Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 443 Fragrance Infused with the Soul [Happy New Year]

Chapter 443 Fragrance Infused with the Soul (30) [Happy New Year]

"Who gave you the confidence?" Lin Fan heard the reputation and looked at him with a bit of disdain in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up as if there was nothing, and he let out a cold snort as he rolled his eyes, completely ignoring Shen Meng!

Shen Meng looked uncomfortable with this look!
But she had to admit that the girl in front of her was indeed slightly more beautiful than herself!
Jealousy arose spontaneously in his eyes!

"Just rely on me to cook delicious food!" Shen Meng's arms were wrapped around her chest, her face was full of pride!

The reason why Gu Hao forgave himself repeatedly was not only due to emotional factors, but also because of her superb cooking skills!

After Gu Hao ate the food she made, he couldn't eat other people's food anymore!

Shen Meng is very sure about this!

"Shen Meng, I don't like your cooking anymore!" After Gu Hao finished speaking, his stomach unexpectedly growled!
Shen Meng smiled brighter now, "The food in the resort is not delicious."

After all, she took two steps closer, with an ambiguous expression, "I live next door to you, come to me later, and make you your favorite..." Shen Meng suddenly moved closer to Gu Hao's ear, and whispered, not at all. Put Lin Fan in your eyes!
Gu Hao hurriedly dodged, "I won't go if you do anything!"

Although his tone was still resolute, some yearning expressions had already betrayed him!
"I, I advise you to leave Gu Hao as soon as possible, otherwise it will be ugly to cry when you are abandoned!" Shen Meng looked at Lin Fan with a victor's attitude!

So what about being beautiful?

If you don't have a skill, you can't keep people!

"Haohao, are you hungry, why don't you come back with me now!" Shen Meng actually took the initiative to grab Gu Hao to take him away!

"Wow, a husband fight on the spot?"


"He Dehe Neng, this man, did he save the Milky Way in his previous life?"

The three stopped to argue, which immediately attracted a lot of onlookers!
"I choose the beautiful one!"

"I choose someone who can cook!"

"Children make choices, of course adults need everything!"

"Fan Baobao's cooking is also delicious!" Gu Hao took the initiative to hold Lin Fan's hand, wanting to use this click to get rid of Shen Meng!

"Oh! Have you ever eaten?" Shen Meng is extremely confident in her cooking skills!
Gu Hao was at a loss for words when asked. Although they won the game just now, Gu Hao really didn't taste the taste!

Moreover, Lin Fan was beautiful, which Wuying gave her a lot of points. He felt that part of the audience fell in love with her face!
The so-called delicious food!
Eating food cooked by a beautiful woman makes me feel good, so my sense of taste is extra sensitive!
Seeing Gu Hao's hesitation, Shen Meng is determined to win!

"You say her cooking is delicious, but it doesn't mean it's better than mine!" Shen Meng raised her face, "Unless she dares to compare with me!"

"Me and Fan Baobao are here for vacation, so don't waste time!" Gu Hao was obviously guilty!

Because he knows Shen Meng's cooking skills very well!

Her family has passed down the skills from generation to generation, and the restaurants of the Shen Group are almost all over the country. She has been fascinated by it since she was a child. How can Lin Fan compare with her!
"Oh, are you scared?" Shen Meng looked at Lin Fan provocatively after seeing Gu Hao's reaction.

"I said some people, if you leave now, you can still save some face, don't try to save face and suffer~" Shen Meng's face was domineering and her eyebrows were dancing~
"Okay, then I will compete with you!"

I wish you all a happy new year (ω`), I hope you will be happy every day in the new year, and good luck will always be with you~
I have prepared 12 dishes here, you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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