Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 263 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 263 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (84)

"Give it to me!" The flower-armed man shouted, and the younger brothers immediately cheered up again.

"Stop!" At this moment, a beautiful and gentle female voice came from a distance!
I saw Xiaoya trot over anxiously.

When the flower-armed man saw Xiaoya, his vicious eyes immediately softened.

"What are you doing!" Xiaoya blushed anxiously, her tone full of blame.

"Help you teach this kid a lesson!" The flower-armed man was astonished.

"You're sick! Who told you to teach him a lesson!" Xiaoya was tearing up at this moment, and her little face was twisted into a ball!
"Don't cry!" The flower-armed man instantly transformed into a gentle man, wiping Xiaoya's tears in a panic.

"You boy, I must kill you today, you actually made my sister cry!" The flower-armed man angrily pointed the stick in his hand at Lin Fan.

"Shut up!" Xiaoya punched the flower-armed man on the shoulder!
"Okay, okay, don't be angry anymore, brother will cut him off in a while, to relieve your anger." The flower-armed man coaxed Xiaoya like a child, with a smile on his face.

"You are not allowed to touch her!" Xiaoya yelled, "If you dare to touch her, I will never talk to you again!"

"Okay, my good sister, leave it to me." Immediately, the flower-armed man winked at his younger brother, and said in a cold tone, "Send her back!"

"I won't go back!" Xiaoya panicked immediately, and hurried to Lin Fan, opened her arms, and firmly blocked the people behind her!

"Can you leave me alone!" Xiaoya shouted, feeling very wronged.

"This kid is ignorant, he just needs to be beaten!" The man with the flower arm looked at Xiaoya with a distressed expression, "Come here quickly, don't hurt you by mistake."

"I won't go! If you touch her today, push her over me!" Xiaoya looked at death as if she was at home, and firmly protected Lin Fan behind her!
This surprised Lin Fan, such a petite girl had such courage.

Her lips are slightly raised.

"My blood tank is empty, my God, this is the Prince Charming sent to me by God!"

"I'll give you 100 million, don't grab it from me!"

"I'll give you 500 million, get the hell out of here!"

At this time, the girls have already started bidding, it seems that as long as the high bidder can get Lin Fan!
After Bai Chen helped Fatty and Li Cong to the opposite sofa, he walked to Lin Fan's side. He couldn't let Lin Fan face such a situation by himself, no matter whether he fought or not, he would do his best to protect her.

Seeing Bai Chen approaching, Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, and Bai Chen stood beside Lin Fan with determination in his eyes.

"This smile is so seductive, ahhhhh!!!"

"The one next to him is also very handsome!"

"The one next to you belongs to you, and the other one belongs to me!"

"Why don't we go together, how about flying again?"

The site has completely turned into a large-scale transaction site...

The girls' thinking completely changed direction.

"Xiaoya." At this moment, Lin Fan spoke softly!
"Ahhhhhhh! What kind of fairy voice is this!"

"I'm going to decide on this!"

"I'm so dumbfounded..."

The faces of the girls were all flushed, and they wished they could throw Lin Fan down and give him a hard enmmmm!
Xiaoya heard the sound, turned her head, and met a pair of eyes that made her sink deeply. These eyes made Xiaoya's heart tremble three times, and she even forgot to breathe!
Lin Fan looked at Xiaoya's panicked and stunned expression, and showed a gentle smile!

"I'll pay 1000 million!"

(End of this chapter)

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