Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 460 Fragrance infused with the soul [3 more]

Chapter 460 Fragrance Infused into the Soul (47) [Third Watch]

Gu Hao's eyes sparkled, and he looked very interested, "Did you take the order randomly? Or, you saw that it was me who placed the order, and you took it because you thought I was handsome!"

After Gu Hao finished speaking, he looked at Lin Fan expectantly.

Lin Fan turned his head and looked at Gu Hao with great interest, "What's in your head?"

Lin Fan flicked Gu Hao's forehead with a ping~.

"Oh, baby Fan, you hit me again~" Gu Hao rubbed his forehead, a little aggrieved, "Isn't it because I'm handsome?"

Gu Hao is still struggling with this problem~
"No!" Lin Fan said coldly, trying to dampen his enthusiasm for this question!
"Tch, baby Fan, don't you be shy~ Even if it's because of this reason, I won't be proud~" Gu Hao said stinkingly~
Lin Fan cast a cold look over, Gu Hao immediately turned into a kitten, and pursed his mouth~
"Then does your company have a temporary boyfriend?" Gu Hao found a new direction~
"Look, I can't find a suitable girlfriend now. If I can take orders like you, then the number of girls I meet will change a lot, and maybe I can meet someone I like~" Gu Hao thought happily With ~
Looking at Gu Hao's appearance, Lin Fan's eyes flashed with evil, "In the past, there were indeed, but the girls who placed the order were too ugly, scaring away all the male employees~"

"But~" Lin Fan said here, looking at Gu Hao with a smirk on his face, "If you are interested, you can try it~"

When Gu Hao heard this, he suddenly felt cold all over, hugged himself tightly, with a look of fear on his face, "Forget it~"

"I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry~hehehe~" Gu Hao found an excuse with a guilty conscience.

Lin Fan smiled lowly, and turned his gaze to the sky again!

"Baby Fan, why do you like watching stars~" Gu Hao was very puzzled.

"Because it can relieve longing~" Lin Fan's tone carried some imperceptible sadness~
"Oh~" Gu Hao rolled his eyes, and decided not to pursue further.

"Baby Fan, tell me a story~" Gu Hao rubbed against Lin Fan, lay on his back beside her, and followed her gaze~
"In the deep sea, there is a very beautiful mermaid, she was living a carefree life~"

When Lin Fan opened his mouth, Gu Hao listened carefully.

"But one day, she heard a boy make a wish~"

"So, the mermaid decided to help the boy realize his wish~"

"Wow, what a kind little princess~" Gu Hao was still intoxicated by Lin Fan's story at this time, and didn't hear anything~
"So, according to the boy's wish, the mermaid swam desperately to the shore before the sun rose~" After Lin Fan finished speaking, he glanced at Gu Hao from the corner of his eye.

"Huh? Why does it feel so familiar? Have I heard this story before?" Gu Hao thought suspiciously.

"Oh~ okay~ Baby Fan, you are teasing me!" After Gu Hao realized that he was tricked by Lin Fan, he raised his hand and began to itch on Lin Fan's waist~

Suddenly, laughter floated in the air~
The next day, Gu Hao was woken up warmly by the sunshine.

He opened his eyes dimly, only to find that there was nothing around him!

"Baby Fan!" Gu Hao stood up immediately, he suddenly felt so flustered!

"Baby Fan, where are you?" Gu Hao rushed out in big strides, he quickly scanned the location on the first floor, and found that there was no sign of Lin Fan~
Could it be that she is gone?

Gu Hao anxiously ran to the first floor, searching every location!
(End of this chapter)

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