Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 233 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 233 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (53)

Snowflakes are falling on the top of the boy's head!
She put her hands in her pockets, looked up at Bai Chen, shrunk her neck as the cold wind blew past.

"Why don't you wear a scarf?" While talking, Bai Chen took off his scarf and wrapped it around Lin Fan's neck!
"It's okay, I'm not cold!" Lin Fan was taken aback, watching Bai Chen help himself to fasten it without saying a word.

"Brother Chen, did you come to find me on purpose?" Lin Fan always felt that Bai Chen's expression just now seemed wrong.

"No!" Bai Chen said this with a guilty conscience!
In order to ease the embarrassment, he immediately spoke again.

"Remember to bring your mobile phone with you next time you go out!" Bai Chen took Lin Fan's mobile phone out of his pocket and handed it to her!
"Have you been to the dormitory?" Lin Fan rolled his eyes, raised his brows slightly, and looked at Bai Chen suspiciously!

Bai Chen didn't expect to become even more embarrassed. He scratched his head, looked away, and said in a low voice, "Mmm!"

Immediately, he quickly turned around, kept side by side with Lin Fan, and walked on the way back to school.

"I want to ask you, where did that money come from?" At this moment, Bai Chen, who had already calmed down, finally remembered the reason why he wanted to find Lin Fan in the first place.

"Oh! What are you talking about, I was broadcasting live today, and I happened to meet a fool." Lin Fan twitched his lips.

"Live broadcast?" Bai Chen stopped suddenly, looked at Lin Fan seriously, "You showed your face?"

"No!" Lin Fan felt that something was wrong with Bai Chen's mood, "I didn't show my face, I didn't make a sound!"

"Well, that's good!" Bai Chen finally walked forward in peace of mind.

Lin Fan seemed to feel that Bai Chen was a little nervous just now, but she couldn't guess why.

"You keep the money, why give it to me?" Bai Chen continued to ask.

"Just pay the rent, not to mention you gave me the meal card!" Lin Fan didn't think about it, because she didn't think so much at first.

"Food and lodging are included as agreed upon. Are you doing this now because you think that the conditions I provide you are not good enough?" Bai Chen was obviously angry!

"That's not what I meant!" Lin Fan hurriedly explained that although the school's environment was not as good as Lu Mingcheng's castle, it was similar to his own environment in reality, and it was comfortable to live in.

What's more, with Bai Chen's care, it's already very comfortable.

"Then take the money back!" Bai Chen spoke again, with a firm tone, it seemed that if Lin Fan didn't take the money back, he would turn his face in the next second!
"Oh." Lin Fan nodded and didn't say any more.

"How's the practice going?" Bai Chen began to assume the captain's posture.

"Played a few times with Li Bai, and it feels pretty good." Lin Fan was still a little arrogant about his skills!
"Li Bai?" Bai Chen's tone immediately became cold.

"Why use the jungler! What you want to practice is the middle lane!" Bai Chen obviously lost his temper!
"I helped Liu Chuang play a few rounds today, and I happened to be short of a jungler, so I tried it." Lin Fan explained, she didn't understand why Bai Chen was angry, and it was so sudden, only because she was playing the jungler position, and Not a mid laner?
"Lin Fan!" Bai Chen looked serious.

"Do you know the reason why the team came to you?" Bai Chen frowned his pretty brows!
With a height of 1.8 meters, he looked down on Lin Fan!

The huge figure wrapped Lin Fan tightly!

"The opponent you are facing is a powerful mid laner! He is not an amateur player, he is a professional player! It is not as simple as you think!"

(End of this chapter)

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