Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 194 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 194 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (13)

Facing the current situation, Lin Yifan was really convinced!
It was impossible for her to let Reiko go, after all, 10 yuan was not a small amount.

For the student party, it is a sky-high price!

"I can stay, but I won't continue to take pictures or take pictures with others!" Lin Yifan's aura was undeniable, and there was a chill all over his body, like an ice beauty!
"No problem!" Director Guo agreed immediately after hearing Lin Yifan's words.

Because, when he first asked her to come, it wasn't just to take pictures!

"Okay! Since the models are gone, let's call it a day!" Director Guo shouted, and everyone started to pack up their tools.

"This..." Reiko looked at everyone who was busy immediately, and felt anxious.

She came to take pictures!

She still wants to be a star!
Why did Lin Yifan stop filming and call it a day!

"Director Guo, I haven't filmed yet!" Reiko asked anxiously.

"You..." Director Guo glanced at her casually, hesitated for two seconds, and said, "No rush, later, we'll go on a yacht and shoot again."

Director Guo's expression is very perfunctory!
But after Reiko heard the word yacht, the excitement in her heart made her ignore everything!
She can go on a yacht?
This is simply too good!

"Later, yacht party!" Director Guo yelled!
"Young Master Chi treats you!" Director Guo straightened his arms, happily pointing at the man standing beside him!

There was a burst of cheers immediately!
Lin Yifan felt that the atmosphere was not right, especially after that Young Master Chi came in.

"Lingzi." Lin Yifan looked at the roommate in front of him with suspicion.

"Yifan!" Reiko immediately put on a pitiful look.

"I know it's my fault, it's my fault, and you will continue to stay here with me, but I promise, this is the last time, please bear with me, and I will never trouble you again." Reiko He said a lot in one breath.

Lin Yifan forcibly blocked the words that came to his lips.

She pinched the center of her eyebrows, as a default.

"Thank you, Yifan, I knew you were the most interesting!" Reiko happily took Lin Yifan's arm.

"Everyone follow me!" a staff member shouted.

Everyone followed suit!

After a while, they came to a large yacht!
"Digging, young master Chi is so rich, you actually took out the treasure!"

"It is said that this yacht costs 2000 million yuan, tsk tsk tsk, it really is a rich man!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, Reiko's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and she wished she could go there immediately.

The interior inside is extremely luxurious, especially in line with Liu Chi's status as a rich man, every corner is showing luxury!

Reiko's eyes were almost gone, this was much better than the ones she saw on Weibo, it was simply not the same level!
Reiko immediately took out her phone and started taking pictures frantically!
Lin Yifan glanced at it. He had heard from Lu Mingcheng that he also had several of these gadgets, but he couldn't wait for the opportunity to see it with his own eyes.

Everyone was watching everywhere, sighing again and again, only Lin Yifan walked to a corner of the sofa and sat down quietly.

At this time, the people who got on the yacht were not only the staff just now, but also many new faces, handsome men and beautiful women, coupled with this luxurious place, people couldn't help but feel luxurious.

Lin Yifan felt very uneasy!

"Beauty?" A strange man asked.

"What are you thinking?" The man smiled, looking at Lin Yifan's figure inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)

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