The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 520 Soul master battle, 6 into 8!

Chapter 520 Soul master battle, sixteen to eight!

Yuanen Huiye, a violent chick, has twin martial souls, a troll titan and a fallen angel, not to mention beautiful, the key is that she is violent enough and scary enough!
Because, she has already created her own martial arts exclusive martial art - "Cloud Vortex Fist"

Nickname, boxing champion!
She is a peerless genius with unimaginable talents.

Now at a young age, he has already created his own exercises, and in the future he will be more perfect, creating absolutely powerful exercises that suit him little by little.

At that time, she will be the real boxing champion!

However, martial soul skills are definitely the future trend. At that time, every soul master who has skills will no longer be limited to soul skills.

After possessing the skills, they are completely free to display the characteristics of their martial souls. In the future, soul skills will only be one special skill.

Gongfa will become a mainstream.

At this time, the number of viewers was full. In order to increase the excitement, rich and capable local tyrants had star cabins, and they directly entered the Star Battle Network to watch.

Local TV broadcast, online broadcast.

At this time, the battle for the focus of the cat demon is already crowded with people.

The same goes for the number of viewers online!
Mao Xiaoyao always represents evil, and if anyone fights against him, everyone will cheer for that person and belittle Mao Xiaoyao.

In any case, it is impossible for them to cheer for the cat demon!
Ruins of battle! ! !
"Look, how much this ruin looks like Shrek Academy. Today's Shrek Academy is like this. It has turned into a ruin and disappeared."

"It's ridiculous to think about it. Shrek Academy thinks it's a messenger of justice, but unfortunately, tsk tsk, justice is finally destroyed by its own hands." The change of the soul possession makes people unable to see any flaws. In fact, when facing Yuanen Huiye, he will fight in the strongest state, but how many methods do you want him to use.

Well, this depends on whether Yuanen Huiye has made any progress.

"Mao Xiaoyao, you are too much." Yuan En Huiye said angrily. She is hiding her identity now, but Mao Xiaoyao did not hide her identity. Everyone knows that Mao Xiaoyao is participating in the Star Dou Battle Network.

However, the matter of Shrek Academy has always been their pain, and it is also the direction of their efforts. In the future, they must rebuild Shrek Academy.

Now that Mao Xiaoyao said that, she was very uncomfortable, and Wuhun troll Titan was also very unhappy.

Wuhun is on!
The two of them were the only ones who were still chatting, but their terrifying auras were also fighting each other.

Yuanenhuiye has endless power, as if destroying everything in its way.

However, Mao Xiaoyao is like an endless black hole, when he gets close to him, it seems that the whole person will be swallowed.

However, demonization?

Some people began to doubt the real identity of the cat demon!Is he really an evil soul master?
Why does it change like this, but doesn't look like an evil soul master?
"Then please defeat me so that I have nothing to say, otherwise, I am really happy." The cat demon smiled, and immediately moved. Yuan En Huiye has Yunzuo Shenquan, and he also has many fists, just right You can learn from each other, for example - Five Elements Reincarnation Fist!

"Swallowing Rebirth Fist"

"Destruction Fist"

"Heavenly Fist"

"Monkey Steals Peach Punch"

"Several Sons and Grandsons Fist"


Boxing champion, boxing champion...

The shouts of the audience stopped abruptly, what do you mean?Doesn't the cat demon claim to have the best paws in the world?Why is boxing also studied?
It wasn't just the onlookers who were puzzled, Yuan En Huiye was also shocked, this punch was terrifying, the cat demon is really powerful, and the boxing technique is so mysterious, but she won't admit defeat, she wants to fight back!
On the ruins, break and stand!
The winner is king!
At this time, everyone who knew Mao Xiaoyao was paying attention to the game.

Gu Yuena, who was far away at the headquarters of the Spirit Pagoda, was also looking at the virtual screen and watching the battle.

"Xiao Yao, you are such a terrifying guy. Your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and I can't even see through it."

Gu Yue smiled happily, her cat demon is very powerful.

Mr. Xiong, are you afraid?
Na'er said: "But, he is even stronger!"

The man Na'er was talking about was Tang Wulin.

Fusion, they can still talk, this is not real fusion, it means that the fusion is not successful, they have not really become a silver dragon king.

"I hope that Xiao Yao can help me defeat him so that he won't be so outstanding." Gu Yue clenched her fists and said, with a hint of helplessness between her brows.

Too outstanding is an obstacle, Ditian and the others will not let Tang Wulin like this go, and, in the end, Tang Wulin will also become his biggest obstacle.

Gu Yue now understands a little bit why Mao Xiaoyao always opposes her being with Tang Wulin.

This is really painful...

Na'er smiled, let's wait and see!
At this time, a corner of the East China Sea.

One person is also watching, no, it's two people.

"Mangtian, both of your apprentices are excellent, especially this cat demon." Uncle Ku said while drinking the wine. If the cat demon was here, he would find that the uncle Ku who sent him to Mingdu at the beginning seemed like an old man. up.

However, next to him is Meng Tian, ​​Mao Xiaoyao's first teacher, and also a teacher that Mao Xiaoyao has been looking for.

"It's too good, but it's also troublesome. This kid has gone too far, and the future will be very difficult." Mantian smiled bitterly. Not only is he happy that Mao Xiaoyao can achieve what he is today, in fact, some people are also very happy.

It's just that, now that the little cats have a special status, they don't dare to support and be happy in an open and aboveboard manner!

"Haha." Uncle Cool laughed loudly, and then watched quietly. A battle of this level is no longer something a soul emperor can fight...

Genius, it's scary.

At this time, Hong Ling'er and the others were also paying attention to the game.

"Master is the most powerful!" Hong Ling'er has always been a fan of Mao Xiaoyao. She can become a fifth-level blacksmith, all taught by Mao Xiaoyao.

She will never forget!

Lan Siyi also said: "But, this giant ape is Yuan Enhuiye, right? She has twin martial souls and powerful soul power. She is very powerful." No matter where they are, there are always two of them.

Hong Ling'er dismissed it, so what?
Wusiduo smiled, "I'm more looking forward to the mecha battle of the little cat. Now I seriously doubt whether the little cat will bring his mecha into it..."

"The operation method is too similar, too flexible..."

"Looking forward to meeting him."

As a mecha master, Wusiduo cares more about mecha battles. Of course, she is also very confident in the cat demon in the soul master competition.

Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi looked at each other, what do you mean?If that's the case, isn't it just modifying the data?

how did you do that?
God, I can't believe it, I can't even imagine it.

so horrible……

Yan Li rolled her eyes, "What are you afraid of? It's not like I haven't seen twin martial souls before. Mecha, that must be the number one little demon." It's just twin martial souls, and she has them too!

Not so strange!
Then they watched.

The screen returns to Star Dou Village.

The soul beasts were all sitting in the square watching their leader's bravery and martial arts, watching his majestic and domineering posture.

Black cat and they too, watch together.

All cheer for the cat demon!
"Yuanen Huiye, this is a powerful opponent, but the little demon's target has never been her. The stronger the opponent, the more excited the little demon is. This should be related to his current ability." The black cat said excitedly. , This shows that Mao Xiaoyao recovered very successfully, recovered very well, and even became stronger...

At this time, Little Bear was still drinking.

Yan Wuhua, Cang Yuhe and the others were all there, sitting one by one, drinking drinks and eating snacks to watch the game. Every time they played, it was when their Xingdou Village was on holiday.

The soul beasts in the whole village will watch it together!
While eating snacks, Dai Shu smiled, "I have to say, Xiao Yao, he chose not to worry us at the beginning. Although he was a jerk, but now that he thinks about the pain of losing his cultivation, he really didn't like it back then." easy……"

The entire Star Village needs him!If you lose your cultivation?so terrible...

That kind of powerlessness, did the little cat collapse?
A group of soul beasts were also thinking, and they couldn't understand the pain of the little cat.

The black cat fell into deep thought, yes, the little cat has experienced too much...

 The year is finally over.

  Beep, beep, beep, beep.

(End of this chapter)

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