Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 412 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 412 Sending you to deal with the big boss (61)

Time always flies by so fast!

Especially with Lin Fan!
At this time, the sunset is beautiful!
Lin Fan couldn't help but stop at the scenery on the plywood!
The sea breeze brushes gently on the cheek~
With the smell of the sea, very fresh~
Suddenly, his body warmed up, and Lu Mingcheng hugged him from behind, and he breathed out warmly, "What are you looking at?"

"Sunset~" With a happy smile on Lin Fan's face, he pressed tightly against Lu Mingcheng.

"As good-looking as you!" Lu Mingcheng's eyes followed Lin Fan's direction.

A low laugh.

Who would have guessed that on weekdays, the CEO who is vigorous and resolute, with a cold air in his body, would say such nasty and provocative words of love~
"What are you laughing at?" Lu Mingcheng whispered next to Lin Fan's ear, his voice lingering, drifting away with the sea breeze~
"Laugh, you are very good at teasing girls~"

"Pick up girls?" Lu Shi was puzzled, as always!

"You just know how to make girls happy, idiot!" Lin Fan said with reproach.

"Understood, little sister!" Lu Mingcheng's voice was doting, and at the same time he tightened his arms around Lin Fan.

"Look at the current scene, does it look like the Titanic?" Lin Fan's mind immediately came to mind. At sunset, Rose was wearing a long purple dress and slowly walked to the front of the cruise ship!
And the picture of Jack embracing tightly behind him~
Thinking of this, Lin Fan stretched out his arms, and Lu Mingcheng cooperated very much, making the pose of Jack and Rose at that time.

Lin Fan had a happy smile on his face!

Let out a cheerful laugh.

"You're not Rose, I'm not Jack." Lu Mingcheng said suddenly!
Lin Fan only felt that he was puzzled, so he pouted his mouth immediately, and was about to speak.

"An iceberg separates man from man." Lu Mingcheng continued, with a serious tone, "But you and I are different!"

"I will accompany you till the end!"

I will accompany you till the end of life! !

Lin Fan's heart was hit hard!

Every word!

Every word!

Every word is like engraving on my heart!
She turned around, stood on tiptoe, and kissed Lu Mingcheng proactively for the first time!

That soft breath made him irresistible~
The corners of Lu Mingcheng's eyes and brows reveal his good mood. Being asked for a kiss by the one he loves is really pleasing~
Lu Mingcheng's affectionate kiss, every time, every inch, only more love and cherish!

There is also a special guest on board this time, that is She Caiman, a famous domestic jewelry designer~
This time, She Caiman had just changed into her dress and put on makeup to cover up the tiredness on her face!

Why do you say that?
She felt that she must have owed Lu Mingcheng in her previous life!
A certain black-hearted boss, one phone call early in the morning, made her drop all work and rush to the yacht!
The purpose is simple!
Send a ring!
Ha ha!

Senior Runner~
She is really suffering!
At the same time, I also admire the girl who domesticated Lu Mingcheng!

Simply not a mortal!

She must take a good look at it for a while!
What kind of angel is able to subdue Lu Mingcheng so obsessively that he feeds her dog food every day!
She withdrew her thoughts and looked at her slim figure in the mirror, her sexy red lips, and her better face, never inferior!

Who is not a baby~
In terms of beauty, she is also a demon flower in the jewelry industry~
Not two, but one!

Since Lu Mingcheng took the initiative to invite this dance party, the people who came to the dance must be high-quality and well-educated, so it will save you from chasing flies by yourself~
Once you come, you will be safe~
I have been looking at the drawing for a long time~
Look at the seagulls with delicate features~
She Caiman picked up the small diamond bag and walked out proudly!


Thank you for the five consecutive rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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