Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 380 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 380 Sending you to deal with the big boss (25)

In another time and space!
In a very serious office!

Mr. Jia has a melancholy look on his face!
Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps, followed by a series of knocks on the door!

"Who is it!" Boss Jia looked impatiently at the trembling door, and his heart suddenly burst into anger!

"Mr. Jia, it's me!" Secretary Xiaojin's voice sounded a little panting.

"Come in!" Mr. Jia said angrily, "Do you understand the rules, you are so frizzy!"

Little King Kong was scolded when he showed his head!
"Mr. Jia, good news! Good news!" Xiao Jin's face was full of excitement, and his eyes were shining.

"What good news!" Boss Jia frowned, looking at the stunned young man in front of him.

He is almost dying of worry now, what good news can there be!

"Absolutely reliable news. The big boss is going to sea these two days. It is said that he wants to relax." Xiao Jin deliberately lowered his voice to create a sense of mystery.

"Really?" Mr. Jia stood up from the boss chair, thoughtful.

"Really, Mr. Jia, this is a great opportunity. Whether the business can be negotiated or not, these two days are very critical!" Xiao Jin narrowed his eyes slightly as he spoke.

"Yeah!" Mr. Jia nodded in agreement, "Then you hurry up and prepare."

"Okay!" Xiao Jin Pi Dian Pi Dian was about to leave when he suddenly stopped, "Mr. Jia, what are you going to do?"

"Girl! Girl! Pretty girl! What else can you say!" Looking at the slightly immature face in front of him, Mr. Jia was a little annoyed. open him!

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xiaojin's head was shot by the document thrown by Mr. Jia. He covered his head, a little aggrieved, but his mouth was sharp.

After walking out of the office, Xiao Jin was in a dilemma. I heard that the big boss is not close to women!
This is how to do?
Forget it, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

Big deal, I'm preparing a few young men, who knows what the big boss is good for!

Rouge and vulgar fans are definitely not good, after all, there are so many beauties rushing up around this big boss, people don't even take a look...

This is really worrying Xiaojin!

This opportunity seems to be an opportunity, but the difficulty factor is [-] stars! !

He regretted it a bit, why did he report to Mr. Jia!

Now I'm making myself sao!
If you can't do it well, you will definitely be scolded!
Xiao Jin likes to go to the toilet when he is stressed, and this meeting is shaking his little ji ji, when suddenly the phone in his pocket vibrates!

"Almighty Goddess APP? What the hell?" Xiaojin held Xiaojiji in one hand and the phone in the other, with a question mark on his head!
He opened it curiously.

"Enter the type of goddess you need, and we will meet any of your requirements!"

"So amazing?!"

"Don't lie to me!"

"I want some fox fairy!"

"I refused because Director Liu didn't look like a good person." Lin Yifan whispered in Ye Zi's ear.

Ye Zi rolled her round eyes, recalling Director Liu's appearance, it was really greasy, and always felt lewd~
"Hey!" Ye Zi sighed deeply. On the one hand, she feels sorry for losing this opportunity, and on the other hand, she feels very distressed about losing this opportunity...

"Joy, thank you for today, I have caused you trouble." At this moment, Ye Zi was no longer as relaxed as before, because she knew that the boy in front of her was very unusual, and her heart trembled a little.

"We're going back to school." After finishing speaking, Ye Zi was about to pull Lin Yifan away.


At the same time, that long-lost voice sounded in Lin Yifan's mind.

"Ding! The system prompts that you have a new order!"

"Take the order, my sweet baby~"

(End of this chapter)

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