Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 411 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 411 Sending you to deal with the big boss (60)


The yacht docked, and the invited business leaders and their girlfriends landed on the yacht!
This three-day yacht trip is coming to an end!

The last half-day sailing trip will end perfectly after a dance~
If it wasn't for telling the world that Lin Fan was Lu Mingcheng's woman, he wouldn't let others disturb his purity!

But, as soon as I met her, I wanted to give her the best!

Continental love!

This time, sister Hua is also on board the yacht!
Previously, Xiao Yishuang was a one-handed challenger, but now that he has more helpers around him, he is naturally more comfortable in doing things!
It's just that in Lu Mingcheng's territory, they didn't dare to make any big moves!
After all, with a character like Lu Mingcheng, if you mess with him, he will be like a nightmare!
This time, Sister Hua brought a dress made by a French master, specially tailored for Xiao Yishuang!

Absolutely can overwhelm the crowd!
At least, Xiao Yishuang was full of confidence after seeing that gorgeous and dazzling dress!

At this time, the staff is decorating the lobby to make it more atmospheric for the dance party later!

"Everything has been checked! There can be no mistakes, do you understand?" A man with a leadership style yelled loudly!

There are various ladders standing in the lobby, and everyone is busy hanging decorations on the ceiling!
It can be said to be very busy!
The first time you see the prototype, you can already feel that this is a dance party full of romantic atmosphere!
"You kid, don't be indifferent!" The man yelled, which made the waiter on the ladder tremble in fright.

"This crystal chandelier is extremely expensive, take care of it!" After he finished speaking, he walked away!
"Bah! A fox pretends to be a tiger!" Seeing the back of the man leaving, the young man on the ladder gave him a disgusted look. They are all service personnel, so who is more noble than whom?
But looking at the extremely luxurious crystal chandelier, the young man was still extremely cautious!
At this time Xiao Yishuang happened to see this scene, she looked up at the bright crystal lamp, thoughtful!
At this moment, the young man's cell phone rang suddenly.

"What?" His face changed suddenly, as if something urgent had happened, he hurried down the ladder before barely standing still.

"Don't worry, I'll find a solution for the money!" After hanging up the phone, the young man had a sad expression on his face, and the sense of urgency gave Xiao Yishuang an idea.

"What happened?" She took the initiative to step forward with a soft smile.

When the young man saw the beauty of the girl in front of him, he was a little flustered, but he told the story frankly: "My mother has a heart attack, and is being rescued. The doctor said that it needs 20 yuan!"

Speaking of this, his face was full of remorse, and that kind of powerlessness, anyone who saw it would sympathize.

Of course, Xiao Yishuang was no exception, "Do you need money?"

She asked tentatively, her eyes rolled slightly, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah!" The young man nodded in embarrassment, but he was just a part-time worker, where did he get so much money.

The helplessness and entanglement written all over his face made Xiao Yishuang understand his situation immediately!
"I can help you!" Her lips rose in a charming arc.

This smile seemed to let the young man see the light.

He couldn't believe how the girl in front of him would help him.

"You just need to do something for me!"

Xiao Yishuang at this time, in the young man's eyes, is an unattainable young lady. If Xiao Yishuang hadn't taken the initiative to speak up for a person like him, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have the chance to speak in this life!

(End of this chapter)

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