Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 275 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 275 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (96)

"It's not my favorite style!" Lin Fan said lightly, with a tired voice.

"Then what do you like?" Bai Chen blurted out, full of curiosity.

"Huh?" Lin Fan took off the arm covering his eyes, his eyes were hazy.

The mist is lingering, and the water waves call.

Bai Chen was stunned for a moment!
"Chicken!" Lin Fan pulled the corner of his mouth, but did not answer Bai Chen's question!

"You don't like Xiaobei's style, do you?" Bai Chen asked tentatively, staring nervously at the change of Lin Fan's expression.

"Bei Lingxuan?" Lin Fan suddenly looked at Bai Chen!
This made Bai Chen very flustered, with an inexplicable guilty conscience!

"The person she likes is obviously you." Lin Fan blurted out.

"Ahem!" Bai Chen coughed violently!
This is too embarrassing, why Lin Fan can always express this kind of slightly stimulating topic so plainly and directly hit people's hearts...

"I won't rob you!" Lin Fan saw Bai Chen's reaction with a snicker on his face.

"Stinky boy, what nonsense!" Bai Chen rubbed the top of Lin Fan's head indiscriminately to ease the embarrassment.

How did she see that Bei Lingxuan liked her?

A bunch of question marks in Bai Chen's mind? ? ?
At this moment, Bai Chen has a few words printed in capital letters and bold on his face.

How do you know that Bei Lingxuan likes me!
Lin Fan let out a low laugh!
"It's easy to see, okay! Besides, everyone knows it. If I don't know, am I a fool?" Lin Fan covered his face with one hand and smiled, showing his white teeth!

This is the first time Bai Chen has seen her smile so wide. In the past, she was able to curl her lips, which is already a great way to save face!
Could it be that Xiao Wu is laughing at himself!

"Hey!" Bai Chen's cheeks suddenly felt a little hot, and he tapped Lin Fan's shoulder, "That's too much!"

"Oh!" Lin Fan immediately adjusted his expression and withdrew his smile, but Bai Chen felt that her expressionless expression was still mocking him!

"That... I'm staying here tonight!" Bai Chen suddenly changed the topic!
Lin Fan instantly became serious!

"What's wrong?" Bai Chen was taken aback, his reaction was a bit exaggerated.

"It's okay..." Lin Fan rolled his pretty eyes, "You were injured because of me, so it's only natural for me to take care of you!"

Lin Fan pointed to Bai Chen's arm, "It's not convenient for you now, the few of them..."

The elders who were about to blurt out didn't know how to take care of others, but Lin Fan swallowed it back.

"I can keep an eye on you for 24 hours." After finishing speaking, Lin Fan leaned back, raised his chin slightly, and raised his eyebrows.

Bai Chen felt a burst of cold air rushing past his body!

This look, as if to monitor him!
"But don't worry, if Bei Lingxuan asks you for a date, I will definitely avoid it!" Lin Fan's expression had a deep meaning!

It made Bai Chen's face hot again in an instant!

"Stinky boy!" Bai Chen's embarrassment had just faded away, and immediately rushed up doubled!

He Lan looked at the road where there were no traces of taxis. She was parked in the dark and cold night, and she was completely cold!
"I have someone I like!"

These words have been lingering in her mind!Every word cone heart!

who's that person!
Is it Belling Xuan?Is it Leilei?Or Li Xiaofu?

Or someone I don't know!
Or, Lin Fan made excuses casually, just to reject himself!

Hot tears rolled down her cold cheeks, this was the first time He Lan shed tears for a boy!

(End of this chapter)

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