Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 267 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 267 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (88)

"Xiaoya!" The flower-armed man followed closely behind, with a nervous and worried expression on his face!

"Don't come here!" Xiaoya yelled, and the man with the flower arm immediately stood where he was, not daring to go forward.

At this time, she was already sobbing!
She felt that she was tightly bound all the time, without a moment of freedom!

Xiaoya tried her best to suppress the sadness in her heart that was about to collapse, she wiped away her tears indiscriminately, and when she looked up, she forced a smile!
Lin Fan looked at the smiling face that was still weeping, and unconsciously felt sorry for this girl!
She didn't know what she had experienced, but looking at his brother's nervousness, it might be hard to tell.

"Xiaoya." Lin Fan said, Xiaoya couldn't restrain herself anymore, and cried loudly.

"I don't blame you!" Lin Fan looked at Xiaoya desperately restraining herself but was powerless, and really didn't know what to do!
In an instant!

"Thank you!" Xiaoya summoned all her courage and hugged Lin Fan.

She pressed her cheek against Lin Fan's chest, and hugged Lin Fan's waist tightly with her small hands!

Such a sudden movement made Lin Fan's body freeze instantly!
Her raised arm stopped in mid-air!

After a while, her calm eyes began to tremble!
Lin Fan slowly withdrew his arm and patted Xiaoya's back lightly, "Stop crying!"

"En!" Xiaoya nodded desperately, smiling through tears, "Thank you, thank you for being so kind to me!"

"Silly girl!" Lin Fan's expression became softer than ever, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

Xiaoya raised her head and saw such a heart-warming face, so handsome, so reassuring and full of hope!

"Can I see you again?" Xiaoya tentatively asked with trembling lips, her eyes were cautious!

Her face is full of expectations, even mixed with the upsurge of disappointment!
"My name is Lin Fan, and I'm a member of 'Chenguang Chaoyang'. Come and see my game in one and a half months!" Lin Fan had a gentle smile on her lips, her voice was so soft, and she looked vulnerable in front of her. The girl exudes healing warmth.

This was the best answer Lin Fan could think of!Before leaving, let's help her fulfill a wish!

"Okay! I will definitely go!" Xiaoya suddenly laughed happily, her expression was full of happiness and satisfaction!

What she wants is very simple, as long as she can see her again!No matter where she is, she will run away!

"Go home with your brother, he is very worried about you!" At the end, Lin Fan put his hand on Xiaoya's shoulder, slightly attached himself, his eyes were soft.

"Okay, I'm very obedient." Xiaoya showed her shyness like a little girl, her cheeks were pink.

At this moment, her mood has stabilized. Seeing such a gentle boy in front of her, her heart was agitated!
"Go." Lin Fan watched Xiaoya step by step towards the flower-armed man, and the reluctance in his eyes was overflowing!
"Brother Fan, you will definitely win!" After Xiaoya shouted, she walked away shyly and quickly!
Lin Fan chuckled lightly!
Looking at the direction Xiaoya left with gentle eyes!
It turns out that girls are so cute and cute!
If she is really a boy, maybe she will fall in love with Xiaoya's style!

At this time, He Lan, who had been hiding behind the building, was feeling ups and downs until now, and finally felt relieved. She quickly stroked her hair with her hands, and walked out with a bewitching smile!
(End of this chapter)

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