Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 265 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 265 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (86)

The oath that the flower-armed man was about to utter turned into a shout when he saw his subordinate's movements: "Stop!"

When Xiaoya saw it, she yelled and rushed over without hesitation!

This stick came too suddenly, too fast, Lin Fan came back to his senses, Bai Chen's arm was already in front of her!
Just heard a dull crash!

There was a scream!
"Brother Chen!" Lin Fan's voice was full of tension, seeing Bai Chen clutching his arms in pain, Lin Fan's eyes were instantly filled with coldness, and he kicked the little brother five meters away with a quick kick!

A trace of red oozes from the palm of Bai Chen's hand covering his arm.

"Brother Chen!" Fatty, Li Cong and Peng Fa hurried over.

"I'm fine." Bai Chen gritted his teeth and said these three words, then took a hard breath!
"Go to the hospital!" Lin Fan said immediately, and helped Bai Chen up himself!

Xiaoya's heart was full of guilt, watching Lin Fan's leaving back, she burst into tears.

"She won't forgive me anymore, it's all your fault! It's all your fault!" Xiaoya slapped the flower-armed man desperately, crying so hard!

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, little ancestor, don't cry!" the flower-armed man grabbed Xiaoya's fist and coaxed gently.

After that, he looked at the younger brother who was kicked over with a knife in his eyes, and he was unconscious at this time.

"If you don't play the game well, you will cause trouble!" Peng Fa's tone was full of anger!
"Since you came, how many things have happened!" Peng Fa glared at Lin Fan, with veins popping out on his head, if it wasn't for Bai Chen, Peng Fa might have already made a move!

"You can't blame Fifth Brother." Fatty's face was colorful, and his already greasy face would look more like a pig's head!
He grinned in pain.

"Which group are you from?" Peng Fa looked at the fat man and said angrily, "If you hadn't chosen to come to this dilapidated bar, such a thing would not have happened!"

"All right, all right, rely on me." The fat man suppressed his face and stopped making a sound.

"It happened so suddenly, fourth child, no one can blame it." Bai Chen's face turned pale at this time.

"Brother Chen!" Peng Fa was really in distress, holding his breath in his chest and couldn't get it out, he was about to vomit blood!
"It's important to send Brother Chen to the hospital first!" Lin Fan felt guilty as he saw Bai Chen was injured.

"Get lost! You are not needed here!" Peng Fa suddenly pushed Lin Fan hard, pushing her far away.

Lin Fan staggered and managed to stand still.

"Fourth!" Bai Chen really exhausted his strength, the pain in his arm made the sweat on his forehead start to drip in big ones.

"Get in the car, I'll take you to the hospital!" At this moment, Bei Lingxuan drove a white Maserati and stopped beside Bai Chen. guilt.

"Brother Chen, let's get in the car." Peng Fa helped Bai Chen into the car without any explanation, and then sat on it, followed by Li Cong and Fatty.

At this time, the car was just full.

Bei Lingxuan looked at Lin Fan who stood aside with his head slightly lowered and his lips tightly pressed, and said quickly, "Don't worry, I'll send them back after I've dealt with it.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky and Lin Fan who was wearing thin clothes, Bei Lingxuan couldn't help but said again, "You should go back too!"

Afterwards, she closed the car window with reluctance in her eyes, stepped on the accelerator, and left quickly.

Looking at the smaller and blurred figure in the rearview mirror, Bei Lingxuan felt pain in her heart!


Thank you Lioruoxingchen for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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