The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 515 Demonizing the Cat Demon

Chapter 515 Demonizing the Cat Demon ([-])

Did not break the energy shield!Mao Xiaoyao is still standing firm, and there is nothing wrong with the protective cover.

Jiang Wuyue started his journey of aggrieved, he couldn't break the energy shield beside Mao Xiaoyao, the protective shield was still strong, and inside was Mao Xiaoyao's mocking expression.

"Didn't eat?" Mao Xiaoyao laughed at Jiang Wuyue, and at the same time, a magical scene appeared, all the virtual soul beasts gathered around, they looked at Mao Xiaoyao, and they also looked at Jiang Wuyue.

The onlookers were shocked, what happened?
Why do the virtual soul beasts gather around to watch the battle? No, it's not a battle, because the battle hasn't started yet, the current cat demon hasn't fought back, and Jiang Wuyue has no way to successfully smash the energy shield.

No matter what method Jiang Wuyue uses!
But it won't work...

"Did Jiang Wuyue do it on purpose? Why didn't she smash the cat demon's protective cover? Is it really that difficult? If it were me, the mecha punching thing would not be so difficult." Looking at the battle, Ling Wuyue also Contemptuously, it's just a protective cover for the little cat, why hasn't there been any movement for a long time?
Is it really that scary?
She doesn't believe it.

At this time, Long Yuxue, Tang Wulin, etc. were also watching the battle, focusing on the battle, and they didn't want to let it go.

After all, Mao Xiaoyao is an obstacle for them to enter the top sixteen, the more they know, the more they will understand when they go to fight.

The bet with the Snow Wolf Legion has allowed them to see a lot of IDs with Snow Wolf recently. However, the Snow Wolf Legion has achieved very good results one by one, and every division has them.

Why is it so powerful?
They can't help but feel a lot of pressure.

Long Yuxue also looked at the little cat on the screen, suddenly shook his head, and said, "Oh, what a pity, such a handsome guy is actually an evil soul master." Handsome and very powerful.

I heard that he is still a blacksmith, and he can even forge something called armor.

That thing doesn't conflict with Doukai!
However, the former Shrek academy genius, why?

She really didn't understand what the definition of an evil soul master was sometimes.

The martial soul is really evil, so, is it an evil soul master?

So, is the martial spirit something they can decide?

handsome?Ling Wuyue smiled, "I only like boys who are stronger than me." No matter who it is, but Mao Xiaoyao just defeated herself... and she still uses her best mecha, so she is very depressed just thinking about it.

They're all bloody pussycats!

"..." Tang Wulin admired the girls' strange ideas very much, but he had to declare one thing, "Xiao Yao is not an evil soul master, but Xiao Yao's identity is very special, and Jiang Wuyue just succeeded Enrage the little demon, at this time, Jiang Wuyue will face the little demon in his strongest state."

"Good luck to him."

Back then, Tang Wulin had seen the little cat in this form when the little cat wanted to kill him. At that time, both of them were hurt...

However, according to the comprehensive combat power given by Star Dou just now, Mao Xiaoyao is already a powerhouse at the eight-ring Contra level, and Mao Xiaoyao's current strength is very terrifying.

He dare not say that he will win!
Everyone is speechless =_=, so scary?
At this moment, Jiang Wuyue's wish to smash the energy shield is simply wishful thinking...

Every time it attacks, the cat demon's energy shield will absorb the attack power and turn it into its own power, so the energy of the shield remains unchanged.

It will get thicker too!

"No?" Long Yuxue and Ling Wuyue were stunned. If not, then who is Mao Xiaoyao?
Why is this so?
The most wanted criminal in mainland China is not an evil soul master?
However, such a huge reward, whether it is or not, people will not care so much.

Catch the cat demon, regardless of life or death.

That's it.

The screen returns, fight!
The cat demon was as stable as Mount Tai, motionless, and the protective cover was fine, and the martial soul with a huge body behind him was also drowsy.

When can it be broken?

The little cat was also a little bored, so he hit Ha Shaoer and asked, "I said, are you okay? If not, it's up to me!" The little cat smiled evilly, and the energy shield exploded instantly Jiang Wuyue, it's not that he's too strong, but that this opponent is really good. After being demonized, his overall strength is about the same as that of Contra, so who will he be afraid of?

The most powerful contestant is Contra.

The opponent was always only Tang Wulin.

After being sent flying, Jiang Wuyue barely stabilized her figure. He used all kinds of soul skills, why didn't he smash the energy shield?
Is the cat demon really that powerful?

Jiang Wuyue saw that Mao Xiaoyao seemed to be younger than herself, why is she so powerful?

He's a man, but he's all right.

So a terrible guy, turned out to be the enemy of all mankind?

(Age? Cat Demon: ???)
"I hate your messy dragon martial soul the most. Your martial soul reminds me of a guy who smiles all day long and makes people want to punch him." The little cat flapped its black wings like an evil god descending, Surrounded by evil spirits and extremely evil, he quickly slapped Jiang Wuyue, and at the same time, the Wuhun's extreme lust evil cat also fought with Jiang Wuyue's Wuhun.

Jiang Wuyue's scalp was numb, what terrible claws, they were trying to tear the air! ! !

Dark Night Poison Claw, a very simple grab, with terrible corrosive venom, instantly ripped Jiang Wuyue's clothes and left a scratch on the battle armor...

Then, with a powerful force, Fei Jiang Wuyue was instantly slapped, and he smashed hard on the big tree, bang, bang, breaking several big trees in a row...


The onlookers were shocked. At this moment, how terrifying is the cat demon at this moment?I heard that if he was there, he must be one of the Seven Shrek Monsters!

Looking at the strength, it is estimated to be the most powerful one.

However, Shrek Academy is now destroyed!And who can stop the cat demon?
However, an even more strange scene happened, the onlookers suddenly ran away, one by one heading to the place where Jiang Wuyue fell...

The onlookers were shocked again, what is the situation?
"Crazy? Why did those simulated soul beasts attack that person? Do simulated soul beasts have this kind of attack consciousness? Isn't it just imitating the battlefield?"

"That's right, why would the virtual soul beast attack that guy? This is too strange! The little cat has nothing to do with it."

"Those soul beasts seem to be afraid of his powerful martial soul, poor guy, he was beaten to death by a group of soul beasts..."

Killed instantly with one claw, then died from a collective attack by spirit beasts, failed...

Okay, what about the Great War?Why is it so easy to end?

It's not fun at all, the cat demon hasn't used his real strength, what's the matter with this person?Why so weak?

The onlookers began to scold on the communication platform, some scolded Mao Xiaoyao for being shameless, some scolded Jiang Wuyue for being a piece of trash...

Anyway, various discussions.

At the same time, the powerful strength of the little cat made them feel very uneasy.

After the battle, Mao Xiaoyao didn't come out, but looked at those virtual soul beasts with complicated emotions. They were not souls, not real soul beasts, but just a bunch of data.

A wave of hands!

Those soul beasts are all dead!
Data disappeared...

"See you in the finals! It's just a bunch of rubbish, I don't have time to waste it with you." Mao Xiaoyao said to himself, he knew that many people were watching, so he said that.

No time to.

Recently, he needed to do something.

The battle is over.


"..." Onlookers, despised?
They knelt down and begged someone to defeat the cat demon.

(End of this chapter)

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