The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 525 The whole world is an enemy, so why not?

Chapter 525 The whole world is an enemy, so why not?


"Mao Xiaoyao, you are really an evil soul master, to say that about Qingtian Douluo, you deserve to be wanted, you are really an evil person."

"Hehe, Mao Xiaoyao, do you think you are very powerful? Shrek Academy has taught you so much, it's fine if you don't repay the favor, and you still say that."



Some onlookers began to scold the little cat, and Tiehu was so angry that he began to follow the network cables and signal sources to find those insulting people.

Say hello online, are you okay?
Oh, that's impossible.

Seeing so many people scolding the little cat, Wusiduo was very angry and uncomfortable. She was anxious. This was not the result she wanted. Her original intention was to let the little cat use this opportunity to defend herself.

However, Mao Xiaoyao never defended himself. Instead, his words stimulated the pain from Shrek Academy, causing the entire continent to boil.

With regard to Shrek Academy's affairs, the evil soul master is now on the bright side, and Mao Xiaoyao is wanted as an evil soul master, so he will naturally be scolded.

After all, in Star Dou Battle Network, they couldn't beat people along the network cable like Iron Tiger.

"Hehe, shut up! A bunch of trash."

Mao Xiaoyao said coldly to those who were yelling: "What are you capable of? Kouhe? Hehe, in this case, when your parents are killed, the enemy will be protected by me."

"I'll see what you guys will do!"

More enemies?Hehe, the races are different, and they are destined to stand on the opposite side. The cat demon has never been afraid of anything.

Now, he just feels sorry for Wusiduo... Alas, he already has Black Cat and Mu Xi, so he can't accept her love.

Love, let it go with the wind!
Float to a corner that is more suitable for it!
The onlookers were stunned, their parents were killed, and the enemy was protected by the little cat?

So what should they do?

Naturally: revenge!If he hurt his own family, then his whole family would definitely be killed.

From the reactions of the onlookers, Mao Xiaoyao got the answer, and he couldn't help laughing mockingly, their revenge is for justice, so is he evil?
Hehe, what a sarcasm.

"Come on! Mecha, let me see if you've made progress!" Mao Xiaoyao pulled out a black giant sword, sharp and cold, and the metal texture of the mecha, which is more than three or four meters long, makes this metal giant look even more terrifying .

The only thing more terrifying than other mechas is the operation of the powered mecha. In terms of operation, it uses the driver's thinking and power to act.

That is, whatever you want.

Drivers, in the suspension cabin, think about what they do, what actions they do, and after wearing the induction helmet, they will become mechas and integrate with the mechas.

What weapon to use, what action to do, you can, really do whatever you want.

However, the parts of the key parts are constructed using parts above the magic weapon level, so the quality and durability are more terrible than those soul guide parts.

This is also the reason why Mao Xiaoyao is not afraid of the power mech being copied.

After all, no matter how imitated, human beings can't create magical weapons, Taoist weapons, and the current treasures.

Wiping her tears, to make herself not feel so sad, Wu Siduo frowned, the cat demon's mecha... seemed different from hers.

Moving in the familiar way, this is not...

Wusiduo was shocked, she also had a power mecha!Last time Mu Xi found three space soul guides, and there was a mecha left by the cat demon inside.

However, when Mao Xiaoyao proposed the concept of power mecha, she was still hesitant, and they even had a quarrel over it.

However, the facts have proved that the combat power of the magic weapon mecha is not inferior to the two-word combat armor at all, and some weapons invented by Mao Xiaoyao have far exceeded her understanding.

Also, from that time on, admiration and a trace of strange emotions sprouted unknowingly, and now they wither and turn into dust.

What doesn't belong to you will never belong to you.

Wusiduo smiled, then come!

咻咻咻咻咻, Wusiduo's back mecha opened several openings, ejecting five or six soul missiles, 咻, leaving wisps of white smoke in the air, and that trajectory, flying towards Mao Xiaoyao's mecha.

Boom boom boom!

Mao Xiaoyao dodged sideways, the metal soles of the mecha sprayed blue flames and instantly took off, and the propellers on the back also sprayed flames, changing the direction of takeoff.

The explosion is in an instant, and the operation is also in an instant.

The onlookers originally thought that Mao Xiaoyao would take out an energy shield to defend, but they never expected that Mao Xiaoyao's mecha would use speed to dodge.

What a wonderful operation!
And, follow up!Mao Xiaoyao had just taken off into the air, and Wusiduo's mecha was coming soon, and the mecha who was talking to Mao Xiao was a fierce attack!
The old joystick operating system, the new version of the power thinking sensor system, this is the collision of the old and new generations, and the data of the little cat... is at the level of a god-level mecha.

and so……

Killing the Immortal with one sword, assassinating with one sword, the black giant sword slashed at Wusiduo's mecha, cutting instantly, her mecha began to emit smoke and lightning.

Wusiduo inside was already feeling very uncomfortable, but in Star Dou, she felt the same way.

"You didn't lose. If we have a chance, we can exchange ideas. In the future, we hope that we won't have such a battle." Mao Xiaoyao smiled, watching Wusiduo's mecha disappear little by little. , with Wusiduo's intelligence, she definitely knows what mecha she uses.

After all, if it is said to be crushed, it is crushed, and the data is not right at all.

However, the Star Battle Network also knew or even suspected that there was something wrong with Mao Xiaoyao's mecha, but they couldn't find anything at all. After all, the information of Mao Xiaoyao's mecha showed exactly the same.

However, they can't affect the normal login of Mao Xiaoyao!
The Star Dou Battle Network was designed by them. Why can't they target the cat demon no matter what they do now?

The staff of Star Dou also looked confused, what the hell do you mean?
Who is the boss?

(Tiehu: Meow?)
They found nothing amiss at all!
"You are an existence that I can't surpass, little demon, come back and see us when you have time." Wusiduo choked up the moment the mech disappeared, and she was crying all the time after she came out of the Star Dou Cabin.

Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi and the others were all there. At this moment, they were looking at the screen, waiting for the answer.

"Definitely!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile, also feeling uncomfortable, and he disappeared immediately.

When that day comes, when he is no longer afraid of anything, at that time, he will have strength beyond the level of Title Douluo.

Use strength to silence some people!Let some people have to kneel down and sing Conquer!He would tell those people that he, the cat demon, was an existence not to be messed with.

Mecha battle, the end is too soon...

The onlookers had no time to digest it.


Why can crushing be so terrible?
The onlookers couldn't understand, they couldn't understand what this operation was.

Why, mechs can be crushed so easily?

Knowing each other, that's why you show mercy?

Should not be ah.

(End of this chapter)

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