Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 270 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 270 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (91)

"Back to school?" Although Bei Lingxuan was puzzled, she just nodded.

On the road in the evening, the vehicles are pattering, and it looks very empty!
Bei Lingxuan drove the Maserati very fast, just like her uneasy heart, she really wanted to send Lin Fan a WeChat message, asking where she is now!
"Bai Chen!" Bei Lingxuan said suddenly, "Where did you recruit Lin Fan?"

"This..." Bai Chen didn't expect Bei Lingxuan to ask this question. He couldn't say that he recruited him on an app that suddenly appeared.

"It's a job posting posted on the post bar." Bai Chen said casually.

"Oh." Bei Lingxuan's voice sounded a little bit lost and absent-minded.

"What's wrong?" Bai Chen had never seen Bei Lingxuan in a trance, as if something was on his mind.

"It's nothing, just ask casually." Bei Lingxuan's eyes fluctuated.

She skillfully steered the steering wheel, looked at the road ahead, and slightly parted her lips, "I didn't expect her to know kung fu."

"Well, I didn't expect that either!" Bai Chen replied, leaning his head on the car seat, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!
"Okay!" Seeing that He Lan's clothes were indeed unsafe, Lin Fan reluctantly agreed to send her back!

When He Lan heard this, her whole face stretched out, with a smile that couldn't be concealed, and said, "I'll call a taxi!"

After a while, the taxi arrived.

He Lan followed Lin Fan and sat in the back seat. She deliberately pressed her thigh against Lin Fan's.

But since Lin Fan got into the car, he closed his eyes, leaned his head on the seat, and didn't speak anymore.

Through the car window, the dim light from the street lamp shone in, covering half of Lin Fan's body in the shadow. Her side face looked deep and three-dimensional, full of mystery!

At this time, she was extremely quiet, as if she was asleep!
The hostility and sense of alienation on her body also weakened a lot, which made He Lan's heart agitated, and her body couldn't help approaching Lin Fan.

Lin Fan suddenly felt his shoulders sink, and when he looked up, he saw He Lan leaning on his shoulders.

The intention of approaching so actively could not be more obvious, how could Lin Fan not understand!
She closed her eyes again, rolling her eyes, lost in thought!
"Why don't you go back to the apartment and go to school?" It's so late, Bai Chen was injured again, is it because you have something to do when you go back to school?

"Xiao Wu is in the dormitory, I'll go back and have a look." Just as Bai Chen finished speaking, his body suddenly leaned forward uncontrollably, and there was a screeching sound of brakes, gliding across the quiet road!
Bei Lingxuan stared at Bai Chen with wide-eyed eyes. Her expression, which had been tense all night, suddenly became relaxed, and even put on a happy smile.

"She's actually in your bedroom?" Bei Lingxuan asked in disbelief.

Bai Chen was dizzy from the sudden braking, he helped his forehead, and looked at Bei Lingxuan!

I saw a pair of eyes full of excitement and surprise looking at me, as if waiting for an answer, "Well, Xiao Wu has been living in my dormitory."

Bai Chen always felt that something was wrong with Bei Lingxuan, she seemed to be particularly concerned about Xiao Wu's affairs.

Bei Lingxuan realized that her reaction was too intense, she licked her lips, and said, "There was something wrong with the car just now, you weren't scared, were you?"

"No." Bai Chen shook his head and sat down again. Looking at Bei Lingxuan's expression, he was clearly guilty.

Although the brakes were sudden, Bei Lingxuan's change was even more sudden!

"It's here!" Lin Fan said lightly, she knew that He Lan was not asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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