Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 274 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 274 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (95)

Lin Fan looked at Bai Chen's arm that was hung around his neck, his eyes sank and sank.

"It hurts!" Her lips parted slightly, and the edges and corners of her face became extremely sharp.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt." Bai Chen felt the bursts of coldness emanating from Lin Fan's body, and quickly said, "I met the person who beat you when I was bandaging you just now."

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

"It's the one who hit me! Guess what?" Bai Chen had a playful face at the moment, with a hint of complacency, "He broke two ribs!"

With the other hand, Bai Chen compared scissors!

There was a flash of surprise in Lin Fan's eyes.

She just kicked him hard...

"So, I broke one bone, he broke two, and I made a profit." Bai Chen jumped off the bed, with unconcealable joy in his eyes.

"Xiao Wu, I didn't expect you to be so skilled!" Bai Chen stood up straight, just in time to wrap Lin Fan tightly in his figure!
Looking at Lin Fan who was a head shorter than him, Bai Chen felt very satisfied for a moment!
"Oh, that's right!" Bai Chen seemed to have remembered something, "Don't take what the fourth child said to you."

"He's just too nervous about the team's wins or losses, that's why he becomes more irritable." Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan with a tired face, feeling a little distressed in his heart.

Lin Fan shook his head, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and his face returned to normal!

"I'm the one who caused trouble for brother Chen. Since I came here, I have caused many things." Lin Fan looked at Bai Chen's broken arm, and felt very sorry. She would rather break it herself.

"Xiao Wu!" Bai Chen's tone suddenly became very serious, he put his palm on the top of the fluffy head, his upper body was slightly bent, and his long and narrow eyes were stern.

"You are the person I recruited, you are a member of the team! Today's incident, no one can complain, we are brothers, we have the same blessings and share the same difficulties!"

"Stop saying things that don't bother you!" Bai Chen's words sounded like a warning, but there was a trace of concern in it, which lingered unnoticed!
"Mmm! Brother!" Lin Fan's eyes suddenly became bright, shining brightly like falling stars, she stretched out her arm and patted Bai Chen's shoulder, "Good brother!"

"That's right!" Bai Chen straightened up, looking energetic, a small shadow was reflected in his eyes, shallow, faint, slowly, and deeply imprinted on his heart !

"Why... did you come back?" After a while, he hesitated, asking this question that bothered him until he exploded!
"Send He Lan home!" After finishing speaking, Lin Fan pulled out the chair beside him, sat down, leaned back lazily, and was rubbing his temples with those slender and pale fingers.

"He Lan?" Bai Chen rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm! She also told me that she is the only one at home tonight." Lin Fan's tone was indifferent, as if he was saying that it was so ordinary after dark.

Then she put her arms on her forehead and closed her eyes.

Bai Chen opened his mouth slightly in shock, so, is Xiao Wu showing off to himself?
But it doesn't look like he...

"Why didn't you stay?" Bai Chen was very curious, He Lan actually took a fancy to Xiao Wu, he didn't realize it!


Bai Chen seemed to suddenly understand why Bei Lingxuan suddenly showed some abnormal behavior!

Is it...? !


Thank you for the two consecutive rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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