Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 268 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 268 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (89)

"Lin Fan!" He Lan made her voice seductive and sexy.

Pulling out Lin Fan who was in deep thought, she turned her head slightly, and in the backlight, she saw a voluptuous and hot figure getting closer.

"Why are you here?" He Lan pretended to be surprised.

"By the way, you are not injured!" He Lan looked at Lin Fan carefully, with a concerned expression on his face.

"It's okay." Lin Fan replied lightly.

But Lin Fan's voice was really too pleasant, and it instantly stirred the restless string in He Lan's heart!

"I saw so many people just now, I was really scared to death!" He Lan patted her chest, her red lips opened and closed, showing the posture of a little woman!
In the past, as long as He Lan could do this, the man would have already been taken down by her!
But Lin Fan was different from other men, he didn't give a strong response, always indifferent!
This made He Lan more curious about her, wanting to get her and conquer her even more!

"Where's Li Xiaofu?" Lin Fan asked suddenly, she thought that if a girl with He Lan's personality felt scared, then Li Xiaofu would only be more scared.

"Xiaofu?" He Lan was surprised. She didn't expect Lin Fan to ask Li Xiaofu who had no sense of existence.

"She and Lei Lei have gone back." He Lan immediately adjusted her expression and tone, and then quickly added, "Xiaofu is naturally quiet, so I dragged her to this party."

He Lan racked her brains to say a few more words to Lin Fan.

"Really? I also like quietness." Lin Fan twitched his lips, thinking!
This made He Lan's heart rise in his throat!

What she wanted to express just now was that Li Xiaofu and Lin Fan were two types of people, and she didn't expect it to be self-defeating!
"Why didn't you go back?" Lin Fan looked at He Lan, who was wearing very thin clothes, with some doubts.

"I..." He Lan suddenly became shy, with a smile on her lips, "I'm a little worried about you."


Lin Fan seemed to feel something...

"I'm fine, you can go back!" She said immediately, wanting to interrupt He Lan's thoughts about herself!

"Ah?" He Lan didn't expect Lin Fan's tone to be so cold!

She immediately changed her expression to look aggrieved, "I'm just worried about you, nothing else."

She bit her red lips lightly, a message was being released between the corners of her eyes and brows!
This made Lin Fan look very creepy!

She didn't want to stay any longer.

"I'm going back." After Lin Fan spoke, he quickly walked away.

"Lin Fan, walk slowly!" He Lan stepped on the high sky and hurriedly followed.

"I don't dare to go back by myself, so you send me back!" He Lan's tone sounded very pitiful!
"It's too late, I'm afraid it's not safe." He Lan hurriedly added, and then looked at Lin Fan innocently and helplessly.

In the hospital!
Bei Lingxuan stayed with Bai Chen all the time, seeing his face turning pale, but gritting his teeth and persisting, he felt very guilty!

Li Cong, Fatty and Peng Fa went to treat the wound.

In fact, their three purposes are obvious, leaving together is to create a chance for her and Bai Chen to get along alone!

If it was as usual, Bei Lingxuan must be very happy, because there are not many opportunities to be alone with Bai Chen!
But now!

When Bei Lingxuan was supporting Bai Chen, the lonely and desolate figure in the rearview mirror kept appearing in her mind!
(End of this chapter)

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