Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 214 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 214 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (33-34)

In the following time, the opposite party has completely fallen into the fear of being dominated by Daji.

After playing for less than 10 minutes, the opponent decisively surrendered!

"Haha, little brother, you have a trick!" Liu Chuang was very happy, because he hadn't had such a good time in a long time!
This is simply slapping the opposite side.

"What kind of hero do you still play?" Liu Chuang's eyes were full of sparks of excitement, and he could start a prairie fire in minutes!

"I still have Lu Ban here." Lin Fan checked, and now he only has these two heroes!
"Oh, you have too few heroes!" Liu Chuang regretted.

"How can we get more heroes?" Lin Fan asked.

Speaking of games, Liu Chuang was really eloquent, "You can save gold coins to buy them, but it will take a long time."

"I'm very envious of those rich anchors, all heroes, all skins, and various styles of inscriptions!" Liu Chuang looked forward to yearning!

"Is the anchor very profitable?" Lin Fan had also heard Ye Zi mention an anchor she always watched.

"Of course!" Liu Chuang stood up excitedly, "It's trivial to make hundreds of thousands or millions, and some are worth hundreds of millions!"

He was impassioned, as if he was the one who made so much money!
"What conditions are needed?" Lin Fan felt that this was a good way to make money!

"Good skills! As long as you play well, everyone will like to watch it. If you look good, you will definitely be popular!" Liu Chuang said with joy.

"That's it!" Lin Fan lowered his head and thought for a while. She can try it, and with her own skills, she can definitely meet the requirements!
"Let's start a qualifying match!" Liu Chuang suggested, he already has a lot of trust in this little brother's skills!

"Ranking?" Lin Fan didn't have time to understand the rules of the game.

"In qualifying, you can get a star every time you win a game. The lowest rank is Bronze, followed by Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Xingyao, King. This season, there is an additional rank of Glory King!"

Liu Chuang became more and more excited as he spoke, "I really want to be the King of Glory. Then those girls in my class will definitely surround me every day, let me take them!"

Looking at Liu Chuang's appearance, Lin Fan couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. It turned out that his ultimate goal is to have a younger sister!

It seems that women still have advantages in some aspects!

"Girls love to play games now, and boys who play well are especially fond of it." Liu Chuang eagerly opened a five-row room!
As a result, in the next second, I was completely disappointed!
Because Lin Fan's rank is too low, there is no way to match them!

"Hey, little brother, hurry up and get your rank up, so we can play together!" Liu Chuang looked at Lin Fan hopefully!

"How many games will it take?" Lin Fan asked.

"We are all diamond ranks, you need about 45 games." Liu Chuang counted.

Lin Fan nodded. After a whole day of tossing around, playing games and being frightened, he was really tired.

"I'll hurry up and call when I go back, and I'll play with you again." Lin Fan said goodbye simply, and returned to his dormitory.

She lay lazily on Bai Chen's bed!
A fresh smell of laundry detergent came over.

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth curled up slightly. Although Bai Chen is not rich, he is a reassuring friend!

"Hiss!" Lin Fan shook his arm. After he relaxed, his upper body suddenly felt tense!

She got up and took off her coat!

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And then took off the heavy sweater!
"What the hell is this shit!"

Lin Fan looked at the tight white cloth strips wrapped around his body, and was startled!
She had only heard of the old lady's foot wraps, could this be a chest wrap? ? ?
"Surprised? Unexpected? Happy?" The baby's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Fan responded with a cold smile!

She quickly untied the wrapped strips of cloth!
"Huh~" In an instant, the whole person's breathing was unobstructed!
No wonder I feel so tired today!
"Dangdang!" Just when Lin Fan was not wearing anything, there was a sudden knock on the door!
"Who?" Lin Fan asked in surprise.

"Little brother, you forgot to take your homeless!" It was Liu Yuan.

Lin Fan hurriedly put on the sweater and coat quickly, and slightly arched his upper body before opening the door.

"Here you are!" Liu Yuan said with a smile on his face, "You don't even change your clothes when you go back to the dormitory department, you are really afraid of the cold."

"Thank you, I'm naturally afraid of the cold!" After finishing speaking, Lin Fan closed the door without hesitation, fearing that the other party would see his flaws in a second!

Liu Yuan originally wanted to talk to him, but when the words came to his lips, he heard a bang!
"Eh..." Liu Yuan could only walk back to his dormitory in frustration.

"This little brother is so immaculate." He sighed.

"I also think it's a little strange. It may be the first time I go out. I'm a little scared because I don't know the place." Liu Chuang shook his head and continued to chat with his sister on WeChat.

"I met a brother today. He is very skilled. I will take you to fly with me someday!" Liu Chuang began to brag to the girl he had a crush on for a long time.

"Really? That's great!" The girl is very interested!
Liu Chuang watched the play, and kept turning on his flirting mode!

"Lin Yifan, you're starting to coax again, aren't you?" The baby was a little contemptuous!

"You have to treat yourself as a boy, so that you can integrate into it as soon as possible!"

"Or, I'll completely turn you into a man!" The baby had a smirk on his face!

"Don't!" Lin Fan's scalp tingled with fright!
She doesn't want to be a boy!

It's scary just thinking about it...

"Do you have any misunderstandings about men?" The baby is very strange!
"Oh, let's not talk about this!" Lin Fan's cheeks were hot, who wants to discuss such a problem with you!
She plunged into the bed, thinking about how to live broadcast when she got the computer tomorrow!

Judging from Bai Chen's situation, it may be difficult to rely entirely on him for support in the future, so I must find a way to make some money to alleviate the current predicament!

Just thinking about it like this, Lin Fan quickly fell asleep, and woke up until dawn!

Open your eyes again.


"when did you come?"

Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan who was sleeping dumbfounded, with gentle eyes.

"I bought you some toiletries, it's already ten o'clock!" Bai Chen pointed to the watch on his wrist!

"Oh!" Lin Fan covered the quilt tightly again!
"I brought you the computer." Bai Chen pointed to a notebook on the desk, "This is my treasure, take good care of it!"

"Let's go, get up and wash up, and take you to dinner!"

(End of this chapter)

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