The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 526 Battle of the Top 8!

Chapter 526 Battle of the Eight Finalists!


Coming out of the Star Dou Cabin, Mao Xiaoyao was in a complicated mood.

Why so many opponents, he always met a bunch of acquaintances?
First Yuanen Huiye, now Wusiduo, which one is next?
"Ye Xinglan..." Just after he came out, Mao Xiaoyao briefly glanced at the opponent's information provided by Xiaolu. He really wanted to scold something, what the hell, what do you mean?
Among the top eight, Lingwu and Ying are also there, can't they be matched?How did you match up with an acquaintance again?
Damn, did Star Dou do that on purpose?

Rabbit and Mu Xi celebrate the cat demon's victory in their daily fun, and their way is to hug and hug the other, with two pendants, big and small.

Lingwu and the others were also nearby. They also heard the conversation between Mao Xiaoyao and Wusiduo very clearly and understood it very well.

They also know the reason why Mao Xiaoyao can't turn back——identity.

As a soul beast, this identity is destined to make him stand on the opposite side of human beings, unable to integrate with human beings.

Couldn't be with those friends...

"Do you also think that I should explain?" Mao Xiaoyao looked back at Mu Xi in her arms, the rabbit that jumped on her, and everyone around. Seeing their eyes, Mao Xiaoyao felt a little bit not understand.

Why do you have to explain?
What is there to explain?

Lingwu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, explaining or not, in fact they didn't care.

However, seeing the uncomfortable relationship between the leader, Mao Xiaoyao, and his friends, in fact, they didn't like it either.

"Xiao Xi, do you want me to explain?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at Mu Xi in her arms, she was cute with long blond hair and double ponytails, and her face was a little uncomfortable.

Could it be that you also want to explain yourself?

Bunny Mengmeng's big eyes also turned to look at Mu Xi.

Mu Xi was taken aback, then looked up at Mao Xiaoyao, "I want you to explain, after all, you are not."

"However, the matter is irreparable now, and it doesn't matter if you explain it or not."

"But, at least you..." Can you stop standing on the opposite side of human beings?Mu Xi didn't dare to say these words, she was surrounded by spirit beasts, after understanding it, she found that all spirit beasts basically hated humans.

They feel that they are all human beings, and their race will go extinct.

However, that is the case. . .

Everyone looked at Mu Xi.

Mu Xi also looked at everyone, and couldn't help lowering her head, the more she thought about it, the more upset she became.

"..." The cat demon sighed, then let go of Mu Xi and Rabbit, and walked out slowly by himself, his back seemed a little lonely, he needed to be alone, quietly, without thinking about those troublesome things .

Mu Xi and the others looked at each other one by one, so what did they do?
Each do their own...

Tick ​​tock, time.

The battle for the quarterfinals will begin soon.

In the past few days, Mao Xiaoyao has been practicing on the eighth floor of No.90. After all, there is a Phantom and a Phantom Emperor's subordinates, and he can move freely in the abyss.

No abyss creature could doubt his identity.

In addition to having S-level channels and various equipment supporting channels, the defense is even more stable.

Consolidate the strength to devour the corpses of abyssal creatures. Except for hunting by themselves, it is basically the Snow Wolf Army who hunts and kills them. After hunting, they are transported to the Snow Wolf Army for food. Then, the cat demon absorbs energy to strengthen his cultivation.

Now, he is stronger and more confident that he can win the battle.

Facing the upcoming opponent - Ye Xinglan.

It's an old friend again, Mao Xiaoyao is also a little bit of that now, he always beats up old friends, he is a little embarrassed.

The Star Dou is as popular as ever, and the virtual stands are basically crowded with people. Those who own the Star Dou Cabin will definitely not be short of money, so they buy tickets inside to watch on the spot, immersive.

In the battle of the quarter-finals, the one who paid the most attention was the evil king, the cat demon.

Nickname: Evil King!
that man!

Undefeated legend!

"The little cat!!!" After waiting for a long time, every time the little cat was not on time, Ye Xinglan would not say: Long time no see, after all, she wanted to beat up the little cat very much before.

What do you say about this little cat demon?No matter what, he is a bad guy, Ye Xinglan will always remember the battle armor he helped his sister make back then.

Now, even the seven-star master craftsman felt ashamed after taking a look at the battle armor. After becoming a two-word battle armor, it was even more powerful for soul masters.

"Please give me your advice!" Mao Xiaoyao pretended not to know Ye Xinglan. After all, this guy holding the Xingshen Sword was also a violent person. They didn't talk much to each other, they just kept fighting.

After all, there are so many acquaintances.

"I will!" Ye Xinglan's response was also simple, he slashed away with his sword, and the destructive sword energy turned into a powerful blade, and slashed a lightning-shaped attack into the air.


The sword turns into a blade, here it comes.

The onlookers screamed one by one. In the battle of the quarterfinals, everyone was very powerful, and none of them were soft-legged shrimps.

The battle is also very nice!

Especially about the battle of Mao Xiaoyao, he always brings a different experience to people, such as...

"Swordsmanship??? Although it's not my strong point, I have also learned a little bit. Come on! I hope I can learn something." Try to summon the long sword, a treasure, after all, the Star Dou Battle Network is the Star Dou Battle Network , Can you summon something in the space soul guide?It's hard to say, he also forgot to ask Tiehu about these things.

But just now, I muttered the summon in my heart, poof, can I really summon?Mao Xiaoyao was excited, sword, weapon gentleman, he can't dance lightly, but at least he can use some sword skills.

Back then, the Tiger King's daughter used swords. She had a White Tiger Excalibur, which was in charge of killing and punishing. Whatever she didn't like was basically something that could be solved with a single sword.

However, unfortunately, when he was patrolling the mountain back then, Mao Xiaoyao saw such a "little bit". Now that he remembered it, he wanted to see how far Ye Xinglan had mastered swordsmanship.


? ?

When a sword appeared in Mao Xiaoyao's hand, Ye Xinglan was stunned, and the crowd was also stunned, what's going on?Is the cat demon omnipotent?
Why do you use some other attack methods when you fight with others, such as boxing, sword, kicking, etc...

Moreover, it is now being circulated on the Internet that whoever scolds the cat demon, if they go along the network cable, they can beat you up...

Now, the onlookers can't swear openly, they can only swear with special codes. Of course, there are still some people who don't believe it, and the result is that they threw a few soul missiles at the mechanical spirit clan and blew up the house...

"Damn cat demon! Why are you fighting so many skills with others, but it's so scary when you're fighting me..." Jiang Wuyue wanted to scold people. The way he failed was the most embarrassing and uncomfortable ╯﹏╰.

First, he was instantly killed by the cat demon!Then, a bunch of soul beasts came over to kill him...

Very unlucky.

At this time, Tang Wulin and the others were also paying attention to the game.

Especially Tang Wulin, he was watching very seriously, but he didn't know anything except that the cat demon would understand things very well.

The cat demon still hasn't used its true strength.

(End of this chapter)

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