Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 456 Fragrance infused with the soul [3 more]

Chapter 456 Fragrance Infused into the Soul (43) [Third Watch]

"Fan Baobao, where did you come from?" Gu Hao asked coquettishly.

"Ocean~" Lin Fan patted Gu Hao's back lightly while whispering.

"The sea?" Gu Hao was puzzled, although he was indeed the Lin Fan he saw at the seaside.

And so far I have no idea how Lin Fan suddenly appeared~
"Yeah, isn't the request in your order asking me to swim over?" Lin Fan continued, blinking his mischievous eyes, "Did you forget?"

"Hmm...?" Gu Hao was willing to raise his head now, and looked at the girl in front of him who couldn't find any flaws, "Could it be that you can satisfy my request?"

"Well, yes!" Lin Fan nodded affirmatively, and saw Gu Hao suddenly looked at Lin Fan's legs, then his eyes widened, and he exaggeratedly said, "Could it be, are you really a mermaid princess?"

"Are you surprised?" Lin Fan spread his arms,

: "The mermaid princess heard your call, and took the pains to swim to your side from the deep sea~"

After hearing this, Gu Hao suddenly laughed. He raised his hand and pinched Lin Fan's face, and said in a gentle tone, "Baby Fan, you are so good at making people happy~"

At this moment, another notification sound came from the cockpit: "The Ferris wheel has returned to normal, and it will start to start now!"

Within a few seconds, the cockpit began to move slowly.

Gu Hao felt a sense of loss in his heart, time flies so fast when he is with Lin Fan~
Didn't you say 10 minutes?

Just a few words and it's over!
Not long after, the Ferris wheel landed, the staff opened the cockpit, and Gu Hao and Lin Fan came out.

"This is a half-price coupon for two people. I am very sorry for the accident!" A uniformed staff member stood outside the cockpit, saluted respectfully, and handed over a card with both hands.

Gu Hao took it, looked it over a few times, and said, "Baby Fan, you can get a discount if you come again~"

He began to look forward inexplicably in his heart, will there really be a next time?

Lin Fan just smiled lightly and said nothing, which made Gu Hao's heart unavoidably a little bit disappointed.

At this time, the night sky is black~
Gu Hao held Lin Fan's hand, talked and smiled and walked back to the villa.

This is a two-story villa. The first floor is underground. When entering the door, a spiral staircase leads directly to the first floor~
And the location on the rooftop on the second floor has a small swimming pool with a very good view~
There was a sudden protest from Gu Hao's stomach~
He scratched his head shyly~
"A little hungry~" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan with a look of asking for help~
She dragged Gu Hao to the refrigerator. After opening it, she found that there were only some vegetarian food in it, a bag of unopened noodles, and two eggs~
"Do you like to eat noodles?" Lin Fan asked, with more than a dozen recipes for noodles already appearing in his mind.

"Mmm! I love to eat anything made by babies!" Gu Hao immediately put on a bright smile and began to look forward to it!

"Then sit on the sofa and wait for me for a few minutes." After finishing speaking, Lin Fan had already started to move.

"I'm here with you~"

"Fan darling, you look so beautiful when cooking~" Although Gu Hao's words came from the bottom of his heart~
But in Lin Fan's voice, it is inevitable that there is a suspicion of flattering~
After a while, the aroma came out from the boiling pot~
Gu Hao hasn't eaten this kind of noodles these two days, but why is there such a big difference between Fan Baobao's and his own?
Could it be that noodles also depend on what people order?

Definitely bully him when he sees his honesty~
What a bad face~
Thinking of this, Gu Hao crumpled the packaging bag into a ball and threw it into the trash can~
 Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for your rewards, thank you for your messages and encouragement, I am really happy~
(End of this chapter)

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