Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 454 Fragrance infused with the soul [1 more]

Chapter 454 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (41) [One More]

Gu Hao suddenly became very nervous!
Every time you get closer, your heart beats faster!
Every time you get closer, the breathing becomes more tense!
Although the distance is close at hand, Gu Hao feels that he has crossed an ocean!
His palms were covered with a fine layer of sweat.

Until, the corners of her lips finally touched that smooth forehead!

Gu Hao couldn't help but put on a satisfied smile!

The touch of the lips is silky and delicate, Gu Hao is nostalgic and reluctant to take it away~
Although Gu Hao doesn't have much experience in love, he has a vague feeling that Lin Fan is someone he has never been able to pursue!
At this time, the little person in his arms suddenly moved, Gu Hao quickly moved his lips and looked down.

Lin Fan's small head rubbed against Gu Hao's chest, and he opened his eyes in a daze.

"It's here?" Her vision gradually became clear, and after rolling her big eyes a few times, she found that she was already on the Ferris wheel. She glanced at Gu Hao suspiciously, "Why didn't you call me?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan jumped off Gu Hao's body and looked out of the glass window.

"Wow, the night view here is so beautiful~" Lin Fan's clear eyes were filled with all kinds of stars!

"Come and see!" Lin Fan looked back at Gu Hao who had a gentle smile on his face, and waved his hand, motioning him to come over!
Gu Hao got up, stood beside Lin Fan, put his arms around her shoulders, held her in his arms, and pinched her little face, "Baby Fan, you are awesome!"

"Huh?" Lin Fan looked sideways at Gu Hao, "Why do you say that?"

"Shen Meng and I have known each other since we were born." Gu Hao's eyes were looking into the distance, unfocused, and his expression was very calm, as if he was telling a story.

"My mother told me since I was a child that I would marry Shen Meng as my wife when I grew up. I didn't understand at that time, but I knew that I wanted to protect Shen Meng, love Shen Meng, and treat her well."

"I have never doubted our relationship, and I feel that no one can destroy our relationship. I have always foolishly believed that Shen Meng is the one who will spend the rest of my life with me." After Gu Hao finished speaking, he found that Lin Fan was looking at her seriously.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" After Gu Hao finished speaking, he couldn't help pinching Lin Fan's little face again.

"I was wondering if I did something wrong..." Lin Fan whispered.

Shen Meng and Gu Hao have known each other for more than [-] years, relatives are better than relatives, if she lost Shen Meng today, will it affect the relationship between their two families?

"Don't think about it, you didn't do anything wrong!" Gu Hao's tone was firm.

"Look, there's a merry-go-round horse over there." Gu Hao pointed to a brightly lit place in the distance, the circular structure and colorful lights, all of which were romantic.

"Shen Meng..." Gu Hao said slowly, "Actually, like me, she was misled by her parents. They should be brothers and sisters. Why do they have to be lovers?"

"I don't blame her all of a sudden now." Gu Hao took a deep breath, "She has cheated on her three times!"

"I think she's struggling too."

"You obviously don't love me, but you have to pretend to love me all the time."

"But even if she finds someone she likes, she has to reluctantly leave in the end and come back to my side again, just for the so-called engagement!" Gu Hao's eyes were suddenly stained with sadness!

Thanks to Baige, Queen of Lanyin, Mood, Xiaolinmu, and Sichenmengyu for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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