Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 205 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 205 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (24)

"Brother, what's your internet speed! Whose network are you connected to?" The fat man looked at the network signal that was redder than the girl's lips in shock, and the fat on his face was twitching!

After being reminded, Lin Fan realized that he was actually connected to the duck neck network of the old Wang family next door, no wonder he walked so slowly.

She quickly switched the network, but when she switched back to the game, she found that the team battle was over...

"Brother Chen is still going to help, immediately turn the situation around!" Fatty finally had a gratified smile on his face.

At this time the score is 2:2.

In the previous wave, Bai Chen neatly took the heads of the two people on the opposite side!
This will take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness, he has already started to fight the tyrant!

"Little brother, you said you don't know how to play, why did you lie to me! I really thought you were a master! Hey!" The fat man took a long breath.

Lin Fan didn't respond, after all, his performance just now was really bad!

But this does not affect the next performance!

Peng Fa's eyes had already reached the freezing point, he looked at Lin Fan viciously, wishing to freeze her into ice and throw her out, she would be smashed to pieces!

And the other side didn't feel a sense of crisis at all because of the loss of two heads, on the contrary, they had more chances of winning!

As long as they target Bai Chen, they can easily win this round!
This brat, not only doesn't know how to play, but also drags his teammates down. It's like God is helping them!
With Gao Liang in the past, as long as they went to the middle, they would definitely die!

It's all right now, this kid is an idiot-like existence, just killing him is enough to make them collapse!
Thinking like this, the boy secretly hid in the grass in the middle of the road again, waiting for the little fox to be stupid and directly take her third head!
Lin Fan, who switched to the Internet, seemed to have been injected with fresh blood!
Perception and prediction are poured into the brain instantly!
It was as if Lin Fan had installed clairvoyance eyes!
Immediately determine the position of everyone on the other side!
And at this time, in the grass closest to him, there was a person waiting for his opportunity!

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth turned up slightly, with a cold air of slaughter!

She pretended to stroll casually, and slowly approached the grass.

When the boy saw this silly fox coming again, he couldn't help it immediately!
But before his skills touched the opponent, a system notification came out!

"You have been slain!"

The boy stared at the screen in disbelief, how did he die?

"Cut, I'm careless!" The boy looked at Lin Fan with disdain, "I'll give you a head to make you happy!"

"Thank you!" Lin Fan thanked him calmly, "Be careful next time!"

"Don't be proud of yourself here, you're just lucky! Do you really think it's a big deal to take a human head?" The boy looked at Lin Fan's virtue, as if he was laughing at his own stupidity, and immediately lost his temper!

"See if I don't kill you and kneel on the ground and call Dad!" The boy's tone was quite provocative, and he looked at Lin Fan condescendingly.

"Okay, don't forget to shout if you lose!" Lin Fan still had a cold face, his eyes were cold and his momentum was full!

The boy was stunned for a moment after watching it, but he immediately regained his senses, "I'm calling you crazy! Wait, dear son!"

"Little brother!" Fatty felt like crying, what's wrong with this brother!
A lucky head, how could he be so confident!

He also got into a fight with others, he didn't want to see Lin Fan call the opposite father soon, that scene was too beautiful, he couldn't bear it!

(End of this chapter)

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