Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 269 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 269 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (90)

Li Cong was originally fair, but now his face is really colorful. When the little nurse helped him clean up, he grinned from the pain!

"Take it easy." Li Cong gasped as he muttered!

Peng Fa kept a gloomy face. When the little nurse helped him deal with it, she was extra careful, for fear that if Peng Fa didn't like it, she would beat herself up.

The fat man is different. Although he is in pain, he endures it and looks at the little nurse with a smile on his face, "Miss sister, your technique is really good, it doesn't hurt at all!"

The little nurse looked at the color on his face, and deliberately increased the strength in her hand!
"Oh, little sister, take it easy, take it easy." The fat man blushed suddenly in pain, and looked at the little nurse a little aggrieved.

"Dogs can't change eating shit!" Peng Fa looked at the fat man and said angrily.

"Fourth, you've eaten dynamite, and I provoked you." The fat man looked at Peng Fa resentfully.

"Since Fifth Brother came, you haven't had a good day." The fat man continued.

"You still dare to mention her! If it wasn't for her, why would brother Chen get hurt, and why would we be like this!" Peng Fat stood up, with an expression that seemed to be eating people, the fat man was frightened and wilted.

"I must drive her away!" Peng Fa gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were full of darkness!
"Bai Chen!" The little nurse called out, and Bai Chen walked into the attending doctor's office.

Bei Lingxuan sat on the rest bench outside the door and waited full of thoughts.

The doctor carefully checked the X-ray film taken by Bai Chen, "Your bones are fine."

"Just apply some medicine for the skin trauma!" After the doctor finished speaking, he wrote a few strokes in a small notebook and handed it to Bai Chen.

Bones all right?

Bai Chen felt a sudden loss in his heart!
It's so painful, but it's just a skin trauma. I really blame my body for being too good!

"Doctor!" Bai Chen said suddenly, looking at the doctor in a bit of embarrassment.

After a while, Bei Lingxuan saw Bai Chen coming out, his arm was wrapped with a thick white bandage, hanging around his neck!
"Broken?" Bei Lingxuan asked with concern. ,

Bai Chen nodded.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't invited you to the bar, you wouldn't have been hurt!" Bei Lingxuan really hated herself at this moment!
Her actions not only hurt Bai Chen, but also caused Lin Fan to be misunderstood and rejected!

"This is an unexpected situation. No one expected it. Don't think too much." Bai Chen explained to Bei Lingxuan.

Does he seem to be in a good mood at the moment?
"Bai Chen!" Bei Lingxuan's tone suddenly became serious.

This made Bai Chen feel terrified, probably because he was seen as a flaw.

"You won't blame Lin Fan, you won't fire her!" But the next second, Bei Lingxuan blurted out something about Lin Fan.

"No, it's not Xiao Wu's fault. I'm not an indiscriminate person." Looking at Bei Lingxuan's expression, Bai Chen always felt that it was different from the past.

"It's fine if you don't." Bei Lingxuan finally felt more at ease.

"Fatty called me just now and said they went back first." Bei Lingxuan said, if it was normal, she would be crazy happy, but now, she has no such thoughts at all, she just wants to know where Lin Fan is now , is it all right?

"I'll take you back!" Bei Lingxuan finished speaking, and walked quickly to the outside of the hospital.

He didn't even hesitate at all, and he didn't care about Bai Chen's condition at all!
"Take me back to school!"

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(End of this chapter)

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