Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 444 Fragrance infused with the soul [1 more]

Chapter 444 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (31) [One More]

"Are you sure?" Shen Meng raised her eyebrows when she heard Lin Fan's words, her eyes were filled with a look of victory!
"Fan Baobao, let's ignore her!" Gu Hao quickly stopped him, "Shen Meng, Fan Baobao and I are here for vacation, we didn't come here to compete with you to waste time, we still have a lot of things to do !"

"Cut! Gu Hao, don't think that I can't tell that you're trying to excuse her. If you don't dare to compare, don't agree. The competition was proposed by herself, and I didn't force her!" Shen Meng kept her eyes fixed on her while speaking. Looking at Lin Fan, the provocation and jealousy inside were clearly revealed!
"Gu Hao and I are childhood sweethearts. When we met, you didn't know where you were! Don't think that you can seduce men just because you are pretty! Hmph!" Shen Meng only thought of Lin Fan as a superficial person who relied on his appearance people!
"Charm me, I don't have an ex-girlfriend~"

"This brother is too worrying, he is eating what's in the pot and looking at what's in the bowl, why can't he leave a bite for others?"

"Beautiful bickering, don't have a flavor~"

"You set the time, you choose the location, you choose the dishes, and it's a decisive game!" Lin Fan was in full swing at this moment, her tone didn't fluctuate much, but Shen Meng was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

"Heh! The tone is not small!" Shen Meng studied cooking since she was a child, and has won numerous awards. She has never seen such a brazen speech!
"Baby Fan!" Gu Hao's tone was full of tension.

"Trust me!" Lin Fan gave Gu Hao a steady smile, and she patted the back of Gu Hao's hand holding her.

This scene is simply stimulating Shen Meng to show affection in front of her?

"Okay! If you lose, just leave Gu Hao obediently!" Shen Meng's tone was clearly filled with anger.

"No problem, not only will I leave Gu Hao, but I will never appear in his sight!" Lin Fan said without leaving any room for retreat.

Hearing this, Gu Hao felt a little nervous and scared. He fixed his eyes on Lin Fan. He was obviously a petite and noble little princess, but he had the aura of a queen in his heart!

"Okay! The location will be my house in the hotel in the Sea of ​​Romance!" After Shen Meng finished speaking, she looked at Gu Hao, "You should know where it is!"

"Don't worry, I, Shen Meng, will never play tricks. Although it is on my territory, I will invite professionals to judge it!" After finishing speaking, Shen Meng looked at the crowd and said, "Welcome friends who are interested." Come watch the game!"

"I want everyone to see how this brazen woman was defeated by me!"

"In an hour, I hope you can come to the appointment on time!" After Shen Meng finished speaking, she gave Lin Fan a stern look, turned and left!

"I didn't expect to see a duel when I went to the supermarket?"

"Wow, a competition between beauties!"

"To fight for a man... What kind of worldly troubles, God, open your eyes and look at me as a single dog~"

"Fan baby, no matter you win or lose, I will never be with Shen Meng again, don't worry!" Gu Hao held Lin Fan's hand tightly, his eyes sincere.

"In the past, I really liked her cooking because, at that time, we loved each other." When Gu Hao said this, his eyes were clearly tinged with sadness.

"But later, she cheated on me a few times, and my heart was broken. How can a broken heart be repaired by a few meals..."


Thanks for the mood, blank, future rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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