Tang Wulin was very excited when he heard the scolding of this attribute, "Xiao Yao, how are you doing, are you okay? Why, no contact for so long?" Tang Wulin was very happy, very happy, He has been asking Senior Sister Mu Xi about Mao Xiaoyao's newsletter, but she has not given it to him, and he did not expect to give it suddenly today. At the same time, she is also very safe.

"Get out!!!" The little cat had goosebumps all over his body, what the hell do you mean?

Or all SM?

"What do you want me to do, and I don't want you. Besides, I gave Xiaoxi a good thing, but you lost it. What do you mean?" Very angry, Tang Wulin had always wanted to find him, and because of this, 9527 was almost scrapped.

What to find him for?Fight or drink?

The relationship between him and Tang Wulin has always been the same. They are noisy and fight, and they have always been competitors.

Sometimes, and...

"At that time, I thought that the scary guy who devoured the evil soul master was you... Xiao Yao, tell me honestly, does the matter of devouring the evil soul master and the power plant have anything to do with you?" Tang Wulin held back his mind for a very long time, so long that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night thinking about this question. Does it matter?

He doesn't know this!

However, he didn't want Mao Xiaoyao to have anything to do with this matter!He knows about the cat demon, the possibility is at least half of it.

Devour?Those evil soul masters died terribly.

"..." The cat demon was silent.

Damn Tang Wulin.

Is he a dog?

Seeing that Mao Xiaoyao was silent and terribly gloomy, Mu Xi cursed at the side: "Tang Wulin! I gave you the contact information, not for you to ask around, next time, don't expect me to give it to you. "

Mu Xi was so angry that if Tang Wulin hadn't been begging, and now that the little cat had recovered, she would definitely not have given Tang Wulin any communication.

"Senior Sister, I'm helping you. After all, this matter needs an explanation. Now, I will give Xiao Yao to recite all the bad things that the Federation asks. Xiao Yao has never given an explanation. I am doing it for his own good."

Tang Wulin also sighed softly. Mao Xiaoyao never defended himself, as if he was acquiescing, but Tang Wulin didn't believe it. He didn't believe that Mao Xiaoyao would do those things.

Because, he knows Mao Xiaoyao.

Something, definitely not him.

However, a few things...

"..." Mu Xi hesitated to speak, and couldn't help but look at Mao Xiaoyao with complicated emotions. Shouldn't she tell Tang Wulin this Shabi's communication number?
Smiling, Mao Xiaoyao shook his head to indicate that Mu Xi was fine, and just told Tang Wulin. Could it be that Tang Wulin could come along the network cable and beat him?

But Mu Xi still regretted telling Tang Wulin about Mao Xiaoyao's newsletter, this guy, who asked everything, was very angry...

At this moment, Tang Wulin was also waiting for an answer, an answer he knew from Mao Xiaoyao, and he wanted a real answer.

"It's me! I'm the one who devoured the evil soul master, and I'm the one who devoured the power plant. However, those messy things are not me, and the Shrek Academy is not me, but I am very happy to see it being bombed. Unfortunately, I did not participate in it." in."

The cat demon said directly.

It's not easy to hide this, he hates Shrek Academy for hiding his enemy, and also hates that guy Yun Ming for covering his enemy.

In the safest place on the mainland, there is such a villain hidden, and he doesn't even know it?
Ha ha,

He really deserved to be bombed!

If it wasn't for saving Mu Xi at that time, he would have chosen to mock Yun Ming and send him a few soul missiles to make Yun Ming die faster.

"..." Mu Xi was stunned, she didn't expect that Mao Xiaoyao would say those things.

However, she doesn't understand the grievances between Shrek and Mao Xiaoyao now.

However, she believed that Shrek Academy would not do that.

Among them, there must be something.

"..." On the other side of the communication, Tang Wulin was silent. The silence was terrifying. Is he really a cat demon?He couldn't calm down in his heart, but he was also very happy, but he was also puzzled: "Why?"

Why do that?Devouring evil soul masters, that is soul, martial soul, blood essence, some devouring, so terrible, why do you do that?

Although it is not a pity for those people to die!
But why do that?

too evil!
It's against the law.

And, the matter of swallowing the power plant, at that time the entire federal power plant was attacked, and without anyone noticing, they were attacked one by one.

Why would the little cat choose to do that?
Mao Xiaoyao chuckled, "In order to defeat you, why did you keep the world silent? In order to protect my family, I must become stronger."

"Tang Wulin, don't look at me with pitiful eyes. I don't need your salvation and mercy. I know exactly what I'm doing."

"You have opportunities that belong to you, and I also have opportunities that I must plunder."

"Star Dou Battle Network, I hope to stand in the final with you, let me see how good you are now." After saying that, Mao Xiaoyao hung up the communication directly, without giving Tang Wulin any chance to continue talking nonsense , At the same time, block the blacklist and ban this guy from calling. Every time this guy appears, he makes him so annoying.

However, now, there is a guy who leaked her communication and must be punished. He is too rampant to take him seriously.

"Goodbye..." Mu Xi was suddenly frightened, ran away, ran away, the little cat was angry, she didn't want to be spanked, not at all.

One runs, one chases!

However, Mu Xi was naturally spanked!
At this moment, at this moment, on the side of the Blood God Legion.

Tang Wulin kept feeding the communicator, but he didn't finish asking...

Why did the little cat hang up the phone?
The matter of the Snow Wolf Legion...

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine." Holding the communicator, Tang Wulin sighed and smiled. No matter what the cat demon did, it was so strange that people couldn't figure it out.

At the same time, he was also smiling, Star Dou, he didn't have much confidence before, but now that Mao Xiaoyao asked him to meet in the finals, he definitely wants to meet in the finals!

See you in the finals!
(End of this chapter)

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