The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 512 New equipment!

Chapter 512 New equipment!

Since they won the first victory, the soldiers of the Snow Wolf Legion are very happy now.

However, the second prince was also very happy, and all kinds of equipment came by airborne. After all, he was very proud of being able to win that blood god army.

Bragging all over the place.

I am awesome.

I am great!
The second prince couldn't help but admire Snake Seven!Trusting Snake Seven, after all, just knowing from Snake Seven's mouth, it must be unrealistic.

But in the army, he also has his own sources.

It's just that the second prince doesn't know that those sources of information are actually within Mao Xiaoyao's surveillance range. He doesn't know that his own information was given to him on purpose by Mao Xiaoyao, and the legion is now starting to move step by step. Get regular.

It completely belongs to the management of cat demons!
It also belongs to him bit by bit.

Brainwashing bit by bit.

As for the second prince's subordinates, the little cat is watching them all.

At this time, the Endless Mountains and Snow Mountains.

Checking the new equipment, Mao Xiaoyao is inspecting, the equipment is the latest technology of human beings, the second prince is very willing to spend the cost.

However, Mao Xiaoyao's reward is to help the second prince win the battle, get a few more abyss passages, make the second prince more face and confidence, and let him gain a firm foothold in the federation.

In that way, follow-up resources will be more.

However, Xu Haoqing also became Mao Xiaoyao's capable subordinate. As a soul guide expert, Mao Xiaoyao asked him and some blacksmiths to be responsible for improving the soul guide, and helping other soldiers to forge battle armors, etc.

The second prince is rich, so he doesn't worry about military expenses at all.

"General Nicholas, there are basically no problems with the latest batch of equipment." Xu Haoqing was holding a report, and Zhong Liying next to him was also holding a small notebook, carefully registering.

In order to create opportunities for his brother, Mao Xiaoyao let them work together, after all, working together is not tiring.

However, I don't know what's going on.

Zhong Liying is one of the second prince's insiders in the army...

so awkward,
As for why?Mao Xiaoyao has asked Snake to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon.

He always believes that lovers will eventually get married!Zhong Liying should have something in the hands of the second prince, because among the few insiders, only Zhong Liying did not give enough information.

So that means, in fact, she doesn't want to do that!
However, the second prince is very smart, there is more than one insider, and the insiders don't know each other. If any one provides different information, then there must be a problem.

Therefore, those people would not participate in secret missions, but whenever there is something or news that can make the second prince happy, Mao Xiaoyao will send those insiders to participate.

"Well, very good." Nicholas Mao Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the equipment, and said at the same time: "The star cabin is ready, and each team has five, how to use it, you go and tell them! Let them Go and see, what is Star Dou Battle Network."

The star cabin was perfectly manufactured by those human geniuses in the underground base, and then Snake Seven sold it to the second prince, and the second prince was sending the star cabin to the Snow Wolf Army. No matter how you look at it, the little cat is not losing money.

Anyway, whatever it is!

In the end, everything will be returned to Mao Xiaoyao. I wonder if the second prince will die of anger when he finds out?

Xu Haoqing nodded, then said, "Yes!"

Zhong Liying also nodded, very indifferent, but she never looked at Xu Haoqing, so she went down immediately and arranged for someone to get the star cabin.

Her attitude was indifferent throughout the whole process, making it difficult for people to get close. She seemed like a piece of ice that would never melt. When will the melting temperature melt her?
Xu Haoqing hesitated to speak but stopped, not daring to keep him...

But was kicked by Nicholas the cat demon, and scolded: "You are a pig? If you like it, you can do it. If you don't take any action, get to know her and care about her, then I will change to Wu Liheng next time, and I will see him." It's also a bit interesting to Zhong Liying." The kick didn't have much strength, and nothing would happen, but Xu Haoqing still fell and stared blankly at Nicholas the cat...

What do you mean?
The general asked him to pick up girls?
Is this helping him?

This is the army of my second brother, can I believe it?Xu Haoqing was puzzled. It turned out that General Nicholas arranged for him and Zhong Liying to work together, but...

"Trash! Looks like it's really a replacement." Mao Xiaoyao looked like he hated iron but not steel. He was helping Xu Haoqing, just like Xu Haoqing helped him in the past. Now he is repaying his favor. Xu Xiaoxue took care of her.

After all, they were his friends...

It's impossible for him to ignore everything!


Hehe, those people are now being hunted down by evil soul masters.

Because, Mao Xiaoyao released fake news, just like the second prince who slandered himself with nonsense, he slandered those people how to kill evil soul masters.

How how to be a big hero!

Then, they were hunted down by the evil soul master.

Facing the credit from heaven, those people naturally don't accept it...

Now, it is estimated that he will die soon.

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue don't have to worry about being forced to marry.

He will always remember the kindness of that year!He never forgot.

Xu Haoqing patted his body and saluted: "Thank you, General..." As he spoke, he took a complicated look at Mao Xiaoyao and left.

That's right, something is obviously wrong with Zhong Liying, something must have happened.

Mao Xiaoyao shook his head, he couldn't pick up girls.

Then he went back with Xiaolan and Xiaolu. Recently, he had a winning streak. Now, he is very arrogant, saying: Invincible in the same realm!

And he, his own strength has indeed surpassed the same realm, and he can enter the Seven Rings Soul Sage at any time, but the little cat is accumulating soul power, so he is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, and will go up when he can't beat him.

Except for Tang Wulin, in this world, Gu Yue and the scary black cat were the only ones in the same realm. He didn't worry about the others at all.

Gu Yue is the Silver Dragon King!

The black cat has a million-year soul!
Both girls are pretty scary!
However, today there is a mecha master who wants to challenge him, the price has already been paid, and Mao Xiaoyao, an account that cannot be frozen, has a lot more money.

(Iron Tiger = Internet Invincible)

Promise to fight!

In an instant, Mao Xiaoyao's channel was full, and everyone wanted to see, mech warfare, what terrifying power Mao Xiaoyao had.

And, they really want to see a battle about the cat demon being abused...

Back at cave base, special ops team they've been fighting, every guy wants to make the conference finals, and then, the finals.

Enter the star cabin, mecha mode.

When he opened his eyes, Mao Xiaoyao had already entered, which was a piece of urban ruins, simulating an urban battlefield, and his opponent, Ling Wuyue, who was driving an ordinary standard mecha, came.

This is their battle, no, the schedule arrangement can only be regarded as a rivalry, but in the mecha battle, they all maintain a record of victory.

"Mao Xiaoyao, today, I'm here to end you, hehe, I heard that you are an evil soul master?" Ling Wuyue said a little regretfully, as a mecha master, she longed for a powerful mecha battle.

At this moment, at this moment, everyone is paying attention, and even the official specially rebroadcasted it so that more people can see it.

This is the case every time the little cat fights, and it is very eye-catching. After all, he is the No. 1 most wanted man in the federation!
The leader of the Holy Spirit Church is not scary.

 I'm so busy, if there are many typos, what's the problem, it's just that I don't have time to modify it.

  Boom, Happy New Year's Eve, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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