The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 521 Battle of boxing techniques!

Chapter 521 Battle of boxing techniques!

"Anyway, Xiao Yao will never let us down!"

Xingdou Village is more lively, and this is the only place to cheer for Mao Xiaoyao. Other places, it seems that cheering is not so obvious.

Don't dare to cheer!
After all, he's the villain.

However, Black Cat and the others believe that Mao Xiaoyao will definitely win the game, no matter how powerful the opponent is.

After winning, he will come back.


The screen returns to the battle.

Mao Xiaoyao and Yuanen Huiye punched to the flesh, they didn't say they were attacking with other techniques, they just compared boxing techniques, and they seemed to want to see which boxing technique was stronger.

Especially Yuanen Huiye, every time she fights with the cat demon, she benefits a lot every time, she can clearly know the shortcomings of her skills.

Compensation, comprehension, and then attack.

"Mao Xiaoyao, you are not an evil person, why don't you turn around, I believe that someone in this world will prove your innocence." If one didn't pay attention, he basically punched down, and his blood was surging. Most people can't bear such a terrifying force.

However, Mao Xiaoyao and Yuanen Huiye, you punch each other, punch to the flesh, you vomit blood and I vomit blood, you have something to do, and I have something to do.

The chest protector blocked a punch, and Mao Xiaoyao grabbed Yuanen Huiye's hand and began to devour the power. Just when her complexion changed and she pulled her hand away, the destructive force of a punch hit her chest hard . (chest……)
The power of devouring and destroying!No matter how powerful Yuanenhuiye's attack is, most of the power will be swallowed and absorbed by the cat demon, devoured by the left hand, destroyed by the right hand, devoured and destroyed.

Yuanen Huiye was the only one who really consumed it. The cat demon actually consumed very little soul power, and when fighting, he just relied on devouring to survive.

Devour, consume, devour, consume.

Anyway, not his people.

Yuanen Huiye looked at his arm in disbelief, his face was very ugly, and the corner of his mouth was surprised, looking at the little cat demon who kept smiling all the time, and the lustful evil cat fighting frantically to suppress his martial soul.


what's the situation?
"The Shrek Academy and their good friends are on the federal wanted list for me, who can prove it for me? Hehe, forget it!"

"I don't need to prove anything. I just need to prove a truth now, that is, whoever has a hard fist has the truth." The cat demon devours with one punch and destroys with one punch. They form a yin and yang gossip, which has not yet formed. However, the basic prototype has been formed, black and white.

Life lies in devouring. If a life wants to survive, it must replenish energy. In a long life, it needs to devour many, many things.

Death lies in destruction, no matter what there is a death, the cycle of life and death is endless.

Mao Xiaoyao is also creating her own exercises!

Yuanen Huiye honed himself through boxing. In fact, Mao Xiaoyao was the same. He had a rare opponent. He needed a stronger Yuanen Huiye.

"Why are you so obsessed with your obsession!" Yuan En Huiye was in a hurry while shocking the cat demon. The cat demon was so obsessed. If he did something wrong again, they would not be able to help him!

Since she knows the identity of Mao Xiaoyao, Mao Xiaoyao must also know her identity.

"If you don't try your best, I will defeat you." The destructive force in the palm of the little cat erupted with a terrifying force. The surrounding ruins and buildings were instantly shattered and disappeared. The cultivation technique has taken shape. Now It needs to be perfected bit by bit.

"Reincarnation Fist" Mao Xiaoyao called it this name, because devouring and destroying, life and death, yin and yang are basically a reincarnation.

The cycle has also become a gossip map.

Mao Xiaoyao was excited, fighting against the whole world, he was ready for this, after all, he was always the one who went forward on the road of villain.

Human justice has nothing to do with him.

"Damn it, you are using me to practice your kung fu, little cat, you really should be damned, very damned."

Yuan Enhuiye was angry, evil soul master, this problem has troubled her for many years, the martial soul of the fallen angel has always been regarded as an evil soul master.

However, with the fallen angel martial soul, is she really an evil soul master?
No, she is not.

However, she didn't dare to show off another fallen angel with a martial soul, because she was also afraid that she would become an evil soul master who would be beaten by everyone.

Just like cat goblins!Once you become an evil soul master and become well-known, the whole world will be your enemy.

"Then let's try it, we all created it ourselves, let's see which one is more powerful." Mao Xiaoyao smiled, he was never afraid of enemies, but Yuan En Huiye is different from her other fallen angel with a martial spirit. Man finds that inexplicable, so come on!

Boxing battle!

Yuanen Huiye also rushed forward!Boxing battle!

The onlookers cheered for the champion one by one, the champion, the champion, but which champion is it?
Every boxing champion is so powerful?No, even if Mao Xiaoyao is so powerful, they still...

No, it seems that there are some traitors among them, who are helping Mao Xiaoyao.

It is powerful and useful for attracting fans.


Tang Wulin, who was observing, received a communication.

"Boss, are you watching?" Xie Xio called.

Tang Wulin frowned, "Look."

"Xiaoyao is really a pervert, he actually comprehended skills during the battle." Xie Xie had to admit that if it was him, he would definitely not be able to defeat Mao Xiaoyao, and he would be killed in seconds.

Now, he started to worry about Yuanen Huiye, what should he do?

Like if you want to win, you must use twin martial souls?
However, that would be too risky. At that time, others would think she was an evil soul master.

"I understand your concern, but did you find out that the little demon has never used other skills, and he has been competing with Yuan En in boxing skills." Tang Wulin said, from the beginning they were just boxing competitions, the two of them His martial spirit was also fighting beside him, and he couldn't support his master at all.

Boxing battle!

"..." Xie Xie said in disbelief, "Could it be that the little demon is afraid that Yuan En will expose the fallen angels..." Xie Xie couldn't believe it, because Yuan En Huiye didn't use other things because he was afraid of exposing himself, especially the fallen angels Martial soul, once used, will be said to be an evil soul master.

Therefore, Yuan En Huiye only used one martial soul!

Tang Wulin nodded, "In addition to comprehending my own skills, in fact, Xiao Yao just wants Yuan En to only use skills."

"Little demon, or that little demon, no matter what he does, he is that little demon." Tang Wulin knew the reason why Mao Xiaoyao didn't explain his identity, because he was not a human being, nor an evil spirit beast, he was a Soul beasts, so, no matter what, they will not get the support of humans.

"Boss, do you think there is such a possibility, the little demon is so good, we can help him..." Xie Xie also helps the little cat, but sometimes the little cat is hard to get close to.

"Let's do it!"

Tang Wulin clenched his fists. No matter whether Yuanen Huiye woke up the cat demon, he would come to this mission!

(End of this chapter)

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