Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 213 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 213 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (32)

As soon as he opened the door, Liu Chuang walked in familiarly, "Go to the whole two rounds?"

"Go, go to my bedroom!" While speaking, Liu Chuang naturally put his arms around Lin Fan's shoulders!


Lin Fan was directly dragged to the next door.

"Ah!" As soon as the bedroom door opened, Lin Fan screamed and quickly covered his eyes!

"What's wrong? Huh?" Liu Chuang was stunned, looking back and forth.

The other three also stood there with dazed faces, not daring to move, and stared straight at Lin Fan.

"Little brother?" Liu Chuang patted Lin Fan's shoulder, "Are you okay?"

At this time, Lin Fan covered his face and turned his back to everyone, she only felt that the roots of her ears were burning!

But Liu Chuang's slap made her realize suddenly!

She quickly stabilized her emotions, took off her hands covering her face, and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

There was a dry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't scare me, it looks like a ghost!" Seeing Lin Fan's blushing face, Liu Chuang felt a little puzzled.

Lin Fan scratched her head, but she still didn't dare to look up, because there was a boy in front of him wearing only briefs...

"No, everyone is really anti-freeze, hehe." Lin Fan said awkwardly, "It's not like me, I always feel cold, so I was just a little surprised, surprised!"

"You said Liu Yuan, his firepower is exuberant every day." Liu Chuang threw a pillow over there, and said, "I don't wear pants, so I scare my little brother!"

Liu Yuan took the pillow with a smile on his face, "They're all blue boy papers, why are you so scared? Could it be that you were frightened by my big talk?"

"Fuck you, it's a big bird, let me see how big it is!" After finishing speaking, Liu Chuang grabbed it straight away!
Lin Fan's neck twitched in shock, and he quickly turned his head away, but he immediately regained his composure. She must not be surprised again, or she will reveal herself sooner or later!
"Let's start playing!" In order to avoid any unpredictable situation, Lin Fan quickly proposed.

"Got it!"

After all, everyone took out their phones.

"Little brother, what position do you play?" Liu Chuang asked.

"I'm a new account, and there aren't many heroes." Lin Fan told the truth.

"New number?" Liu Chuang was a little puzzled, "It's okay, your brother is so good, you must be not bad!"

"Let's try a game of matchmaking first." Although Liu Chuang said so, he still wanted to use matchmaking to see Lin Fan's strength first.

He doesn't want to lose the ranking, after all, getting a star is not easy!
"You choose first!" Everyone unanimously gave way to Lin Fan!

Lin Fan chose the little Daji who feels pretty good today.

Liu Chuang chose the jungler position that he was good at, Liu Yuan played a support, and the other two were top laners and shooters!
This time, Lin Fan has completely mastered the hero's gameplay. After clearing the pawn line, he started to go on the road to support, and he easily got the first blood!

"Not bad, little brother!" Liu Chuang praised, and his feeling for Lin Fan became better and better. If this continues, he will be one step closer to becoming a king!
"Have a drink!" Liu Yuan handed over a bottle of pure milk while speaking.

"Oh, thank you!" Lin Fan felt that these guys were quite enthusiastic, and boys got to know each other much faster than girls!
"You're welcome, look at how thin you are." Liu Yuan opened his mouth and realized that he had been plotted against!

"Oh! How dare you sneak up on me!" Lin Fan rushed over quickly, and killed the enemy when Liu Yuan still had a trace of blood left!

"Haha, so hi~"


Thank you for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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