Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 455 Fragrance infused with the soul [2 more]

Chapter 455 Fragrance Infused with the Soul (42) [Second More]

"Suddenly I feel so pitiful for both of us. We have lived for more than twenty years without knowing what love is!" After Gu Hao finished speaking, he hugged Lin Fan tightly in his arms.

"Fan baby, if you didn't show up, I'm afraid I'd never know it for the rest of my life, and I'm walking on the wrong road!"

"Also, it's outrageously wrong! It's ridiculously wrong!"

"So, baby Fan, you are not at fault at all." Gu Hao put his hand on Lin Fan's little head, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the hug at this moment.

"I think Shen Meng will also figure it out, and she will also see clearly who the person she loves is!"

Lin Fan patted Gu Hao's back lightly to comfort him.

Although Gu Hao looks like a child who can't grow up, he knows what he wants in his heart.

Even if he discovered it late, he would not deceive himself because of external reasons, and would rather be hurt for a while than continue to be wrong.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I have seen the truth clearly!" Gu Hao's tone was filled with fear.

There can be several 20 years in life, if you continue to make mistakes blindly, you will only waste more time, why don't you just let go and find each other's true love~
"Okay!" Gu Hao suddenly let go of Lin Fan, and his face returned to his usual look, "I want to cherish the time with Fan Baobao and stop thinking about those messy things.

! ”

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth hooked slightly, with a gentle smile.

At this time, the Ferris wheel has risen to the highest point, and the whole romantic sea is under your feet, with a panoramic view!

Gu Hao's expression suddenly changed, and he threw himself into Lin Fan's arms, hugged her tightly, buried his head in Lin Fan's neck, and refused to raise his head.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan was surprised, and quickly looked out of the window, did he see something terrible?

But apart from the brilliant starlight and the lights of various amusement facilities, I didn’t see anything else~
"I'm afraid of heights..." A weak and coquettish voice came from next to my ear.

Lin Fan chuckled and patted Gu Hao's head, "Are you afraid of heights and come to ride the Ferris wheel?"

"Well, because I ate Fan Baobao's egg fried rice, I suddenly felt so good that I forgot that I was afraid of heights~" Gu Hao's voice sounded muffled because his face was buried, and he looked more like a child .

Lin Fan smiled lightly, and gently stroked Gu Hao's head with his palm, "I'll be down in a while, Xiao Haohao is not afraid, not afraid~"

"En!" Gu Hao nodded, rubbing his forehead against Lin Fan's neck, which made her itch, and chuckled from time to time.

Suddenly there was a creak, the cockpit that Gu Hao and Lin Fan were riding in shook, and the whole ferris wheel stopped...

"Passengers, please don't panic. There is a small accident on the Ferris wheel. The maintenance master is already dealing with it. It is expected to take 10 minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We will give each passenger a year-round Half-price ticket as compensation!"

A staff member's voice suddenly appeared in the cockpit.

Only then did Gu Hao raise his head, his eyes were not panicked, but instead had a different color.

"Uh... there was a small accident, don't be afraid, it's under repair." Lin Fan immediately comforted the big boy in front of him.

Gu Hao immediately put on an aggrieved expression, pursed his lips, looked very sad, and buried his head in Lin Fan's neck again, "Baby Fan, I'm so scared~"

While Gu Hao was speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. He really hoped that the Ferris wheel wouldn't be repaired~
(End of this chapter)

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