Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 195 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 195 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (14)

Pick up again!

Being struck up frequently made Lin Yifan very irritable.

And Reiko, who was beaming with joy, saw someone take the initiative to talk to Lin Yifan, her face turned dark again!
"Beauty, do you like bags? Like Chanel? Dior?" The man's words were seductive, and he sat beside Lin Yifan, with his arms on the sofa behind her.

Lin Yifan could only breathe heavily, and moved to the side.

"Or do you like cars? BMW? Mercedes-Benz?" The man smiled patiently and moved closer to Lin Yifan.

"I like Martha Landy, Lamborghini." Lin Yifan said seriously, looking at the man.

The smiling face on the front face really stunned the man, his Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably, "I know sports cars very well, let's chat."

"Hmph!" Lin Yifan snorted coldly.

The man's expression suddenly froze on his face.

"I thought you would give me one!" Lin Yifan's expression was disdainful, unattainable, she leaned on her chin lazily, arrogant.

After the man heard it, his face turned red, he didn't say a word for a long time, and he got up and left in embarrassment!
"This bitch has too much appetite!" the man muttered to himself, seeing Liu Chi walking towards him.

"Chizi, where did this crazy woman come from? Has she grown golden?" The man complained, then he casually hugged a girl with an enchanting appearance and left.

Liu Chi picked up a glass of red wine, sat at the bar, and looked at Lin Yifan on the sofa.

Quiet as a virgin!

In such a noisy scene, she is so quiet and beautiful!
It seems that there is a layer of mist surrounding her, which makes people unconsciously fascinated!

"Young Master Chi!" Reiko looked shy and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Liu Chi took a sip of the red wine, and deliberately slowed down his gaze to look at the girl in front of him.

Feeling the burning gaze, Reiko felt ashamed and tucked her hair at the temples unnaturally.

"You are beautiful!" Liu Chi heard how Lingzi described Lin Yifan, plastic surgery?
Just because he has seen countless women, he can tell who is not.

He has seen too many gold diggers like Reiko!

"Young Master Chi is too much!" Reiko was elated, feeling that her own light was coming soon!
"I think Chanel's new bag for this season is very suitable for you, what do you think?" Liu Chi's tone was calm.

After hearing this, Reiko opened her eyes wide in surprise, raised her head, and looked at the man in front of her.

Is he going to send his own bag?
Reiko suddenly felt her blood spurt!
"Why? Don't you like it?" Liu Chi put down his wine glass and looked at Lingzi squarely.

At this moment, Reiko's cheeks were flushed, her lips were trembling with excitement, "No, why don't you like it, it's just a little unexpected!"

"You are so beautiful, of course you deserve a bag." Liu Chi continued his perfunctory praise.

"Young Master Chi is really flattering you." Reiko was overjoyed with joy, it was worth twenty to thirty thousand yuan!
Even in her dreams, she didn't even dare to think that someone would offer to send her off now?
Could it be that Liu Chi has taken a fancy to him?

The more Reiko thought about it, the more beautiful she became!

"You serve this glass of juice to your friend." Liu Chi picked up the glass of orange juice in hand and gestured to Reiko.

"Huh?" Reiko didn't respond for a while.

"She drank it, and the bag is yours!" Liu Chi stuffed the juice into Lingzi's hand, and let out a deep smile.

"Go!" Liu Chi patted Lingzi's butt.

Immediately, Reiko's heart was in full bloom!


The sweet episode has been prepared for the cuties, please search the WeChat public account [curly hair hahaha] to read, welcome to leave a message and interact!
(End of this chapter)

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