The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 524 Devour comprehension, destroy comprehension!Fight with mechs!

Chapter 524 Devour comprehension, destroy comprehension!Fight with mechs!

"Heaven and earth are bipolar, everything has yin and yang."

"Yin and Yang have life and death, and all things have reincarnation."

"Swallow comprehension!"

"Destroy comprehension!"

"In the midst of devouring, destroy it!" In the space of one person, darkness and silence, the cat demon was talking to himself, and there were several strange auras around his body, one black, one white, one yin, one yang, One life, one death...


The cat demon has comprehended a terrifying domain, the power of devouring and destroying.

At that time, during the battle, Mao Xiaoyao was thinking about how to devour Yuanen Huiye and how to destroy her. As a result, a field appeared in an instant...

Just like Netherworld, it is the power from the domain, being in the domain, it is like getting several pieces of battle armor to increase.

In addition, the ability of the field itself!Entering the realm, the cat demon is the god in the realm, and everything that comes in is mortal...

The left hand devours, the right hand destroys...

Terrible ability!Mao Xiaoyao is now very confident that he can torture a Contra or a two-word battle armor master.

"Swallowing is going on all the time. Ever since I recovered my cultivation, my body has absorbed the evil thoughts of this world, and it has become more and more terrifying..." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the devouring power in his left hand, and fell into a kind of confusion and worry. In the Snow Wolf Legion, that trace of evil thoughts.

Somewhere!There are evil thoughts!

For this reason, Mao Xiaoyao came to this place to hide, and he would not go to places with many evil thoughts.

However, no matter how he hides, those evil thoughts will find him...

Mao Xiaoyao still remembers a sentence that his father often said to himself when he was a child:

"Xiao Yao, when your body starts to absorb evil thoughts crazily, you have to learn to control your emotions."

Anyway, a bunch of great truths, but, control emotions?

Now, there is always a voice in Mao Xiaoyao's mind to destroy human beings and build a home of soul beasts.

At this time, the thoughts deep in my heart will be infinitely magnified by evil thoughts.

A bad control!
It will turn into an extremely lustful evil cat that is the source of all evils. At that time, the cat demon will deny all relatives, fall into endless destruction, and kill all life...

"Can I really do it?" Mao Xiaoyao took out a bell fragment from the space soul guide, and quietly looked at the falling into memory. This is the Soul Requiem Bell, and this is its fragment.

During the battle with the demigods and demons, evil spirits invaded the mind, and even the ancestral soul-suppressing bell couldn't stand it.

Now, turned into pieces.

Mao Xiaoyao didn't know if he would hold onto his true heart now that he possessed these two terrifying domains.

A few times, Mu Xi almost couldn't wake him up...

"The battle of boxing is the prototype of kung fu. In the future, kung fu will replace those soul skills, and soul masters will become even more terrifying."

"Human beings are indeed a race. They are learning and improving all the time." Now, soul skills are still the dominant ones, and the rest is personal comprehension.

However, the future will be the era of exercises!At that time, all kinds of martial arts skills will flourish, and soul masters will no longer be limited to the number of times they can use soul skills.

The exercises will let them use the exercises they have learned and comprehended casually.

By then, humans will be even stronger!
After thinking about it, looking at his hands, Mao Xiaoyao fell into deep thought, do they have a chance to win?
What does the future look like?
Will the future they long for come?
Xiaolu reminded: "My lord, your war of mech masters is about to begin!"

It didn't come in, it just yelled outside, and the soul guide technology let its voice enter the room to remind the little cat, after the soul master, there will be a battle of mechs.

The Snow Wolf Legion's mechas have been crushed all the way, technical equipment crushed, technology crushed, among the top sixteen, ten are the mecha masters of the Snow Wolf Legion.

However, Tang Wulin was the only one in the Blood God Legion.

No matter what the competition, Tang Wulin was the only seedling, so how did the Blood God Legion celebrate?

They are not happy at all.

"One of our own, or?" Mao Xiaoyao didn't read the game information, anyway, he was the most confident game in the battle of mechs.

After all, Iron Tiger has already replaced all their mechas with powered mechas. Their agility, speed, etc., cannot be compared with ordinary standard mechas.

"Humans!" Xiaolu replied, their Snow Wolf Legion has already started a civil war, with so many quotas, a few must die...

The cat demon smiled, human?Which idiot human being is so cute?


Here comes the fight.

The opponent is...

Wusiduo! ! !
God damn human, damn little green, why didn't you say it?

Does the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye also have a star cabin?Is Star Dou Battle Network connected there?
The little cat has a lot of questions!
"Little demon, long time no see." Wusiduo was not afraid of revealing her identity, after all, she did not hide her identity to enter any important place.

She is what she is!

The black mech made Wusiduo's familiar voice, which was still so nice.

The same black mecha, Mao Xiaoyao didn't hide anything, because there seemed to be no way to hide her power mecha in front of Wusiduo.

Probably, Wusiduo already saw that something was wrong, "Long time no see, how are you?"

It's normal to say hello, Mao Xiaoyao also has his own gentle side, he just hasn't met anyone who can be gentle with him.

After all, those opponents are enemies.

The onlookers were shocked one by one! ! !A good friend of the cat demon?A student of Shrek Academy?Could it be one of the Shrek Seven Monsters?

They only know that the contemporary Shrek Seven Monsters have been missing for a long time.

"No, after you leave, we are not well at all."

"Xiao Yao, I don't believe that you did those things, why don't you justify yourself?" Wusiduo asked in a crying voice, ignoring the referee, and didn't fight at first, she just looked at Mao Xiaoyao like that.

However, some people still knew Wusiduo's identity, for example, Black Cat, Tang Wulin, Mu Xi, they knew who was inside the mecha.

The referee is confused, what should I do?

Ask above.

Above: "Don't stop!" After all, the onlookers like to gossip, and tomorrow, this is probably the news.

But why not justify?

Mao Xiaoyao never explained anything for those things.

Looking around, looking at Wusiduo, Mao Xiaoyao chuckled, "It's true that I killed someone on Sea God Island, there's nothing I dare not admit."

Finally, people heard Mao Xiaoyao's true confession, and some people began to curse...

Not reconciled, Wusiduo also sobbed, "Why?" She believed that everyone wanted to know what Mao Xiaoyao really said.

Why?Mao Xiaoyao smiled, he knew that Wusiduo wanted to help him, but some things were like that, "Because, that is the enemy I have been looking for for many years, hehe, hurt my family, no matter who it is, how powerful it is, how powerful it is. "

"I will make them pay the price! So, Yun Ming, who is known as the patron saint of the mainland and the god of Shrek Academy, actually protects my enemy and lives so comfortably on Sea God Island?"

"Hehe, Shrek Academy deserves to be bombed. Their self-righteous justice has led them to destruction step by step."

He deserved to die, and his happiness was extinguished.

The cat demon never needs to be whitewashed!It is what it is, it is what it is!
He is not afraid of enemies in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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