Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 234 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 234 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (54)

After Bai Chen spoke, he realized that his tone was too harsh!

"Understood!" Lin Fan didn't argue, didn't reply, but calmly said something...

"I didn't speak very well just now, I'm sorry." Bai Chen softened immediately, he is not like this usually, even if the fat man got into trouble, he has never been so serious!
Maybe it was because my mood fluctuated too much today and I lost control for a while.

"It's okay!" Lin Fan didn't have any tone or expression!
Just lower your head slightly and walk forward!

Bai Chen's Adam's apple rolled, and he suddenly didn't know how to speak.

"This match may be the last match of 'Morning Sun'!" After a while, he spoke slowly.

There was an unmistakable loneliness in his tone.

Lin Fan stopped suddenly, she raised her head, and stared at the boy in front of her, her eyes were clean and transparent, they were doubts!
"We are about to graduate!" Bai Chen's words are full of thousands of words!

"In the future..." His tone suddenly choked up.

Immediately, he let out a long breath!
"We hope to end this career beautifully!" Bai Chen's eyes were shining brightly.

Lin Fan saw hope in it!

"Originally, we have a chance to win!" The two walked side by side, their reflections intertwined!
"But Gao Liang's sudden departure nearly broke the team!" Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan with a determined expression, "Fortunately, you're here!"


These words were like a knock on Lin Fan's heart!
fortunately!You came!

"You are the team's hope, you know?" Bai Chen's tone was joking.

He put his palm on the top of Lin Fan's head, bent down, and looked at the boy in front of him!
Sentimental, immature, but with a maturity different from her age!

"Understood!" These three words were different from just now. At this time, they were resounding, revealing the firmness unique to teenagers!
At that moment, Bai Chen seemed to see his team standing on the podium!

This inexplicable trust poured into his whole body in an instant!

A warm smile appeared on his handsome face!

"Boy, why did you show up!" Bai Chen's voice was not loud, as if he was talking to himself!
"It would be great if you could show up sooner!" Bai Chen didn't know why he had such an idea!

It seems that it was because Lin Fan missed the joy of those previous victories!

It seemed that he felt sorry because he had missed so much time with Lin Fan!
"Here we are!" It took Bai Chen a long time to run from school to KFC, how could he walk back so quickly!

Seeing that Lin Fan had walked into the bedroom unknowingly, she took off the scarf, handed it to Bai Chen, and said, "Thank you!"

Bai Chen took it, and there was a momentary touch with his fingertips!
Lin Fan's hands are so cold!
He subconsciously came up with an idea!
I want to cover her up!
But he immediately dismissed this idea, and attributed this idea to the love of his brother for his younger brother!

"Go up!" Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan's frozen red nose, urging in his tone!

"Remember to wear a scarf next time you come out!" Bai Chen subconsciously looked at the back and instructed!

Suddenly I feel that I have become so wordy!
Looking at the back figure that had disappeared at the corner of the stairs, Bai Chen put the scarf in his hand around his neck again!
This taste...

Bai Chen buried his nose in the scarf.


Thank you for giving me a chick reward!
(End of this chapter)

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