Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 235 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 235 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (55)

It tastes exactly the same as the quilt!
It's Lin Fan's taste...

But why does a boy have such a faint fragrance on his body...

Bai Chen couldn't guess, and couldn't figure it out either.

He looked up at his bedroom, and after a while, the light came on!

He let out a long sigh of relief!

This kid is really worrying!

"Bai Shen!" It was Liu Chuang, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, I just sent Lin Fan back." Bai Chen noticed that Liu Chuang was holding a bunch of packed barbecues.

At this moment, Liu Chuang didn't seem to be in a particularly good mood.

"Hey, I thought I could have a two-person world with my sister, but I didn't expect that she was busy and I didn't feel like eating by myself, so I packed it all back!" Liu Chuang's tone was full of disappointment.

"Would you like to go up to eat something together? I just asked Brother Fan to come with me!" When Liu Chuang mentioned Lin Fan, his eyes lit up unconsciously!
"Brother Fan?" Bai Chen thought this title was a bit funny, but at the same time he was very pleased that the relationship between Lin Fan and Liu Chuang was so good!
"That's right! I'll tell you Bai Shen!" While speaking, Liu Chuang put his arms around Bai Chen's shoulders and led him to the dormitory!
"Lin Fan is indeed your younger brother! That skill is simply amazing!" Liu Chuang slapped his thigh, spitting all over the place excitedly!

"So powerful?" Bai Chen was unconsciously happy when he heard Liu Chuang's praise of Lin Fan, but at the same time he was also puzzled!

"You don't know??" Liu Chuang looked at Bai Chen in surprise, "I thought he was only good at mid laner, and a big guy is also a sissy little fox! I didn't expect this afternoon, I was really shocked My eyeballs are going to fall out!"

The more Liu Chuang talked, the more excited he became!
"I just said, I, Li Bai, have skin, try it." Liu Chuang's expression closely matched his tone, "I didn't expect that after the start of the game, she would actually be watching the skill introduction!"

"Good guy, I'm so scared, my heart is half cold!" Liu Chuang covered his heart with a look of life after the catastrophe!

"Oh my god, I'll use my eyes next!" Liu Chuang pointed at his eyeballs with two fingers, "I have witnessed a miracle!"

Liu Chuang noticed that Bai Chen was looking at his expression very seriously, so he quickly said, "Of course compared to Bai Shen's jungler... it's still not close! Hehe!"

"That's not what I meant." Bai Chen saw that Liu Chuang had misunderstood, how could he argue with Lin Fan about this!
"But, God Bai, really, Lin Fan is the only one I've ever seen who played Li Bai like a reincarnation!" Liu Chuang's expression was extremely serious!

"Then I really want to see it!" Bai Chen became more and more curious about Lin Fan's skills!
As he got closer to the dormitory, Bai Chen found that his mood was getting better!

Could it be because he was going to see Lin Fan again?
"Bai Shen, you go to my dormitory and wait, I'll call her!" Liu Chuang looked excited!

"You go back to the dormitory to put your things first, I'll just go!" The corners of Bai Chen's mouth curled up slightly!
"That's right, it's your dormitory, look at my head!" After Liu Chuang finished speaking, he returned to his dormitory with the barbecue!
Bai Chen walked to the door of the dormitory in a good mood, and raised his hand!
I was really strangled for a day, and I felt uncomfortable all over!

As soon as Lin Fan returned to the dormitory, he couldn't wait to take off the wrapped chest cloth layer by layer!

"Oh my god!" Lin Fan casually fell on the bed, took a deep breath, and said, "It's comfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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