Chapter 522 Top Eight!


"You're practicing boxing with me! Mao Xiaoyao, do you look down on me?"

"What about your other skills?" Yuan En Huiye punched angrily, and the Yunzuo Shenquan cooperated with the power of the violent Titan. Under the explosive output, the little cat dared not take it down.

Boxing, boxing, battle of boxing, Mao Xiaoyao has never used other skills, only boxing.

However, Yuan En Huiye's boxing technique is a Wuhun technique that he has comprehended.

Now, the cat demon seems to be doing the same.

Comprehend the skills, and you will continue to improve in battle.

Mao Xiaoyao's four or two strokes of force, yin and yang into Tai Chi, and under the leverage of the force, Yuanen Huiye's terrifying punch was like a spring, Duang, no matter how hard you use it, how can you bounce it back...

The power of rebound!Yuan Enhuiye didn't have time to defend, and in a dazed state, he jumped out and smashed into the ruins.The Wuhun troll Titan wanted to help.

However, the Extreme Desire Evil Cat held it back perfectly, preventing it from having any chance to come over and help its master.

The Desire Evil Cat can't lose to the Troll Titan Great Ape. On the contrary, the Troll Titan can't even compare to the Desire Evil Cat in terms of speed.

At this time, the crowd in the Xingdou battle network was also shocked, one by one couldn't believe everything in front of them, boxing champion Yuan En Huiye was defeated by his familiar boxing technique?

So, just how scary is the cat demon?
In the previous battles, the martial spirit was basically summoned, and the little cat's paw would basically end the battle. After it was over, nothing happened.

The loser lays down and ends.

It was very natural for the cat demon to win.

But, why use boxing now!

Bah bah, spitting dust, Yuanen Huiye came out of the ruins, very embarrassed, staggering, with a disheveled face, and the rebound force was terrible, as if she had hit her body.

Hit yourself!
It seems that Mao Xiaoyao just received a slight shock, nothing happened at all?
No, in fact, the cat demon is also uncomfortable.

"Samsara Gosei Fist, Yin and Yang, justice and evil, everything has two sides."

"You are very powerful, so I want to really defeat you with my boxing." Mao Xiaoyao used his soul power behind his back to transform into a yin and yang eight trigrams and Tai Chi diagram. Usually violent output cat demon is different.

At this time, he turned into a handsome young man, responding to the powerful attack from Yuanen Huiye without arrogance or impatience.

Yuan En Huiye has twin martial souls, she is the most powerful with two martial souls, and now she only has one martial soul, so Mao Xiaoyao doesn't plan to use other things.

If you use it, you are bullying others.

"Then you just watch it!" Yuan En Huiye clenched his fists, bit his lips lightly, very dissatisfied, fight, then let's have a good fight, she will not admit defeat.

It has nothing to do with the identity of the cat demon, but, regarding the battle of boxing, let's see which boxing is more terrifying!
Seeing Yuanen Huiye rushing over like a female war god, Mao Xiaoyao smiled lightly. This is Yuan Enhuiye without any restraints, coming from the wild power of the troll from the titan.

come on!

Mao Xiaoyao ordered the extremely evil Wuhun, not to stop the troll titan, let it come!Real fusion with Yuanen Huiye becomes even stronger!
They are going to have a good fight!
It was a visual feast, and the onlookers watched one by one, not daring to blink for fear of missing any wonderful moment.

Boxing fight?

No, the cat demon already has a nickname—the evil king!
Because his attacks are weird, people can't figure it out, he is not an evil soul master, sometimes even more terrifying than an evil soul master.

However, compared to those crazy evil soul masters, Mao Xiaoyao thinks more quietly, and doesn't laugh so blindly.

Crap a bunch of attacks like a fool.

However, everyone still disagrees with the behavior of the cat demon.

Every time, the cat demon's opponent will die!Mao Xiaoyao's methods were very cruel, and he didn't say at all that this is the Star Dou Battle Network to restrict anything.

Instead, it got crazier.

boom! boom! boom!
If, plus the dubbing is basically the voices of the two of them, huh huh huh huh...

Two people beat you back and forth! ! !Although the venue was provided by the Star Battle Network, the degree of damage was very real.

Now, ruins are no longer ruins.

It was an open space, and the walls of those ruined buildings were basically turned into dust...

However, with the blessing of the troll titan, Yuanen Huiye's strength has more than doubled.

troll titan
, in Wuhun, it belongs to that kind of crushing level, combined with Yuanen Huiye's skills and soul skills, this makes the violence even more violent.


However, at this moment.

Star Village.

"Black cat, the little demon is in a hard fight, why doesn't he use other attacks, punches? Is this what the little demon is good at?" Dai Shu asked, she was puzzled.

At this time, on a virtual screen, the battle between Mao Xiaoyao and Yuan En Huiye was projected, and the high-tech level allowed them to watch it personally.

Dai Shu and the others were all there, looking back at the black cat one by one in confusion. No one knew more about the cat demon than the black cat.


Aren't the cat demon's claws the best in the world?
When do you switch to boxing?

Everyone is very puzzled.

However, they saw Mao Xiaoyao facing a guy known as the champion of boxing, using his best boxing techniques to fight against him without losing the wind.

They are very reassuring!
Their leader, Mao Xiaoyao, is still so powerful.

Powerful enough to scare the enemy!
Their leader, sir, is back!

This also made Xingdou Village, which has been in a haze, finally see the dawn that belongs to them.

The black cat is beautiful, with snow-white skin that can be broken by blows, long black hair scattered on the shoulders, purple eyes flickering slightly, and the corners of the mouth are raised in a perfect arc.

All smiles.

"This opponent is an old friend of your leader, and now she is also hiding her identity."

"However, the boxing technique should be the little demon's technique. It seems that it is still being perfected." The boxing technique is not yet complete, and the black cat frowned slightly. The opponent is Yuan Enhuiye...

That's their friend!One of the Seven Monsters of the contemporary Shrek Academy!

Mao Xiaoyao must not want her to expose anything by doing that!

After all, since Shrek Academy was bombed, the remaining Shrek Academy members have been hiding and not appearing in people's sight.

"Fist?" Dai Shu was stunned, shocked, and soon relieved. After all, they never doubted the magic of the little cat.

Everyone also believes that the little cat will win!
The black cat smiled, she knew the little cat demon, because?No one can stop him before meeting that real opponent.

This, the battle of Totoro, is just the beginning!
The screen returns to Star Dou!

Boxing battle!

Still, the little cat won the battle!Devour with one punch, destroy with one punch, yin and yang, life and death...

The power of Taiji gossip evolves into a power of reincarnation!
"Reincarnation Fist"

However, Yuan Enhuiye was the same as the onlookers, they could not calm down for a long time...


They lost.

Lost in a field that he was best at...

The referees present were stunned...

"Win on the 28th and advance to the quarterfinals..."

The referee was very unhappy, but he had to announce...

No. 28 Mao Xiaoyao entered the quarterfinals.

 After watching a movie, I will have to modify it later.

(End of this chapter)

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