Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 209 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 209 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (28)

This look instantly changed Lin Fan's mood of just doing tasks casually!

Because of a group of young people who are serious, persistent and ideal!

This kind of spirit is really precious!

"Okay!" Lin Fan's reply was very simple, but her eyes conveyed the same firmness!
"Brother Chen, don't you really want this kid to join the team?" Peng Fa couldn't sit still immediately, and looked at Bai Chen nervously.

"Although you have never played games, you have a very high talent for games." Through the game just now, Bai Chen has already seen that Lin Fan has potential strength!

"I'll give you half a month. During this half month, if you can keep up with the rhythm of the team, you can join!" Bai Chen said seriously!

This is not a love, but a battle!
A battle with brothers!
Lin Fan's heart was a little boiled by Bai Chen's infection!

"No problem!" Lin Fan agreed straight away, because such a task made her look forward to it more than love!

"Haha!" After the fat man laughed heartily, he asked the waiter to bring over a bottle of wine and pour it for everyone one by one!

"Come on, welcome our new comrade-in-arms!" Fatty raised his glass with joy on his face.

Although Peng Fa was angry, but this was Bai Chen's decision, he could only accept it reluctantly, and reluctantly picked up the wine glass!
There was a crisp crash!
It gave Lin Fan a kind of happiness that he had never felt before!
Happiness that will never appear among girls!
It seems that occasionally being a boy is also very beneficial!
"From now on, before each match, let Xiao Wu fight a few words with the opponent, and the winning rate will definitely increase!" The fat man teased, and patted Lin Fan on the shoulder!

Looking at him, Lin Fan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth!

At this moment, Bai Chen's expression finally saw a hint of a smile. In the past few months, he has been under too much pressure. After Gao Liang left, the whole battle was like losing an arm!

Especially when the competition is approaching, the departure of the core members has plunged the entire battle into panic!

As the captain, he can only try his best to appease, relieve, and find a solution!

These brothers got together because they had a dream in their hearts. They constantly overcame various difficulties and persisted in one game after another!

How much sweat and tears those trophies carried!
The dedication and hard work in the middle, only they know!

He can't, and absolutely won't allow, to shatter his dreams!


Fortunately, Lin Fan showed up in time!
Bai Chen looked softly at this little brother who is not tall, has outstanding looks, and has a cold and arrogant personality!

He trusts his vision and judgment!

The person in front of them will definitely become their powerful comrade-in-arms!
Holding the wine glass, Lin Fan remembered his experience of getting drunk before, and his hairs stood on end!

The atmosphere at the scene was so harmonious, she didn't want to spoil it, so she could only pretend to take a sip!

"I haven't formally introduced you yet." Bai Chen put down his wine glass, with a serious face, "My name is Bai Chen, and I'm the captain, the leader in the ranking. You can call me by my name, or you can call me Brother Chen like them. OK!"

"Fatty, Xue Youde! You should be familiar with him! He is the second child."


"This is Li Cong! The third child." Bai Chen pointed at the gentle-looking boy!
This one was quite nice, and even waved at Lin Fan.

"This is Peng Fa! The fourth oldest." He still had a livid face, with the expression of cutting someone at any time!
"As for you, you are the youngest, so you are naturally the fifth." After Bai Chen finished speaking, he looked at Lin Fan with a smile.

"Hmm..." Lin Fan tossed the broken hair in front of her eyes, rolled his eyes, and asked the most concerned question in his heart, "Do you have room and board?"

(End of this chapter)

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