Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 381 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 381 Sending you to deal with the big boss (26)

Instant dizziness!

Lin Yifan stood firm again, before he could see his surroundings clearly, he heard a scream, followed by the clink of a belt buckle!
"Who's who!!!!" Xiao Jin was so frightened that he almost wilted!
He sat down on the floor tiles of the toilet, and when he saw a girl in front of him, he subconsciously began to tie up his pants!

"Oh, mine, I'm scared to death!" Xiao Jin's eyes widened. Could it be that he was too focused on his phone just now, and no one came in to hear him? !

The person who comes in should also be a man!

How fat is this girl!

Lin Yifan was also baffled by the scene in front of him...

"Ma'am! This lady! You've entered the wrong place!" Xiao Jin stumbled to his feet, and secretly rubbed his broken buttocks!

But when he saw the face of the visitor clearly, he was instantly fascinated!

In those eyes, there is soul-stirring, like the reincarnation of a fox fairy, with a glance of ten thousand years, it will never be forgotten!

"My day!" Xiao Jin screamed, jumped up, took a big step back, and hugged the big water pipe in the corner!
Mama Mia!
A fairy fell from the sky? !
"Eh..." Seeing Xiao Jin's ghostly appearance, Lin Yifan said weakly, "Did you place an order?"

"Placing an order? What order?" Xiao Jin would be a little scared, a little bit wanting to run away, and a little bit reluctant to leave, really entangled!
"Almighty Goddess APP?" Lin Yifan kept his voice as soft as possible, looking at the startled boy in front of him like a little mouse, for fear of scaring him.

"Ah!" Xiao Jin's body shrinking in the corner slowly eased, "Ah! Yes!"

"Huh?!" In just a second, his eyes were bigger than a cat's, and he looked like a ghost again!

"!!!" Xiaojin's lips trembled in disbelief!

If he had known it would come so fast, he wouldn't have spoofed that he would appear directly in front of his eyes!
I was just seen by the goddess!
so shy...

So excited~
Xiao Jin's face suddenly turned red, "Well, hello!"

After he regained his composure, with a serious face, he stretched out his hand to shake hands with the goddess!

Lin Yifan looked at Xiao Jin's hand, frowned, thoughtful...

"Oh!" Xiao Jin suddenly remembered that this hand just held his big baby!
He hurried to the sink to wash it carefully and seriously!
"Let's change the place!" Lin Yifan also knew that he was in the men's room now, and felt that the atmosphere was weird.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm so sorry!" Xiao Jin scratched his head, and took Lin Yifan away!

At this time, coming and going, seeing a girl and a man coming out of the men's room, they all began to pay attention!
"Young people nowadays are becoming more and more unrestrained!"

"It's really exciting!"

"Chicken moves~Real chicken moves~"

"My brother is so lucky, I want to try it some other day!"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Ah... I forgot, I'm still single~"

"Wow woof woof~~~Cry out~~~"

Xiao Jin asked Lin Yifan to go to a coffee shop near the company. As a small assistant and secretary, his salary is not much.

I hate it!
I really envy the big boss!
Such a beautiful person actually wanted to send her to someone else's bed with his own hands!

If you have money!

Definitely cut off!
Xiaojin's heart is very sad~
"Hello, I'm Mr. Jia's assistant. You can call me Xiaojin." After adjusting his mood, Xiaojin briefly introduced himself.

"My name is Lin Fan!"

(End of this chapter)

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