Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 410 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 410 Sending you to deal with the big boss (58-59)

Not long after, Gongjin knocked on the door cautiously~
"Come in!" Boss Lu's cold tone!
The assistant walked in first, and after seeing the scene in front of him, he quickly buried his head down.

This was followed by several waitresses, each with a gown in hand.

Lin Fan looked at Lu Mingcheng puzzled.

"Choose the one you like!" The voice was so gentle that the assistant had never heard before.

Lin Fan happily jumped off Lu Mingcheng's lap, and walked up to those dresses with his toes lightly!
Although Lu Mingcheng didn't think of himself, his way of pampering remained the same~
Lin Fan felt very happy~
"Big boss, is there an event tonight?" Lin Fan blinked his big innocent eyes, with a smile on his lips, in someone's eyes, there was nothing but beauty.

"Dance!" Lu Mingcheng's tone changed because of Lin Fan, and his tenderness was only towards her from the beginning to the end!
"Oh~" Lin Fan was thoughtful, looking at those gorgeous clothes, pacing back and forth.

"This one!" She chose a plain white one, which looked like a wedding dress.

"Okay!" Lu Mingcheng nodded patiently.

"What about you? What are you wearing?" Lin Fan held the dress in his hands and looked at Lu Mingcheng expectantly.

"Naturally, I match you!" An aura of loving Lin Fan alone came from Lu Mingcheng!

What a beautiful six words!

Lin Fan was immersed in it in an instant, and didn't want to extricate himself!

"Then I'll try it!" After finishing speaking, Lin Fan ran away in a flash!
Looking at that delicate back, Lu Mingcheng's eyes were full of love!
"Go down!" He poured out his thin lips, only to see the assistant and waiter leave respectfully.

At this moment, Xiao Jin came outside Lu Mingcheng's room with the opening remarks that had been brewing all night.

Today is the last day of the cruise, you must get Mr. Lu to sign the contract, otherwise Mr. Jia will have to skin him after you go back!
With trembling hands, Xiao Jin knocked on Lu Mingcheng's door!

"President Lu, hehe." After Xiao Jin entered, he kept bending over at ninety degrees, with a flattering smile on his face.

Lu Mingcheng sat there, dignified, alienated, with a strong aura!

"Bring it!" He said directly, not giving Xiao Jin any chance to talk nonsense.

"Huh?" Xiao Jin was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized that he handed over the contract in his hand.

"Here you are!" Xiao Jin offered it with both hands!
Lu Mingcheng took the contract and opened it for a quick look!
In the final analysis, it's all mutual benefit and symbiosis, it's just that Mr. Jia's rank is low and he just wants to cling to him!

"I can sign!" Lu Mingcheng's words were like a golden imperial decree, and Xiao Jin felt that he had seen a bright future for himself!
"But..." Lu Mingcheng's eyes suddenly became dark, and his tone surrounded Xiao Jin with a low air pressure.

"Whatever request you have, we will agree to it, Mr. Lu!" Xiao Jin said quickly, even if he knelt down and kowtowed right away, there would be no problem!

Lin Fan looked at himself in the mirror with a smile on his face!

The design of this dress is simple, the silk texture is smooth and clean, and under the light, it has a faint pearlescent color.

The tube top style made Lin Fan's collarbone more delicate and sexy!

Slim waist and slender legs, all good figures are displayed, without a trace of waste.

Lu Mingcheng always knows what suits him best!

She ran to Lu Mingcheng's room excitedly in her dress, she wanted him to see her appearance at this moment quickly!

"Lu Mingcheng!" Lin Fan stood at the door panting.

She looks like a fairy coming out of a halo!
With her expectations, to happiness!
Lu Mingcheng walked towards her quickly and stretched out his arm.

There is unspeakable love and joy in his eyes~
Lin Fan put her little hand on Lu Mingcheng's palm lightly, and she lifted the hem of her skirt and saluted!

Lu Mingcheng pulled her into the room~
One is regressing, and the other is following his steps forward, as if walking towards the end of happiness together!

Looking at each other, Lin Fan's shy cheeks were pink, and he whispered, "I don't know how to dance~"

"I'll teach you!" Lu Mingcheng leaned over lightly, and pressed his forehead against Lin Fan's.

The corners of Lin Fan's lips turned up unconsciously.

Then she gently leaned her little head on Lu Mingcheng's shoulder!
Listening to his powerful heartbeat, every beat is like the rhythm of love!

Lu Mingcheng started to move his feet very slowly. This rhythm was enough for Lin Fan to keep up!

Music comes from the heart!

Lin Fan closed his eyes intoxicated, and moved slightly, following Lu Mingcheng's steps~
Time seems to be frozen here!

In the quiet and comfortable room, two extremely well-matched men and women are dancing gently!

It seems to be telling love stories!

It's melodious!

Warm and romantic!

"Lu Mingcheng..." Lin Fan called his name softly.

"Hmm..." The reply was the same tenderness and love.

"I'm very happy..." The voice was not as coquettish as before, but there were more factors of genuine affection, it was a sincere liking.

"It's an honor!" Lu Mingcheng caressed her long hair.

At this moment, he hugged Lin Fan into his arms gently, softly, with infinite love.

"I love you, Lin Fan!" The voice was accompanied by heat, and directly burned on Lin Fan's heart!
Lin Fan's nose was sour, and mist welled up in his eyes.

But this time, she raised her head bravely, met those deep and charming eyes, and said, "I love you too, Lu Mingcheng!"

"marry me!"

 Thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your encouraging messages, okay~

(End of this chapter)

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