Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 459 Fragrance infused with the soul [2 more]

Chapter 459 Fragrance Infused with the Soul (46) [Second More]

After finishing speaking, Gu Hao hugged Lin Fan and walked up the spiral staircase.

"Hey!" Lin Fan panicked a little, Gu Hao would not really want to be with her...

"Put me down quickly!" Thinking of this, Lin Fan kicked his legs vigorously, but it didn't work at all.

Gu Hao held her firmly and walked up the steps step by step.

"Baby Fan, don't be in a hurry~" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan in his arms badly, with a little anxiety on his face, secretly delighted in his heart~
"Gu Hao!" Seeing that Gu Hao had no intention of letting go, Lin Fan slapped Gu Hao's shoulder hard, "Put me down!"

Lin Fan's fist was only a warning, if Gu Hao still persisted, she would have to tear him apart!

Just when Lin Fan was about to make a move, Gu Hao put her down suddenly.

This is not a bedroom!
Lin Fan looked around, he had planted a lot of flowers and plants, and there was an open space in the middle, and he was being placed on the blanket laid in the open space by Gu Hao~
"Silly baby!" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan amusedly, "I'm not a pervert."

He held Lin Fan's small face in his hands and held it in his palm. At this moment, his eyes were serious and focused.

Lin Fan couldn't help but get nervous when he saw it~
And how could Gu Hao not notice this slight change in expression~
He twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and gradually approached.

Lin Fan subconsciously backed away.

Immediately, a light kiss was printed on her forehead~
"Baby Fan, what are you afraid of?" Gu Hao moved his lips reluctantly.

After speaking, he lay down, and then patted the place beside him, motioning for Lin Fan.

He looked at her tenderly, innocently and harmlessly.

Lin Fan licked his lips, calmed down his emotions, and then lay down.

After seeing Lin Fan lying down, Gu Hao picked up the remote control beside him and pressed it against the ceiling.

In an instant, the position of the ceiling becomes a transparent skylight.

The strong visual impact made Lin Fan feel like he was instantly integrated into the starry sky~
"When I went to the Ferris wheel, I saw that you really like looking at the stars, so I thought of bringing you here." Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan's stunned side face, and knew that he had guessed right.

"This can be regarded as the feature of this villa, and it's the first time I've seen it~" Gu Hao simply lay on his side, looking at Lin Fan intently.

"Such a beautiful scenery, why don't you see more!" Lin Fan's eyes kept counting every star in the sky with nostalgia.

"Because if you watch it by yourself, you will feel more lonely!" Gu Hao was telling the truth, this trip was originally for healing, no matter what he watched, it was a feeling of broken love and heartache.

"It's alright now, I won't be lonely if I have Baby Fan watching with me~" Gu Hao had a smile on his face~
"In the future, there will be someone who loves you as much as you love her." Lin Fan said softly, with a smile on his lips.

"Then when will it appear?" Gu Hao never wanted to leave Lin Fan.

"At an opportune time!"

"Oh~" Gu Hao thought Lin Fan was dismissing him, curled his lips, a little disappointed~
"Baby Fan, do you specialize in being a temporary girlfriend?" Gu Hao asked suddenly, and Lin Fan was stunned for a while.

"Yeah!" Then, she nodded.

"Then how does your company make money?" Gu Hao continued to ask, "Because I didn't ask me to pay the amount after I placed the order~"

"No money!" Lin Fan answered simply!
"Wow! Do you do charity?" Gu Hao sighed, "How many employees like you do your company have?"

(End of this chapter)

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