The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 514 Demonizing the Cat Demon

Chapter 514 Demonizing the Cat Demon ([-])

The battle on the Star Battle Network continued to heat up.

Xuelang, this ID, has been doing brilliantly in the finals of all major competitions in the recent frantic rankings. Everyone is puzzled. Why are there so many scary guys?

There are them in the finals of all major competitions!

However, the Blood God Legion also noticed, but they were very helpless, there were only a few star cabins, and they tried to use them together as much as possible.

However, they seem to have more star cabins than them?
Why is a prince's private army so well equipped?However, as the federal army, they are not so well equipped?
The Blood God Legion is not in a good mood. Now, the only hope is that the Blood God Battalion can achieve some results, but there is such a cat demon!

Mao Xiaoyao has been the first to be confirmed to enter the final finals, and the finals of each major competition area will come. He is the champion of the regional finals, and he beat a soul saint violently. That battle was simply a nightmare...

Completely crushed!The cat demon is fully suppressed and gone!However, he never used any aura about evil soul masters.

The only evil is his Wuhun, a huge cat with black wings, that is indeed very evil, but the Wuhun is evil and kills others with a stick?

Public opinion begins!
Shrek Academy scandals began to come out, for example, why the little cat betrayed Shrek Academy, the enemy, the bombing of Sea God Island, etc...

The things that some little cats do for revenge are also known by people.

Even, what happened in Xihai earlier was done by the little cat.

What happened in the East China Sea later is also a cat demon!
Can cat demons teleport?
People began to suspect that the crimes on the most wanted list were caused by the alliance between Shrek Academy and the Federation, but now?

Shrek Academy is gone!After several battles, Mao Xiaoyao kept saying that he was very happy.

But what about the Federation?

However, on this day, someone challenged the little cat.

Jiang Wuyue is also a member of the Blood God Legion!
Competition, temporarily unable to meet, they choose to learn from each other.

It was normal to have a discussion, there was no problem, it was very normal.

However, because the little cat is so famous, it will become a focus battle every time!
Did the cat demon fail today?
Every time we discuss it, everyone will discuss it like that!
It's a pity that those people will basically lose after paying some price.

"My lord, if you keep the record of victory, you should meet those Contras in the future. They are also two-word combat armor masters, will they..."

The little cat is about to enter the Star Dou Cabin. Rabbit, Mu Xi, and Yudie are all watching. Every time the little cat fights, the little cat wins.

However, in the real finals, those opponents are all masters in each area, even Contra!
Lie down, looking at everyone, Mao Xiaoyao replied: "The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road. Fear will make people very weak. No matter how powerful a person is, he is also afraid of a person who will die. Besides, failure can be repeated, so, We have nothing to lose, but it will allow us to see things more clearly."

"Come on!" Mao Xiaoyao said, closing the cabin door, he entered the Star Dou cabin, closed his eyes and entered the Star Dou Battle Network, the data was loading bit by bit, the data that could not be deciphered, in fact, the Star Dou Battle Network was also very helpless, they Unable to analyze data about Mao Xiaoyao.

Can't even locate!The cat demon is like a BUG, ​​but things have come to this point, they can't stop anything, they can't even do anything to the cat demon.

Everyone is also looking at the screen, fighting, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road?

Star Dou battle net, dense forest battlefield, there are even soul beasts around, this is an imitation of Star Dou Great Forest Battlefield.

At this moment, at this moment, Tang Wulin had already begun to worry about Jiang Wuyue. As a friend he knew, he couldn't help worrying about Jiang Wuyue's shadow.

On a normal map, Jiang Wuyue will be fine if he loses peacefully, but Jiang Wuyue is about to face a raging cat demon.

Because Mao Xiaoyao has never been an evil soul master, he is a soul beast.

"The map you chose?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Jiang Wuyue and asked coldly, Star Dou Da Sen Luo Battlefield?Hehe, what do you mean?Has the battlefield spread to Star Dou Forest?
Soul beast so lifelike?

But after all, it's just a bunch of data!

Jiang Wuyue frowned. In fact, it wasn't him. The system chose it. However, in order not to lose his momentum, he said, "Yeah, why, are you afraid?"

He kept listening to Tang Wulin talking about the little cat, the little cat. He really wanted to see how terrifying the little cat was!
"Very good." The cat demon smiled coldly, and in an instant, summoned the evil cat, spread its huge black wings, and its huge body hovered in the air. At this moment, all the virtual soul beasts were looking at the evil cat.

The whole body of Mao Xiaoyao has also changed, which comes from the ability to fuse blood and martial soul - the evil cat's nine transformations.

Fusion changes!The whole cat demon began to change, with cat ears, cat tail, cat claws, and sharp teeth, which were very normal for outsiders to be possessed by martial spirits.

In fact, this is the demonized cat demon!The monster body!Yaozun strength!The realm beyond the level of Contra is the most powerful state of Mao Xiaoyao. At the same time, the ultimate two-word combat armor appears, instantly increasing...

Mao Xiaoyao's two-word combat armor is rarely used. After all, he usually uses armor, but recently, the armor has been refurbished, and it will no longer be a Taoist weapon.

Rather, a treasure! ,

Two-word battle armor - devour!
Devour the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth, turn it into infinite soul power, merge it into the body of the little cat, and devour all attributes.

In the future, Armor will also add this function!After all, this is the true ability of the Extreme Desire Evil Cat!
I was born to be a king, and everything is false.

"..." Jiang Wuyue was speechless =_=, did he say something wrong?Why is the little cat so angry? Is this breath human? ? ?
The onlookers were shocked. The official commentary of Star Dou is yes, there is still a commentary for this game, and the commentary gives the data. At this time, the data of the little cat...

Above Contra, below Titled Douluo, the Ultimate Two-word Armor Master.

After the data came out, those people who scolded Mao Xiaoyao but bet their money on Mao Xiaoyao just now were finally relieved, because they would not lose money.

Those auras are even ordinary Titled Douluo...

"I can let you attack, give you four soul skills, I will not fight back." Mao Xiaoyao said coldly, what is his limit?When he burned ten top grade blood demon pills, he even touched that realm. As a forbidden drug, if he survived a catastrophe, he must have a future blessing. After that, entering the realm will be very easy.

However, most people can't stand one, the effect disappears, and then dies, or loses all cultivation bases and cannot be recovered.

However, Mao Xiaoyao's perverted devouring is indeed a bug!

Not to mention ten pieces?

At this time, the aura of the cat demon has surpassed that of Contra!

Jiang Wuyue smiled wryly. Why are there so many perverts? Tang Wulin is already one, so why is this little cat? ?

"Hehe, arrogant." In order not to lose face, since the other party was so arrogant, Jiang Wuyue also fought hard, four to four! ! !
However, Mao Xiaoyao just arranged an enchantment around his body, "Smash it, you win."

Jiang Wuyue was so angry that she couldn't bear it, and she was always despised.

However, in the end, the onlookers fell silent...

 happy New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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