The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 519 The final begins!

Chapter 519 The final begins!

Star Battle Network, the final game is here!
Sixteen to eight, people from all over the federation are watching, sixteen elites from all divisions will start the final journey of decisive battle.

The battle between soul masters and mechs!
There are two games in total!
The cat demon is back too!
The matter in the East China Sea has been almost handled.

Without Tost knowing what happened, Mao Xiaoyao has successfully controlled all the technicians in that secret base, ensuring that those technicians are for their own use.

After all, some technologies cannot be handed over to humans!

In the endless mountains, in the base of the snow mountain, the instruments are working tick-tock.

"Xiao Yao, why did you come here? The competition is about to start now. Your channel room is full of people watching online. If they can't see you anymore, those people think you are scared!" Mu Xi rolled her eyes at Mao Xiaoyao, Gently help him take off his snow-covered jacket. The base of the cave is very warm, so no fur coat is needed.

She now hopes that Mao Xiaoyao can participate in the competition on time, otherwise, the referee will think that he will admit defeat.

Now, Mao Xiaoyao needs to enter the Star Battle Network battle, because the opponent is an old opponent, an old friend, and when looking at the introduction and some data, Mu Xi can basically guess who it is.

Sixteen to eight, the Snow Wolf Legion has Ying, Lingwu, Tyrant Turtle, Colorful Spirit Butterfly, they all need to fight, and at this time, they have already entered the battle.

However, Tyrannosaurus was very unfortunate to meet such a terrifying opponent as Tang Wulin.

The time is just right, Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile: "The time is just right, it's not a big problem, anyway, as long as you're not late, I don't need warm-up time." Outside, Xiaolan Xiaolu and the others are unloading, and one by one the huge objects are being transported to the warehouse , Those are the mechas brought by the second prince, they look ordinary and are actually powered mechas.

The cat demon cheated Tost, and then handed it over to Reqi to operate, and then tricked the second prince into buying it back to supplement his armaments, and after the second prince bought it back, he gave it to Nicholas the cat demon's snow wolf army.

However, no matter what, Mao Xiaoyao won't lose money,
Only this time, the second prince has a little special request!
That is, the Snow Wolf Legion must have a certain ranking in the Star Dou Battle Network, so that he can face himself.

That is to say, a result!

However, this requirement, after Lingwu, Ying, Tyrant Turtle, and Colorful Spirit Butterfly entered the top sixteen, this task does not seem to be a difficult task.

After all, on the leaderboard, there are a lot of IDs about the Snow Wolf Legion, which is a real ranking. Now the Second Prince is very respectable, and wherever he goes, he has to tell people that it is my legion.

how about it?
Is it great?
"Hurry up!" Mu Xi cast a glance, without any sense of time.

Rabbit and the others also laughed, but now they are more concerned about Mao Xiaoyao's opponent. After some information, they know the identity of the opponent.

It was an acquaintance—Yuan Enhuiye, Xie Xie's girlfriend, one of the Seven Monsters of the contemporary Shrek Academy, and now also joining the army.

It seems to be in the north!
"Adversary, acquaintance, Yuan En." Mu Xi reminded, but he was hiding his identity, not using his real identity.

The destruction of Shrek Academy has had too much impact. Now everyone needs to recuperate and wait for a suitable opportunity to appear.

Yuanen?Mao Xiaoyao frowned. In Star Dou, she was nicknamed the boxing champion, with a pair of terrifying fists that blew everything away. The troll Titan Wuhun was very violent.

At the beginning, Mao Xiaoyao and Yuan En often sparred. Yuan En was more powerful than violence, but Mao Xiaoyao would win every time.

Fighting is sometimes a battle of strategy!
Yuanen didn't have so many bells and whistles.

At this time, the two mechanical spirits prepared the Star Dou cabin, and the time has entered a countdown. If you don't go in, the referee of Star Dou will decide that Mao Xiaoyao loses.

However, at this time, the online comments are basically saying that Mao Xiaoyao is afraid of XXX, Mao Xiaoyao is afraid of XXX, etc. Anyway, there is nothing good to say.

Even that idiot Tang Wulin kept calling, wanting to ask the little cat what's going on, why didn't he come?
Of course, Mao Xiaoyao would not pick it up, so he told the black cat that he was safe and there was nothing wrong.

Tang Wulin?
a fool.

Rabbit touched the face of Mao Xiaoyao, "Come on, if you are eliminated, we will transport you directly to Xingdou Village." Cat demon find a place to cry!

Yudie and the others also smiled, one by one, come on, come on, come on.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao entered the Star Dou Cabin, lay down, and checked the equipment. Tie Hu also came to help with projections and fed back some data.

It was impossible for him to lose so quickly, at least not before seeing Tang Wulin.

Even acquaintances cannot lose.

He must win the battle!
"What about you?" The little cat smiled, and looked back at Mu Xi, why didn't the little cutie cheer?
Blushing, Mu Xi leaned over and kissed Mao Xiaoyao lightly, smiled seductively, and said, "If you win, there will be a reward." Saying that, she helped Mao Xiaoyao close the hatch, and asked Tie Hu to check the equipment to make sure everything was safe .

In the Star Dou Cabin, the little cat smiled blankly, and got a kiss himself, which is the best blessing!

Then, Star Dou, here he comes.


"The little cat is trash, the little cat is trash, don't dare to come, admit defeat!"

"Upstairs, the cat demon has been killed by me, don't worry! He won't come back today."

"Nonsense, I was obviously killed by me..." Cursing a lot, Tiehu was so angry that he found their home along the network cable and asked the mechanical spirit clan to blow up those people.

ID information and obtaining personal information are very simple for Tiehu.

As a mechanical spirit race that concentrates data, it doesn't even need its own body to fully integrate into this new online world.

Just like a fish returning to the sea, Iron Tiger's ability is special compared to other mechanical spirit clans. In terms of network intrusion, he is simply a god.

However, those cursing voices, due to the explosion at home, the car explosion, and various explosions, can no longer force anything.

However, at this time, Tang Wulin and the others were also paying attention to the battle.

However, they never thought that Mao Xiaoyao would be a coward, not to mention that in the Star Dou Battle Network, others had nothing to do with him.

Yuanen Huiye was also waiting quietly, she was looking forward to the battle with the little cat, and she also wanted to take revenge and completely defeat the little cat.

This time, she will let Mao Xiaoyao know her progress in the past few days.

At the same time, the black cat has never appeared, it is this little cat demon.

Also for a Mu Xi?
Hehe, men are big pigs.

"I've been waiting for a long time!" A pile of data slowly condensed into Mao Xiaoyao's handsome face, and his body took shape bit by bit...

finally come.

Those scolding guys became quiet for an instant, changed their faces in an instant, and were speechless one by one. Now, they are all cheering for Yuan En Huiye.

And, brushing the cat demon garbage...

Iron Tiger is very busy.

"I thought you wouldn't come back, but I still believe that you will come, so I've been waiting! The time is just right." Yuanen Huiye smiled and didn't care too much. Anyway, the cat demon is not late, and the battle is about to come At first, she is very excited now.

Last night, she popularized all the battle videos about the cat demon, and she has been well prepared.

Mao Xiaoyao glanced at the referee, the final seemed to be very formal, and there were referees.

The referee's heart skipped a beat, why was he afraid?This is Star Dou, what can Mao Xiaoyao do to him?
Can't you?

"Some people don't want me to come. After all, I represent evil. If they win, they won't be able to bear it."

"However, in order to prove how hypocritical those justices are, I, the little cat, will continue to fight."

"You will lose!" Mao Xiaoyao will not show mercy, let alone in Star Dou Battle Network.

He will go all out.

"Hehe." Yuanen Huiye smiled, "Me too!"

The referee let them choose the simulated battlefield!

They are all in ruins!
Battle of the King of Destruction!
(End of this chapter)

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