Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 206 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 206 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (25)

Lin Fan gave Fatty a reassuring look!

But the fat man didn't want to accept it!

He only felt that Lin Fan's temper was impetuous and he was easy to drift!
Next, think of this battle as a four-on-five game!

He looked at Bai Chen, his expression was still calm, his operation was fluent and steady, just looking at it made people feel at ease!
Fatty muster his spirits, he has to show the vigor of one-for-two!
This game must be won!

The other party knew that their team was short of one person, so they deliberately came to provoke them!
Never let them succeed!
'Morning Sun' will never lose!

Even if you lose, you have to face a strong opponent on the stage, and you will be vigorous after doing your best!

Fatty's eyes were covered with a murderous look!

He is for this hot pot!
Must win!
"Third brother, follow me!" The fat man gave Li Cong a look, and Li Cong understood immediately!

There is quite a tacit understanding between them, they don't have to open their mouths when they want to do anything, they completely understand.

As for Lin Fan, he has never felt that playing games is so much fun!

Especially when meeting an opponent who likes to provoke, it is even more fun!
Bai Chen raised his head and met the other three people's eyes. In just a second, Lin Fan noticed that the positions of the four people on the map began to change.

"Have a plan?" Lin Fan asked the fat man beside him.

"You can do whatever you want!" Fatty said without raising his head. There is a plan, but it's just the four of them. As for Lin Fan, as long as he doesn't die, he can do whatever he wants, and let the fate do his best!

Lin Fan knew that she had been given up and dealt with, but that was fine, as she could just focus on one person wholeheartedly!

A ghostly smile appeared from the corner of Lin Fan's mouth, and he looked at the boy sitting opposite him!
Boys just feel cold all over!
He gritted his teeth and looked back at her!
At this time, the first tower has been successfully broken on the road, and the fat man is about to push it up in one go!
The people on the opposite side are distributed in the middle and bottom lanes, and it will take time to rush over!
The boys in the middle immediately rushed up, and at this moment, Lin Fan, who had been ambushing in the grass for a long time, pressed the 231 skills one by one neatly!
The character played by the boy immediately lay dead!

"Fuck!" The boy yelled!
He clearly saw Lin Fan getting off the opposite tower just now, when did he run into this grass!

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows, glanced at the boy, and said, "It's a fluke!"

The boy was full of anger, seeing the soldiers on the opposite side reach the Highland Tower but could do nothing!
The fat man glanced at Lin Fan, his little expression really deserves a beating!

That's right, it takes Lin Fan's ability to curb his arrogance!
"That's right, brother, keep it up!" The fat man patted Lin Fan's shoulder as a sign of encouragement!
Next, Fatty and the others proceeded methodically according to the plan, and Lin Fan always appeared at the right time, catching the opponent by surprise!
Seeing the tense situation on the other side, his mentality began to become unstable!

Especially that boy, who was killed by Lin Fan three times in a row, he was about to explode!

"Boy, wait for me, I'll resurrect you and kill you!" The boy gritted his teeth, wishing he could put Lin Fan in the pot in front of him!
"Waiting for you!" Lin Fan nodded slightly, seemingly not caring at all, coupled with her calm tone, it was a critical blow to the boy's self-esteem!
The boy clenched his fists angrily, as if his heart was on fire, he wanted to kill Lin Fan, and he didn't care about the rest!

As soon as he was resurrected, he went straight to Lin Fan's direction!

(End of this chapter)

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