Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 264 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 264 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (85)

"Boy, what are you doing?" the flower-armed man shouted nervously when he heard Lin Fan call Xiaoya.

"Brother!" Xiaoya's tears were already rolling in her eyes, and she looked angrily at the irrational brother who protected herself so indiscriminately!
"Be good, be good, come here!" The boy with the flower arm looked at Xiaoya nervously, his voice was as gentle as coaxing a baby, she was so close to Lin Fan, the boy with the flower arm was afraid that Lin Fan would hurt her.

"Go back quickly." Lin Fan spoke again, her voice was intoxicating, and Xiaoya felt a thousand reluctance in her heart.

She was so close to Lin Fan at this moment, her eyes were filled with Lin Fan's shadow, and she could no longer see others.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to do this either." After a while, Xiaoya clenched her lower lip, tears streaming down her face.

"I know it's not your fault." Lin Fan bent over, looked at the girl with her head bowed in front of her, and stretched out her hand in her trouser pocket to her face.

During the touch, the girl only felt an electric current flow through her body, with a touch of body temperature, which instantly warmed her heart.

"It won't look good to cry anymore, go home with your brother." Lin Fan was smiling, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his eyes were warm.

"I want to keep him!"

"If I could open my eyes and see this face every day, I would die now!"

"F, U, C, K, M, E!"

"Ahhh! Handsome guy, look this way!" A sudden scream pierced the sky above the bar!

Lin Fan looked forward to hearing the news!

She turned slightly, with her head sideways, her face was cold and cold, her thin chin exuded arrogance, her lips were tightly closed, her nose was straight, and under her broken hair were those faint eyes, deep and deep. Unfathomable!
"Hmm~~~~~" The girl's eyes were blurred with excitement, she clutched her chest tightly, and kept stomping her feet on the spot.

"He looked at me! He actually looked at me!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"He's clearly looking at me!"

"It's looking at me!"

"it's me!"

During the quarrel, the two had already wrestled together, grabbing each other's long hair, and cursing non-stop!

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched slightly!

Is he so handsome and attractive?
That's really a burden...

Immediately, she stopped looking at the two people who were in a mess, and put her palm on Xiaoya's shoulder, "Go back!"

Xiaoya's eyes were unwilling to leave the face in front of her for a moment, she pursed her lips tightly, and nodded vigorously after a long time!

"I won't let anyone hurt you!" After Xiaoya finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the man with flower arms!
The flower-armed man didn't expect that Lin Fan didn't make things difficult for his sister, but let her come back safe and sound, and the anger in his heart subsided a little.

"Brother!" Xiaoya's tone immediately became tough!

"What's wrong?" The flower-armed man had a doting look on his face.

"Don't trouble him anymore, tell your brother, don't trouble her either!" Xiaoya's expression was very serious.

"Okay, got it." The flower-armed man responded.

"You swear!" Xiaoya heard the perfunctory tone of the flower-armed man, and said reluctantly.

"There are so many people, don't make trouble, let's go home." The flower-armed man rolled his eyes and looked around. There were indeed many people watching!

"No! If you don't swear, I won't leave!" Xiaoya shook her hand from the man with arms, with a slightly angry expression on her face!
"Okay, okay, okay!" The flower-armed man swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva helplessly, and raised three fingers with a look of embarrassment on his face.

At this moment, the younger brother who was kicked to the ground by Lin Fan rubbed his shoulders and got up, his eyes were full of anger, he picked up the stick at hand and hit Lin Fan on the head!

Thank you Liao Ruoxing for the four consecutive rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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