Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 448 Fragrance infused with the soul [5 more]

Chapter 448 Fragrance Infused with the Soul (35) [Fifth Watch]

Although Gu Hao was not sure, he felt that Lin Fan's performance was not bad at all through the scent he smelled. No matter how bluffing Shen Meng's posture was, Lin Fan had the possibility of winning!

"Haohao, are you dazzled by beauty?" Shen Meng suddenly went uncharacteristically and looked at Gu Hao with a sad face. That look really made me feel pity.

It seems to be trying to wake up Gu Hao's conscience, let her see clearly that she is the one who truly loves him, and that she is not afraid of betrayal, and has been obsessively waiting for him to return from the wrong way~
"That's right, young man, the sea of ​​bitterness is endless!"

"Brother, what a good girlfriend, wake up!"

"A good girl who can't be found with a lantern, why don't you cherish it!"

While talking, the aroma of the fish soup in their mouths was still unfinished, their eyes were wide open, and they were fascinated by the red sandalwood casserole!

"Okay, since I'll give you the steps and you won't go down, then wait until you lose face!" Shen Meng looked at Lin Fan viciously, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear clearly.

"Since you insist, I'll ask the judges to condescend to comment on Lin Fan's egg fried rice~" Shen Meng's tone was soft, with the intention of asking for perfection.

"If you really know the general situation!"

"As expected of the bearing of the empress of the palace!"

"Support Lady Shen!"

Immediately, everyone felt more sympathy for Shen Meng, and Lin Fan's label of beauty and seduction was affixed!

"My egg fried rice has a total of 88 egg flowers!" Lin Fan said suddenly, and everyone looked bewildered.

"Everyone watching and the three judges here, there are a total of 88 people, each with one egg flower, no more and no less!" Lin Fan said with confidence on his face.

"It's too picky. I can only taste one grain of fried rice with an egg? Don't eat it!"

"That's right, at least I drank a couple of sips of the fish soup!"

"Poor, really poor!"

After the waiter took away the competition bowl, Lin Fan quietly brought out an identical bowl of egg fried rice from behind, and handed it to Gu Hao who had been standing beside him.

"Hungry, eat quickly~" Lin Fan smiled and made a sneaky booing gesture, very cute!

It made Gu Hao feel warm in his heart.

Lin Fan was afraid that he would be hungry, so he specially reserved a bowl for himself, it was so thoughtful!

This is much more heart-warming than begging for a good meal. Gu Hao looked at the steaming bowl of egg fried rice, couldn't help curling his mouth, looking like he was about to cry~
According to Lin Fan, this plate of egg fried rice was also to be distributed to everyone present.

The waiters had no choice but to divide the portions, but when they were dividing, they were full of astonishment...

The three judges were disdainful, but when they saw the egg fried rice on the plate, one of them couldn't help standing up.

"Wait!" He immediately stopped the waiter who was distributing the meal!
At the same time, he raised the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and looked over carefully.

"This..." He looked back at the other two judges with a look of surprise.

The two judges didn't understand, so although they complained in their hearts, they condescended to get up and leaned over!
Suddenly, the three faces were shocked!
how is this possible? ?
Shen Meng was sure of winning, but when she saw the judges' uncharacteristic reaction, she couldn't help frowning her pretty brows.

The audience also didn't know what happened to make three senior gourmets look at a plate at the same time!

(End of this chapter)

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