Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 461 Fragrance infused with the soul [4 more]

Chapter 461 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (48) [Fourth Change]

Gu Hao ran out of the villa out of breath, and there was an empty space.

Watching the high tide of the sea, the sound of the waves one after another, I suddenly feel like crying~
Gu Hao squatted on the beach, scratching his hair, his uncomfortable breathing was followed by pain!

"Xiao Haohao~" Suddenly, a familiar voice floated over with the sea breeze~
Gu Hao got up quickly, heard the reputation and looked over, a sunny smiling face was looking at him on the second floor rooftop.

The breeze blew by, and Lin Fan's long hair floated wantonly in the air, beautiful and moving~
"Baby Fan!" Gu Hao burst into tears and ran up quickly.

"I thought you were gone!" Gu Hao hugged Lin Fan in his arms, his voice full of grievances~
"Stupid boy~ The task is not finished yet, I won't leave~" Lin Fan comforted Gu Hao.

But these words did not make Gu Hao feel better, but made him sadder, "You still have to go..."

"Okay~" Lin Fan patted Gu Hao's back gently, "If I stay by your side all the time, how can you find a girlfriend~"

don't look for it!

Gu Hao pursed his lips~
"You're hungry, come here~" After finishing speaking, Lin Fan took Gu Hao's hand and walked towards the restaurant on the first floor.

At this point, the delicate meals are ready~
"Fan Baobao, did you buy these ingredients on purpose?" Gu Hao was moved~
"Taste this porridge~" Lin Fan seemed in a good mood, Gu Hao hurriedly scooped up a spoonful and put it into his mouth.

It melts in the mouth and the aroma is overflowing!
Instantly penetrates the whole body, warms the whole body~
"It's delicious!" Gu Hao still couldn't finish it, so he quickly took another bite, then closed his eyes, enjoying it~
"Baby Fan, you are so amazing!" Gu Hao praised without hesitation.

"I made this porridge myself, and I called her Mermaid's Love~" Lin Fan's cheeks were so pink and tender that Gu Hao forgot to chew.

"So, baby Fan, is it your love for me?" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan shyly, like a young girl who is pregnant~
"Don't be so sentimental, boy~" Lin Fan poured a pot of cold water over~
She developed this for a certain big devil~
For the elderly who must drink porridge in the morning~
"Hmph!" Gu Hao angrily wiped out the remaining half of the bowl!

"Try this again!" Lin Fan pointed to a dish of seafood~
Gu Hao pouted, looked at Lin Fan angrily, put the seafood into his mouth, and chewed hard~
"How is it?" Lin Fan looked at Gu Hao expectantly, today she was wearing a new cloth skirt, pink and tender like a small flower, Gu Hao almost couldn't pretend anymore.

"It's not delicious!" Gu Hao said in a wrong way.

"Oh...this one is specially made for you~" Lin Fan glanced at Gu Hao, and found that his expression was sunny for a second!
"Really!" Gu Hao's eyes immediately became sparkling, "It's so delicious, I like it so much! Baby Fan, you're so amazing, what's this dish called? Is it called love for Haohao?"

Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan like an obedient dog~
"Pfft!" Provoking Lin Fan laughed delicately.

"It's called, Cure Bad Children!" After Lin Fan finished speaking, the corners of Gu Hao's mouth that were visible to the naked eye dropped.

"You know how to bully me!" Gu Hao muttered, but the movements of his hands didn't stop~
Because that way of treating bad kids is really in line with Gu Hao's taste~
He felt that he had been controlled by Lin Fan~
"Baby Fan, can you go out with me to play later?" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan with a request.

"It is said that the aquarium here is very big~"

(End of this chapter)

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