Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 207 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 207 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (26)

"Fuck!" The boy yelled, feeling extremely agitated!
Because he was besieged!
He actually lost even the most basic judgment because of his anger, and was ambushed by the opposite party!

Three against one, the most hateful thing is that they gave the final blow to Lin Fan, allowing Lin Fan to successfully get his fifth head!

At this moment, his teammates couldn't sit still, "What are you doing!"

"You are too impulsive!"

"If you go on like this, you will lose!"

Everyone, you and I are complaining about boys!
"Shut up!" the boy snapped angrily.

He also realized that he was really impulsive, and after being resurrected again, he became more cautious!
He found that Lin Fan had become insidious, and he was hiding very deeply. Could it be that he deliberately gave away his head to let him relax his vigilance?
The boy's thoughts kept spinning rapidly!

After all, he is also a serious team, how could he be abused by such a brat!

Lin Fan doesn't look very old, this kind of child must play him, and he will have a psychological shadow in the future, and he will never touch the game again!
With that in mind, the boy started his own plan while taking the overall situation into consideration!
"What? Don't dare to come out?" The boy didn't find Lin Fan for a long time, and looked up at the kid sitting opposite.

Lin Fan pulled out a hand, scratched his face, and shrugged his shoulders.

This kind of silent provocation is the deadliest!

Especially for boys with such a character who is prone to fire!

He immediately lost his composure!

At this time, Bai Chen turned on his stealth skill, and quietly leaned over!
He swiped a few times, and the boy immediately became bloody, but Bai Chen didn't make another move!
Just when everyone was confused, Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan for the first time!

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth hooked slightly, and he immediately threw a skill over it!

The passionate system notification sound made the boys jump on the spot!

"Fuck!" He looked at Bai Chen with scarlet eyes, then turned to Lin Fan!
on purpose!
This is deliberately humiliating him!

He gripped the phone so hard that his fingertips turned white!
"Hey! Don't crush it!" Fatty looked at the boy, and the meat on his smiling face trembled!

"Oh, it smells so good!" The fat man took a deep breath of the fragrance wafting from the bottom of the pot.

At this time, the mentality of the opposite party basically collapsed!
Because the boy is the captain, if he messes up, his teammates will naturally follow suit!

"Admit defeat or continue fighting?" Fatty already had the chance to win!
The boy looked at him angrily, his knuckles clenching!

His current state can no longer continue!

Moreover, the current situation is very clear, if the fight continues, it will be nothing more than receiving more insults.

"let's go!"

The boy spat out a few words in a resentful tone!

"No!" The fat man waved his hands cheaply.

"Did you forget something?" She said coldly when the boy group passed by Lin Fan's side!
The boy was taken aback!
Immediately, her face flushed red!

"That's right! How could I have forgotten about this!" The fat man immediately regained his spirits!
"Good boy?" The fat man put his arms around and looked at the boy.

"You are just lucky, what are you proud of!" The boy argued.

"Well, I was lucky enough to take six heads." Lin Fan said indifferently, looking at the boy, "It happens to be you!"

"You!" Angrily, the boy reached out and picked up Lin Fan's collar, and pulled her up from the seat!
His eyes were scarlet, and he was about to punch him in the next second! ——
Thank you for giving me a chick reward!
(End of this chapter)

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