Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 408 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 408 Sending you to deal with the big boss (56)

The sun is shining!

A certain kitten slept very sweetly last night!
She let out a long, satisfied yawn!

After regaining consciousness, he suddenly realized that this environment did not look like his own bedroom!


The feeling in the waist...

In an instant, the sense of touch in the whole body was awakened!
There is a low and steady breathing sound next to my ear!
Lin Fan already knew the current situation!
There was a snicker at the corner of her mouth, sweet~
Then, she quietly lifted the quilt, and sure enough, a lean and powerful arm was wrapping around her waist!

Biting her lower lip, she turned her head playfully and slowly!

A delicate sleeping face was immediately reflected in her clear eyes!

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth turned up again unconsciously!
It was the scene she dreamed about every day when she woke up!
Lu Mingcheng who fell asleep lost his seriousness and alienation.

Lin Fan simply turned his body gently so that he could face his beloved!

This way I can see his face better!

Lin Fan couldn't help but stretched his fingers towards Lu Mingcheng's eyebrows, drawing his shape in the air, then slid down suddenly, looking at the silhouette under the eyelashes and snickering!
When she touched her nose, Lin Fan accidentally touched the tip of Lu Mingcheng's nose. She was so frightened that she immediately closed her eyes. After a while, she realized that Lu Mingcheng hadn't been woken up by herself, and then playfully performed the unfinished action just now!
His lips were thin but soft, and Lin Fan suddenly had a thought in his heart~
She rolled her big eyes to make sure that Lu Mingcheng was really asleep, and approached quietly~

At this moment, Lu Mingcheng's body suddenly moved!
Lin Fan was shocked!
Close your eyes quickly and pretend to sleep!
Lu Mingcheng slowly woke up in a trance. He cleared his throat and put his arm on his forehead.

Looking back, I found that Lin Fan was sleeping in his arms, cute and cute~
The corners of the mouth are upturned!
Falling asleep with the one you love and getting up with them is the happiest thing~
This was Lu Mingcheng's happiest day after waking up from a car accident!
Looking at that cute sleeping face, Lu Mingcheng couldn't help approaching, and kissed Lin Fan lightly on the forehead!
The delicate touch is immediately imprinted on the lips!
Lu Mingcheng couldn't help but kissed again, and then moved his lips reluctantly!

At this moment, the heart of a certain little one has already blossomed sweetly. She tried her best not to let herself laugh, but the trembling eyelashes had already betrayed him!
And how could Boss Lu not notice this little detail?

The corners of his lips curled up evilly, and he suddenly leaned over!

Lin Fan tensed up nervously!
A warm breath hit the face!

At this moment, the breaths of the two were intertwined, and that lingering and ambiguous smell suddenly spread in the air!
Lu Mingcheng stopped in front of Lin Fan, looked at her carefully, with a smirk.

As for Lin Fan, he didn't know what Lu Mingcheng was doing, so he was very curious.

She couldn't help but opened a gap in her right eye, trying to probe.

In just a moment, he was filled with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Ah!" Lin Fan shyly called out, and buried his little head in Lu Mingcheng's arms.

Then I couldn't stop snickering!

Lu Mingcheng put his palm on Lin Fan's with pity, and stroked her soft hair, "When did you wake up?"

The tone is as gentle as Lin Fan only~
"I... I just woke up!" Lin Fan was going to hang on to the end!
"Oh?" Lu Shi asked, suddenly he moved his palm down and put it on Lin Fan's waist!
"Hahahaha!" Lin Fan couldn't stop laughing, but that big warm hand kept tickling her waist~

Thank you Shi Tianfeng for rewarding three times in a row!
(End of this chapter)

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