Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 210 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 210 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (29)

After dinner, Lin Fan followed everyone to an old building.

After opening the door, two bunk beds immediately came into view!


Wouldn't it be to live together!

"Our conditions here are limited, but luckily we don't lack anything!" Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan's stunned eyes and quickly explained.

"Fifth, how about getting you a bed in the middle?" Fatty happily proposed!

This made Lin Fan face black!
"Can I live alone?" Lin Fan asked weakly!
Peng Fa couldn't help it immediately, "Are you here to enjoy? There are a lot of stink problems!"

I am female!

Lin Fan roared in his heart, how could she live with a bunch of bad old men!
"If it doesn't work, then I..." Before Lin Fan finished speaking, Bai Chen interrupted him!
"You go live in my dormitory!" Bai Chen saw what Lin Fan was about to blurt out, "I'm a junior now, and the rest of my roommates have gone out for internships. The dormitory is empty. You can live there!"

Male dormitory? !
It seems that I still haven't made enough preparations, thinking that being liked by a girl is the trouble of being a boy, but I didn't expect that now I have to live in a men's dormitory...

But it's better than here!

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "Okay!"

"If you don't want to stay, get out, as if you have been wronged!" Peng Fa looked at Lin Fan with a bad temper, wishing she would leave quickly!

"No, I'm not wronged, it's good!" Lin Fan immediately put on a happy expression, and looked at him provocatively!
Not only can she not leave, but she also has to convince Peng Fa to be convinced of her!
"You take this!" Bai Chen handed over a card and explained, "Meal card!"

"Oh!" Lin Fan stuffed it into his pocket!

I don't know how this action offended Peng Fa, he plunged into the quilt angrily, and the other two didn't look too good either!

"Xiao Wu, in fact, we are all students, and besides the fixed monthly living expenses, we don't have any extra money." The fat man explained.

"Take it easy!" The fat man pursed his lips while looking at Lin Fan's pocket.

Lin Fan looked around, the facilities were simple, and he could see that the living conditions were indeed a bit tight!
She walked towards the bookshelf, because of the row of dazzling trophies!

"This is the motivation for us to persevere!" Fatty's tone was particularly excited at this time!

He was still looking at the polished trophies with a look of pride on his face!

"Let's go, I'll take you there!" Bai Chen said suddenly, "There's still time!"

Lin Fan nodded and followed Bai Chen out!

Winter nights are getting colder and colder!
At this time, there is a little snow falling outside!
"You didn't sneak out of the house out of rebellion, did you?" Bai Chen asked tentatively.

"No, don't worry!" Lin Fan knew that he had doubts about his request to provide food and lodging.

He was a kid from a rich family a few times ago, but this time he turned out to be poor. It seems that he still needs to find a way to make some money, Lin Fan was thinking in his heart!

Suddenly my neck felt warm.

"I'll wear this scarf for you. I think you're wearing it too thin." Bai Chen took off his scarf and put it on Lin Fan's neck!
Lin Fan was shocked!
"I have another one." Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan's expression, as if he was very surprised, and he couldn't help being curious about Lin Fan.

Could it be that her life experience was rough?
At a young age, you have to come out and work hard alone!

"Thank you!" Lin Fan's heart warmed, because she is not a woman now.

(End of this chapter)

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