Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 447 Fragrance infused with the soul [4 more]

Chapter 447 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (34) [Fourth Change]

At this point, the time has come!
Both Lin Fan and Shen Meng finished their dishes within the specified time!
I saw, from Shen Meng's side, two waiters came up, and they carried the red sandalwood casserole in a very gongjin manner, as if they were holding the Jade Seal of Chuanguo!

Everyone held their breath subconsciously!

Shen Meng raised her hands, and picked up the lid of the red sandalwood casserole gracefully.

A sweet, dry and delicious aroma immediately wafted through the entire hall!

"Drool is coming out~"

"This taste is too delicious~"

"I really want to try it~"

The audience kept swallowing their saliva, so that the sound came together and it sounded very spectacular~
Shen Meng scooped out three small bowls with a custom-made soup spoon very carefully, and the waiter served them to the three judges for tasting!
Everyone saw that the three bowls of soup were about to enter the mouths of others, and they were not only envious, but smelling the aroma constantly wafting from the red sandalwood casserole was simply a kind of torture!
Everyone's eyeballs are almost falling into the soup bowl!
"Today, thank you all for coming to watch my cooking show!" Shen Meng directly described the competition as a personal show...

With a wave of her hand, five uniformed waiters came up, each holding ten small bowls on a tray.

"Today, everyone here is invited to taste this red sandalwood deep sea beauty soup!" Shen Meng's words immediately attracted cheers!

"Support Miss Shen!"

"The empress of the palace is magnificent!"

"The empress of the main palace is mighty!"

With the unanimous approval of the judges, the crowd here was also fortunate to taste this priceless deep-sea fish soup~
"It's so delicious, it's really much fresher than the fish I bought in the vegetable market!"

"After drinking this soup, I decided not to brush my teeth tonight!"

"Sure enough, it's a chef. It's really memorable and unforgettable!"

At this time, there were many good reviews, and everyone was bought by Shen Meng's fish soup, and stood in unison for Shen Meng to win!

Lin Fan seemed to have lost without a fight...

"Miss Shen is really a national player, and her reputation is well-deserved!" At this time, one of the judges sent a compliment.

"This deep-sea fish seems simple, but in fact, the cooking time is very important. Miss Shen has mastered the proper benefits at every level!" Judge No. [-] finished speaking, and took another sip!
"This red sandalwood casserole indeed adds a lot to this soup, but the most important thing is that Miss Shen's cooking skills are sophisticated and mature, and she is worthy of a family!" After finishing speaking, judge No. [-] nodded approvingly, showing admiration.

Shen Meng took out her best soup, and invited out all the red sandalwood casserole that she was reluctant to bring out in the competition!
She is bound to win this game!

"How about it? Just admit defeat!" Shen Meng walked in front of Lin Fan, glanced at the ordinary egg fried rice she made, and her tone was full of sarcasm!
"Yeah, admit defeat directly!"

"I didn't come here to eat egg fried rice!"

"Look at that poor appearance, tsk tsk tsk!"

After taking a long look at the judges, they also looked disgusted, and even felt that eating the egg fried rice would insult their title of gourmet!
"Lin Fan, it's not too late for you to admit defeat now, hum!" After Shen Meng finished speaking, she gave Lin Fan a supercilious look, which made her despise her to the core.

"Shen Meng, the judges haven't tasted Fan Baobao's cooking yet, maybe... maybe what she cooks is better than yours!"


Thank you for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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