Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 409 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 409 Sending you to deal with the big boss (57)

The happiest morning is of course having breakfast with a certain little one~
And someone looked at the cloth cabbage that a certain little one was busy in front of his eyes with great interest, and seemed to be enjoying it~
"You don't have to do these things!" Of course, Boss Lu felt sorry for someone who was busy, even if it was such a trivial thing as serving food, it was not allowed!
"But I like to do it for you~" Lin Fan's delicate voice was refreshing~
"I won't do it for other people!" Her face was full of arrogance, as if to say, I am the exclusive little maid of Lu Boss~
Lu Mingcheng's smile continued from waking up to this moment, the corners of his mouth never fell, it was always upturned!

Looking at the scene in front of him, he seemed to smell something warm~
The husband makes money to support the family, and the wife is as beautiful as a flower~
Accompanied by breakfast, enjoy the sunset!
"Hmm~" Lin Fan looked at the dishes on the table with satisfaction, almost the same as when he was in the castle!
"This dish~" Lin Fan pointed to the crystal-clear shrimp dumpling and asked deliberately.

"I just want to see it, I don't like to eat it!" Lu Ming said honestly.

"Because I like to eat~" Lin Fan leaned over, put his arms on the table, put his hands on his small face, and said with a bright smile, "Because of Boss Lu's here!"

Lin Fan stretched out his tender little hand and pointed to the position of Lu Mingcheng's heart, "It remembers that I like this dish~"

"Oh?" Lu Mingcheng said with great interest, "How does it remember? It has seen you before?"

"That's right! Before you knew it, it came to see me quietly!" Lin Fan said so seriously!
"It also tells me what you like and what you don't like!" Lin Fan's posture is moving, his curves change, sexy and enchanting~
Lu Mingcheng's eyes were full of love, he looked at the charming little person in front of him, with his arms folded on his chest, he leaned back, with an attitude of listening attentively!
"It told me that Boss Lu wants to drink a cup of coffee every morning when he wakes up, and he has to go for a morning run before breakfast~"

Lin Fan's eyeballs rolled playfully, checking Lu Mingcheng's reaction from time to time.

"Also, Big Boss likes to read newspapers and doesn't understand the trends of those young people. What is WeChat?"

"NO!" Lin Fan crossed his hands and made a cross!
However, Lu Mingcheng frowned subconsciously as he listened, because the person in front of him knew his life rules too well, as if he had been with him before!
He has always been cautious, no matter who he is!

But only Lin Fan, he knew that he was sent by Mr. Jia, maybe even a commercial spy, he was willing to trust her and love her unconditionally!
Even if you lose everything in the end!
"Hey!" Seeing Lu Mingcheng's pensive look, Lin Fan suddenly smiled playfully, "These information was all given to me by Xiao Jin, otherwise how would I get the big boss!"

"That's it!" Lin Fan actually heard a trace of disappointment from the tone of his voice?
Could it be her illusion?

Lu Mingcheng still hopes that he really understands his living habits!
Even without remembering who she is!
"Why don't you eat?" Lin Fan asked suspiciously seeing that Lu Mingcheng didn't intend to move his chopsticks.

Lu Mingcheng tilted his head slightly to the side, and there was deep love in his eyes, as if he was saying~
And Lin Fan immediately understood what someone meant!
She picked up the bowl of porridge, scooped up a spoonful, and blew gently.

Every movement in Lu Mingcheng's eyes is like a beautiful painting, which can be drawn thousands of times~
"Ah~" Lin Fan handed the blown porridge to Lu Mingcheng's mouth.

Lu Mingcheng took Lin Fan's arm and let her sit firmly in his arms, "That's right!"


Thank you Super Love Curly Dalian for two rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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